@DwiAngkasaAeronautics This was actually inspired by you! I noticed you've been using my V2 version for a bunch of your builds and figured it was high-time I upgraded it.
Well, I don’t think I should really release a third version just to reduce roll rate since it’s such a small thing. If it really annoys you because of realism (I understand) the aileron wing piece is inside the dihedral wing. @ChisP
@F8boa The linear actuator pulls the VTOL nozzles out of view when they’re not in use, as there’s a bug that causes unsightly “flashing” when they’re turned off. However, the distance it pulls the nozzles is global, and doesn’t scale when the part is scaled. Because of this, you have to manually adjust the distance it moves: in the part’s settings, you should find a value called “Multiplier” set to 2.5 (not 2.6, that was a typo on my part). Change it to 1.75 if you’re scaling the engine down to 70%. You do not need to change the scale of the linear actuator part itself.
To enable thrust vectoring, increase the powerMultiplier value in the VTOL engine, not the nozzles! It’s the large red rectangle attached to the baseplate.
As for why it’s sagging, I don’t have much clue, I tested it with a bunch of my existing planes and didn’t see any issues… try changing the massScales of your aircraft frame, SP can be finicky with part masses and rotators.
@ZeroWithSlashedO The trick is to first attach a single nozzle to a single central fuselage piece (you can see it in the technical breakdown diagram, the purple piece just left of part G). Create a subassembly of the fuselage piece with the nozzle attached and create a bunch of copies. Then, copy paste the coordinates of the original into each one while also rotating them, such that they’re all stacked on each other. Finally, delete all but one central piece and manually reconnect the nozzles to it. It’s a lengthy process that I did about 200 times.
The USS Beast you see in the video is actually a user-created replica I manually spawned in. There's no detection range limit for custom spawn vehicles @CrestelAeronautics
Oh... the wheels breaking off at high speeds isn’t intentional. In fact I spent hours trying to prevent it. Not really sure why you would WANT it to break, but: SimplePlanes shock (suspension) pieces have a maximum distance they can stretch before breaking. Basically the shocks inside my wheels arm ‘give out’ from the high g-forces and break, causing the entire wheel to fly off. @Zoowarp
Why do I taste Mustard?
+8https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/i8TXF0/Dual-Rotary-Missile-Launcher-CTA-03B-Archer @Hazerz
+5Legally I must say no. I’m not sure I could get that past the FDA. @BeastHunter
+3@F8boa Thank you! Glad everything worked out
+2@DwiAngkasaAeronautics This was actually inspired by you! I noticed you've been using my V2 version for a bunch of your builds and figured it was high-time I upgraded it.
+2We must appease the AI now as to be spared when it inevitably takes over!
+2@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore Y'know what? That ain't a bad idea...
+2Get it here today with free shipping!
—That is, if there's any ships left
+2“Yeah… interesting…” @CarrotSlicingCat
+2Yes using fine tuner @Bernkastel
+2Nice build! What's the purpose of the engine in the nose tho (V>100)?
+2My god the last picture is adorable
+2Sorry for the slight shakiness, I had to track the plane manually using the Freecam mod and my human body is limited. (hehe not for long)
Here you go!
+2Thank you! I’ll probably be releasing my special camera thing as a module in the future :) @Alta2809
+2Well, I don’t think I should really release a third version just to reduce roll rate since it’s such a small thing. If it really annoys you because of realism (I understand) the aileron wing piece is inside the dihedral wing. @ChisP
+2@griges turns out you can actually stack control surfaces on top of each other with overload
+1@F8boa You can put the vtol engine effectively anywhere you want, but yeah in a non-moving section in the body would be ideal
+1@F8boa The linear actuator pulls the VTOL nozzles out of view when they’re not in use, as there’s a bug that causes unsightly “flashing” when they’re turned off. However, the distance it pulls the nozzles is global, and doesn’t scale when the part is scaled. Because of this, you have to manually adjust the distance it moves: in the part’s settings, you should find a value called “Multiplier” set to 2.5 (not 2.6, that was a typo on my part). Change it to 1.75 if you’re scaling the engine down to 70%. You do not need to change the scale of the linear actuator part itself.
To enable thrust vectoring, increase the powerMultiplier value in the VTOL engine, not the nozzles! It’s the large red rectangle attached to the baseplate.
As for why it’s sagging, I don’t have much clue, I tested it with a bunch of my existing planes and didn’t see any issues… try changing the massScales of your aircraft frame, SP can be finicky with part masses and rotators.
+1@ZeroWithSlashedO The trick is to first attach a single nozzle to a single central fuselage piece (you can see it in the technical breakdown diagram, the purple piece just left of part G). Create a subassembly of the fuselage piece with the nozzle attached and create a bunch of copies. Then, copy paste the coordinates of the original into each one while also rotating them, such that they’re all stacked on each other. Finally, delete all but one central piece and manually reconnect the nozzles to it. It’s a lengthy process that I did about 200 times.
+1@INenormal lol, it's only 412 parts per engine!
+1The USS Beast you see in the video is actually a user-created replica I manually spawned in. There's no detection range limit for custom spawn vehicles @CrestelAeronautics
+1@Mustang51 Well, they actually fire in groups of four, then separate into individual ones in the air, so kinda a cluster?
+1Begin your journey of absolute destruction today!
+1@Telescopeplayer1 which video was it? The one launched from the plane or the ground?
+1You mean the three main images at the top of the page, or the pictures/gifs in the description?@Lake
+1It's actually a pretty old creation: link @TRD6932
+1@BeastHunter Glad you had fun! And thx for the spotlight too!
+1I replied to your comment, automatically tagged you @CarrotSlicingCat
+1Oh it was that post that was a direct copy of my one. I reported it so it was deleted I guess @CarrotSlicingCat
+1That engine only provides the default orange glow VFX, not the afterburner VFX @FridayNightFunker
+1Go ahead :D @Germanfox
+1@CaptFoxworth19 Here's a quick video of me making a ring
+1@Mrfoxus Never thought I'd see my plane in another game... looks great :D
+1It’s Emperor Cheese to you @Alta2809
+1Oh... the wheels breaking off at high speeds isn’t intentional. In fact I spent hours trying to prevent it. Not really sure why you would WANT it to break, but: SimplePlanes shock (suspension) pieces have a maximum distance they can stretch before breaking. Basically the shocks inside my wheels arm ‘give out’ from the high g-forces and break, causing the entire wheel to fly off. @Zoowarp
+1Thank you :)
Thats a nice offer, but you don’t have to send me the book. Thanks for the gesture though! @grizzlitn
+1Ngl this looks pretty good.
Gratz on gold btw, last I looked at your profile you were still silver ;)
+1Glad I could help :)
+1Thanks :)
+1If you’re asking about the tilting of the rotors, I simply added a damperMultiplier to the rotators @TTHHSSSS
FreeCam mod @Parshainaerospace
Fun fact: you can use the overload mod to set the input of your bay door rotators to be ‘Activate4’ and it will open when you press 4!
+1The new version is out now if you’re interested :) @ndfr623
Thank you guys so much! It really means a lot :D
+1Nice try }:) @Alta2809
+1Thought it was going to be a Rick Roll. Was not disappointed @Alta2809
+1For only $999 @StavinairCaeruleum
+1Thanks, I’m aware of the mod but I wanted to go full vanilla :D @Falkenwut