Hey @BlueCitrus think I could snag those props soon? My copter is turning out to be one of my finest builds...except for the occasional exploding prop ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I agree, though taxiing to the hangers could take a while for some planes. I'd think it'd be better to just do it when the plane comes to a full stop on a landing strip. (Btw, I was just thinking about making a post like this!)
@MrCarrot Not really. I've got a PC and if I wanna build and fly something I usually do KSP. Tbh I don't have much time now though. I played a bunch in Jr. High but I'm a Junior in college now with a full time job so....
Isn't anyone else curious how there's that weird background behind the plane?
+548@SheriffHackdogMCPE I can't handle my own fame.
+3@KnightOfRen I'm famous hahaha!
+3Ha @FgFg I remember when it came out XD
+3@IceCraftGaming Turns out I still have email notifications on. Not many people mention me in comments so I haven't bothered touching it
+1@IceCraftGaming Yessir I'm famous. Haven't even played the game in a few years lol
+1@AndrePlaysSP Heyooooo I haven't played this game for years, and now I'm famous!!! What a world.
+1Bombing the WWII Destroyers just feels so...right:)
+1Cool looking
+1Wow cool
+1@Lyra They’re xml modded so they don’t collide with each other (even when they mess up and go through each other). It might be cheating but...
+1Hey @BlueCitrus think I could snag those props soon? My copter is turning out to be one of my finest builds...except for the occasional exploding prop ¯_(ツ)_/¯
+1So I’ve been trying to make my own, but one of the props randomly explodes. Have you found a fix for that?
+1Yay 2018!
+1And I used to be proud of the trumpet I once made on here ;)
This post is almost 2 years old 😂 @Pineapples34
+1To many parts for mobile😪
+1Looks pretty cool though
Very true. @HBirdmanAATL it would make a real reason for the hangers finally.
+1I agree, though taxiing to the hangers could take a while for some planes. I'd think it'd be better to just do it when the plane comes to a full stop on a landing strip. (Btw, I was just thinking about making a post like this!)
+1Dummies should be the indestructible part of the plane. Every plane needs one, and the cockpits are optional things you can put the dummies in!
+1@SamTheUncle Wassup
@MrCarrot Not really. I've got a PC and if I wanna build and fly something I usually do KSP. Tbh I don't have much time now though. I played a bunch in Jr. High but I'm a Junior in college now with a full time job so....
The explosionator is here. (I forgot how to do links ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )
A) I was referencing a different island @JDog3106
B) That was 2.6 years ago😂
A...moustache...on a plane...
I like it ;)
What controls will the ai use? (Ie my current prototypes use throttle for movement and roll for turning)
This is going to take much experimentation:)
Wow what a pretty plane
Consider me excited
Andrew Garison spoke all our minds at the end there
I like the blue trim
Wow... most quads don’t have cruise missiles. I am impressed
Wow that does small nice...
Actually I’m confused. How does it sink stuff if it’s purely kinetic? (I haven’t been able to. It just bounces...)
I tried to retract my landing gear....oh right pioneer aircraft😂
Wow...if I had a dime for ever weapon...
We should make an elderly club
Cool truck
Hey it’s Georgopol!
@Lyra I couldn’t get the rotors to stay in sinc in flight so I ended up using BlueCitrus’s noco rotors to prevent explosions:)
@BlueCitrus Thanks so much!
Absolutely beautiful! Whatever you end up using this script of yours for, I’m excited so see it. It not only looks pretty it flies pretty too!
Actually that took me a while to figure out too @BlueCitrus . It’s an orange button by the announcements tag when you go into the forums menu
That would honestly be amazing @BlueCitrus
My highest rated post ever got 14 ratings😂
To be fair, at the time, that was enough to get it to the top of the highest rated page.