1,410 CoxinhA Comments

  • Taliban-soldier-1 2.2 years ago

    @Tohu just.. PERFECT!!!
    Thank you Tohu!!

  • Modern Russian soldier (Reload model) 2.2 years ago

    @Tohu i can mod one of them to look like a guerrila, but if you can do it i would be very thankful [i dont have any real experience with walkers, you see..]

  • Modern Russian soldier (Reload model) 2.2 years ago

    @Tohu I'm currently creating a story where the wright isle is taken by force by russian military and rebels move to the mountains and start a guerrila warfare.
    So, both of your soldier creations fit my story, can i use them in some future builds ?(obviously, all credits given to u)

  • Saint-Chamond 2.3 years ago

    I am terrified of this tank since i watched the new All is quiet in the western front movie...

  • Propito LBA-194 Super Tracon 4.7 years ago

    Embraer must be very angry about this ... cool aircraft

  • Entwicklung E-90 Konigstiger II 4.8 years ago

    Ok, beautiful creation and all but...
    Since im on mobile i can't test even see It...
    Please consider a creation without mods...

  • Tupolev TU-4 Gulag Express 4.9 years ago

    Ok,a plane from hell.
    666 parts
    *Doomslayer intensifies

  • Modern Russian soldier (Reload model) 2.2 years ago

    @Tohu of course yes! i have this friend of mine who is really good at editing videos, im gonna ask him to help and when it is ready i will let you know! and , thank you!

  • MU-73 Recovery Vehicle 2.3 years ago

    @Dragoranos oohh soorry i forgot to mention, i dont want to enter the challenge right now, i just modded your tank so we have something beyond only combat vehicles

  • UFO sighting (AI off) 3.9 years ago

    When i was building my f-14 i've seen something in the sky too,but at the time i didn't really care

  • migueta 67 4.6 years ago

    AE mano da uma checada na minha versão!

  • Fairchild A10 Warthog 4.6 years ago

    Quite simple,and flies well.
    Good creation.

  • Spanish Inquisition 4.6 years ago

    without a doubt the best thing I saw in this community. DEUS VULT.
    Ag9 realmente funciona, puedo hablar perfectamente el español inquisitivo

  • LD Flak 88 4.7 years ago

    Hope u guys like it

  • IJN Battleship Yamato(Mobile Friendly) 4.7 years ago

    i don't believe what i'm seeing.Pancelvonat,best builder ever.

  • SASTW 4.7 years ago

    won my upvote, and my respect.good job.

  • Sweater Chang 4.8 years ago

    I can't even download it, but it definitely deserves the upvote

  • Egret 4.8 years ago

    has a decent ability to carry bombs, and maintains maneuverability.very good!

  • DEATH COMES FOR YOU 4.8 years ago

    American fleet:*appears near some Island in pacific
    some weird japanese weaboo:OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU

  • prototype battlecruiser 4.8 years ago

    Howdy partner!
    Could you make a version of It without mods?

  • Sopwit Camel V.1 5.0 years ago

    what is that soldier in the photo?

  • MQ 101 missil ( feito para FlyingHueman) 5.0 years ago

    Me lembra do ace combat 7,dronezinho do capeta mano kkkkk

  • T-74b 5.2 years ago

    Hey Krupp!could you post the soldier alone?i want them but i cannot download because the track mod

  • German WW1 artillery 5.2 years ago

    Muito bom!
    Ainda quero ver você fazendo um navio kk

  • B-25 FAB one year ago

    @Mvgames sim 🇧🇷

  • B-25 FAB one year ago


    Bombay Bay colors corrected

  • B-25 FAB one year ago

    O B-25 tem o privilégio de ser a primeira aeronave da FAB a entrar em combate na II Guerra Mundial. O primeiro ataque efetuado por uma aeronave da FAB a um submarino alemão foi no dia 22 de maio de 1942. Um B-25B do Agrupamento de Aviões de Adaptação, encontrava-se em patrulha nas imediações do arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha e do Atol das Rocas, onde quatro dias antes havia sido afundado o navio mercante brasileiro “Comandante Lyra”, pelo submarino italiano “Barbarigo”.
    Às 14 horas, a tripulação do B-25 – sob o comando do Cap.-Av. Parreiras Horta (FAB) e composta pelos Cap.-Av. Pamplona (FAB), 1st Lt. Schwane (USAAF), Sgt. Yates (USAAF), S/Sgt. Tyler (USAAF) e S/Sgt. Robinson (USAAF) – surpreendeu um submarino alemão navegando na superfície, o qual imediatamente reagiu com forte tiro de artilharia antiaérea à presença do B-25B.

    De acordo com as ordens então em vigência, uma vez que o Brasil se encontrava em estado de neutralidade, as tripulações só poderiam engajar unidades inimigas caso fossem atacadas inicialmente. Assim sendo, a tripulação do Mitchell lançou suas cargas de profundidade, as quais caíram próximas ao submarino – a foto à direita mostra a tripulação do B-25 após o ataque. Cinco dias após, outros dois B-25 da mesma unidade da FAB efetuaram ataques a submarinos.

