13.9k ChrisPy Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    tracks, weve been asking for years

  • B-36 peacemaker (Convair) 5.7 years ago

    disclamer- plane does start with engines on fire

  • Ducc 4.0 years ago

    He attacc
    He protecc
    But most importantly
    He launches ballistic missiles from 17.5 kilometers away

    #Rejecc boat protecc ducc

  • Ducc 4.0 years ago

    So this is the sub that “sunk” the USS Theodore Roosevelt in that exercise

  • SimpleCheats - a slightly comprehensive guide 5.3 years ago

    Could yall update this for 1.9 beta

  • bruh. 3.6 years ago

    i mean its not like your actually gonna post it lmao

  • PLAAF Chengdu J-20 4.7 years ago

    I’m sorry to be rude but this is a high part count decoration if you going to put this much work into something to make it look realAustin make it fly realistic too.


    hol up what. u been caught lacking with cheats or smthn? XD

  • What if a downvote button existed? 3.9 years ago

    I will downvote everyone’s crappy replicas that get tons of points. [looks at 70% of the sp community]

  • Tupolev Tu-95MS6 "Bear" 4.4 years ago

    Wayyy too long make sure you use blueprints. Other than that it looks okay

  • My First Fuselage Art 4.5 years ago

    SMH idk why you would even spend your time doing this

  • AK-130 130mm naval guns 2.7 years ago

    to reduce performance cost you can set calculateDrag to false on your parts this will also make your ships run better on any device

  • Chinook CH47F Gunship [Republic of China] 2.9 years ago

    West Taiwan didnt like this

  • Join SPCC ! 3.9 years ago

    We are not allowed to be posting this stuff anymore you need to reach out to eternal darkness to get your server on the list.

  • F35B Lockheed Martin [Eagle Of The US] 4.5 years ago

    lmao you put a cross over turkey

  • BlitzkriegSpawner in Nazi Jar 4.5 years ago

    Excuse me but I am inquiring about the lack of Stukas.
    It seems you are missing the necessary 400 Stukas to start a blitzkrieg.

  • Come on Huawei 4.6 years ago

    Thanks for spying on me Huawei!

  • McChopper 4.8 years ago

    I hate it lmao

  • I have slammed my head into the floor 3.4 years ago

    what everyday stupidity looks like:

  • a preview_.. 3.7 years ago

    unpopular mechanics 😂😂😂😂

  • Why the cri-cri is a better plane than the Rafale 3.7 years ago

    you clearly have no idea what u r talking abt smh the Rafale has better capabilities than all 4th gen and some 5th gen fighters.

  • kthnxbye privileges revoked 3.9 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 yours is being revoked for war crimes

  • Player Power 4.0 years ago

    April fools joke every year without fail...

  • Cruise Ship (With Life Boats) 4.1 years ago

    Now imagine:
    Cruise Ship (Without Life Boats)

    Why is everyone looking at me?!

  • Weaponized Seal 4.2 years ago

    POV: Russia's navy

  • McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet 4.7 years ago

    Btw hornet ABs are a hot clear orange. Not blue

  • Portrait of Stalin 4.9 years ago

    Y’all realize he killed at least 20 million of his own people right? Idk why people are infatuated with him.

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 5.1 years ago

    Takes forever to get gold for quality builds and people who post planes like every day and get platinum in a month because of the number of builds

  • plane.txt 3.5 years ago

    good one XD

  • Sail Faster than Wind (Physics Demonstration) 3.8 years ago

    yessir im studying to be at least i graduated the 14th and am now a freshman aerospace engineer i get to work with spirit, cessna, bombardier, dassault, airbus, and some others. @Chancey21

  • Cerberus works N-13 3.9 years ago

    Aircraft carriers are a joke created by navy officers to send their personnel on 9 month deployments for fun. Change my mind. Lol @AeroAeroTheMen

  • SP RACING CHALLENGE 4.0 years ago

    Damn. Guess I can’t make a racing c-130

  • The SimplePlanes Gangster Clan - Advertisement 4.0 years ago

    Wow this man did a whole Facebook ad.

  • Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25P Foxbat 4.1 years ago

    Why don't you just use blueprints smh

  • SU-25 Frogfoot OShAP 4.1 years ago

    Accelerates way too fast. The Su-25 is not a fighter or a rocket for that matter. Body of the aircraft looks ok but I would encourage you to start making custom wings as they make performance better and they also look much better

  • MI-171 helicopter 4.2 years ago

    Hi I like it a lot! The control is just not very good I would recommend that you never use gyros on helicopters especially for yaw. For countering the rotor torque go into the xml values and set everything that says torque to zero. Then you will not need weight on one side or a gyro for it. You also want to have COM on the same x and z axis as the rotor. This should help you a lot. Good job on the details and cabin!

  • immanitatem 4.6 years ago

    Oh my goodness that’s 5000 parts

  • Come on Huawei 4.6 years ago

    Wow, did you actually just threaten me?! And since when did China not rise from blood?! They killed half their population while Mao converted the country to communism! Someone doesn’t know the history of their own country! As for me, a “stereotypical” “Texas boy” I don’t really watch the news, I don’t have social media, and I’m damn smarter than most people in my country. And as if I don’t know what the East is like? Ha! I’ve had a great multitude of friends who lived in China for most of their lives! I’ve heard how they were not allowed to have original ideas and how the culture there is conform or get out. One of my friends was abandoned as a baby bc of the one-child rule! You think China hasn’t done anything! You are sorely mistaken! My country has made many stumbles but it will never have the reputation you claim it to have. And of my education, I used to go to a inner city school where drugs were everywhere, I know what it’s like there, but I got out and now I’m one of the top kids in my class at a private school based on classical education of logic and rhetoric. As for appearances, the reason why you aren’t able to find actual video of China abusing it’s citizens is because they don’t want you to see it. Companies like YouTube and Google have to take down a lot of stuff that talks about what goes on in China so that they will be able to gain favor from them. China doesn’t allow free speech man! They don’t let anything get out that they don’t want the world to see! The recent fighter video they put out for the J-10, everything is meant to look impressive but none of it is real. This is the false narrative I’m talking about! The Chinese have created a false narrative for its citizens and obviously for you as well. There’s a reason why websites are blocked in China, it’s called “The Great Firewall” they keep their ideas in and our ideas out so that they can paint us as the bad guys all the time. You have fallen prey to false narratives and to illogical arguments. Like I said before all you do is deflect. You won’t speak to me in English because you would rather be a coward and hide from me in an obvious language barrier. How sad! @TiFosiF

  • Come on Huawei 4.6 years ago

    Um, this has nothing to do with private info, it’s called corporate espionage. Huawei has stolen a lot of tech and intellectual property from US-based companies like Verizon and AT&T. There is a reason why Huawei is being banned everywhere. Check ur facts. You know what I also don’t appreciate you accusing me of immorality maybe you should care about how you carry yourself @TiFosiF

  • Faun L.8.1500 : Exactly 4 years with you! 4.6 years ago

    очень хорошо! Мы все ценим ваши сборки!

  • iPhone 6s Silver 4.6 years ago

    Airplane mode lol

  • Richelieu Battleship 4.7 years ago

    Oh hello little plane you look so cold up there in the sky. Would you like a FLAK BLANKET?!

  • McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle 4.7 years ago

    Good job on making it fly reasonably. But you need to focus on the shape. Whenever you do a replica go ahead and buy a cheap model and look at other builds on the sight. Also, always ask for help.

  • Saab J 35F Draken 4.9 years ago

    Did you know: The cobra maneuver was first performed in the draken.

  • A new user discovered how to make concave hollow fuselages... 5.0 years ago

    I just made a bow tie with this lol

  • Why do people always ask such “dumb” questions? 5.0 years ago

    @QingyuZhou its people's nature to ask stupid questions and annoy the living sh*t out of you. Therefore with such an obvious answer, the question itself is a dumb question.I rest my case. lol

  • (Simp)le Planes User Update: 3/9/2020 5.1 years ago

    Idk why the devs can’t just delete all the accounts that have 0 points followers or comments. Or accounts that have been inactive for the past 2 years and have no points. They would receive a notice with a week advance and if they didn’t do anything or reactivate their account, the account would be deleted. This would free up usernames for people like me who have made typos on their usernames and can’t change it because someone with 0 points 0 comments and 0 followers took it who has joined 4 years ago and doesn’t use their account. @AndrewGarrison

  • New Beta - Version 1.9.100 (Steam today - Mobile soon) 5.3 years ago



    Solution: ADD attributes projectileMass and projectileDrag

    We need this soon for accurate to real life projectile ranges and accurate artillery


  • Funky Trees! 5.3 years ago

    Altitude - Aircraft's altitude in metres
    AltitudeAgl - Aircraft's altitude above ground level in metres
    GS - The speed relative to the ground (m/s)
    IAS - The speed relative to the air, adjusted for the desnity of the air (m/s)
    TAS - The speed relative to the air (m/s)
    Fuel - The amount of fuel remaining as a proportion of capacity (0 to 1)
    AngleOfAttack - The angle of attack (angle airflow vertically meets the boresight) in degrees
    AngleOfSlip - The horizontal equivalent of angle of attack (degrees)
    PitchAngle - The pitch of the aircraft (degrees)
    RollAngle - The roll of the aircraft (degrees)
    Heading - The heading of the aircraft (degrees)
    Time - The time since the level loaded (seconds)

  • My Ornithopter 6.3 years ago

    Worked on my I phone 7 high physics lol really cool man