    The B-25 has the privilege of being the first FAB aircraft to enter combat in World War II. The first attack carried out by a FAB aircraft on a German submarine was on May 22, 1942. A B-25B from the Adaptation Aircraft Group was on patrol in the vicinity of the Fernando de Noronha archipelago and the Atoll of Rocas, where four days earlier the Brazilian merchant ship “Comandante Lyra” had been sunk by the Italian submarine “Barbarigo”.
    At 2 pm, the B-25 crew – under the command of Capt.-Av. Parreiras Horta (FAB) and composed of Cap.-Av. Pamplona (FAB), 1st Lt. Schwane (USAAF), Sgt. Yates (USAAF), S/Sgt. Tyler (USAAF) and S/Sgt. Robinson (USAAF) – surprised a German submarine sailing on the surface, which immediately reacted with strong anti-aircraft artillery fire to the presence of the B-25B.

    According to the orders then in force, since Brazil was in a state of neutrality, the crews could only engage enemy units if they were initially attacked. Therefore, the Mitchell crew launched their depth charges, which landed close to the submarine – the photo on the right shows the B-25 crew after the attack. Five days later, two other B-25s from the same FAB unit carried out attacks on submarines.

  • Savoia Marchetti S.55 Aviacao Naval one year ago

    The model represented is the last S.55 in existence , he was used by the Naval Aviation of Brazil before 1941(when the Army Air force and the Naval Aviation United to form the FAB , aka Brazilian Air Force).

  • Nid 72C1 one year ago

    This is the first of a series of builds i intend to post related to Brazilian military aviation and the 1932 Revolution.

  • War Challenge: The return of the evil (CLOSED) 2.0 years ago

    For operations, does It needs to be in great scales?or we can launch Special Team operations behind enemy lines to Sabotage the launch sites or, for an even better example, plant heavy explosives in runways to hinder enemy flight operations?

  • War challenge: The Rebel take over 2.2 years ago

    @Hannyboy so, to create operations, how do i do ?
    (I posted a APC today, and i want to use it on the war situation)

  • Hawker Typhoon Mk. IB FAB (CAS) 2.3 years ago

    Credits to original creator,the aircraft flies pretty well,even now i added weight to it.

  • MW1A3 Grant 2.5 years ago

    can i post a modded version of this walker ?

  • F-5M FAB (2021 armament) 2.7 years ago

    Real aircraft main changes:
    At the heart of this update ackage is a Leonardo Grifo F radar, an advanced mechanical scanning pulse-Doppler radar with multi-target capability, as well as a data link developed in-house by Emb.
    The jets also have a revised cockpit, along with new avionics including inertial navigation/GPS, three liquid crystal displays, a new head-up display (HUD) and the hands-on control concept.Also according to The Drive, the new glass cockpit is compatible with night vision goggles (NVOs) and the pilot has a helmet-mounted Elbit/AEL Targo screen, allowing for viewing and aiming. New self-protection systems include chaff/flare launchers, a new radar warning receiver and wiring for the use of Rafael's Sky Shield electronic warfare pod.

  • BOEING B-17G S.A.R FAB 3.1 years ago

    @Ppaulo0978 valeu amigo,tmj!

  • BOEING B-17G S.A.R FAB 3.1 years ago

    bote? Do ventre do avião comissionado para produção.
    Em breve postarei.

  • ETT-2A2 'Assort' 3.1 years ago

    really well made.
    I've seen the real one in a military museum one time,and you made it just like it.
    Really nice work
    (Only difference is the old camo scheme that the brazilian army insist in keeping)

  • cluster bomb 3.3 years ago

    Really well done,i think it is quite heavy BUT
    When you attach it to attack aircraft it feels like youre carrying a heavy,cluster bomb so i think its a bonus.
    Once again,well done

  • P-13 medium 3.3 years ago

    Look's like a pz III,pz IV and a T-34 had a son
    Great tank.

  • PBY-5 Catalina FAB 3.3 years ago

    Note:brazil operated mainly the land version of the catalina,yet,the color schemes were equal.

    Note to mods:pls don't take it down,pra if It is needed notify me before

  • Functional Aim-54 3.7 years ago

    Excelent work!
    BUT i found a problem.
    He sort of..bounces back and forth,so in somewhat tight turns..well,the target os me!
    (oh but when i don't DIE,he works pretty darn well,Just like your description!)

  • F-5 (FAB) 4.0 years ago

    @RedBaronBR valeu amigo,mas dá uma olhada no sukhoi que eu fiz,e..tenta avaliar mais os mísseis dele!(são custom,eu q fiz kkkk)

  • F-5 (FAB) 4.0 years ago

    @Captaincarroca valeu cara,mas dá uma checada no sukhoi que eu fiz,acho que ele ficou melhor!

  • F-5 (FAB) 4.0 years ago

    I forgot to put the action groups, but I think you can find out

  • Sukhoi su-35(custom missiles included!) 4.0 years ago


    Link for the lower part count version

  • A5M 'Claude' 4.0 years ago

    Little request:Brazilian battlheship São Paulo.
    Reason:.out of the ordinary, and a very important ship in the history of South America and in the construction of some British battleships.

  • Jackhammer 2 4.5 years ago

    The armor blocks actually explode when AP rounds touch, that's quite cool man.great work

  • MIG-3AM38 4.5 years ago

    It's quite weird to fly it,Just like the real one! that's cool

  • Just a quick question 4.6 years ago

    Ok,Quick question too.
    Where is artillery Challenge results?
    And why is It taking ALL this time?