@Timothy19452022 wow man. Well I once went inside a B17 too at some air expo. Some kid was already inside the cockpit asking, "So how u start this thing"🤣
@32 idk it's a very powerful phone. it's a TCL stylus 5G. Can run anything up to performance cost up to like 9000-10000 so I can like run about 99% of like all things in sp
Maybe someone can have a jet engine (ThrottleResponse at 10000 for instant engine response) because you basically hear pitch change when you change throttle on the giant turbofan engine. Someone could code music on it.
@TheFlightGuySP cool
+1SP update when?
+1Simpleplanes update when?
+1@Bellcat aight bet
@SPAircraftOfficial thanks
Credit to @FlyRaker for the ship
Tag me when it comes out
+1Differential thrust?? SPliTTinG thE thROttLEs!!
+3@SoupTime9957 live in ignorance while purchasing your happiness
@SoupTime9957 display obedience while never stepping out of line
Omg. It all makes sense. Terminal guidance mystery HAS BEEN SOLVED
Oh hi! So! How are you holding up? Because IM A POTATO!
The forbidden chocolate bars
+2@11qazxc lol
+2Interesting. And this effect is obviously used by the text part which is 2D so even more interesting.
+7Imagine getting spotlighted for this? Congrats man. Nice plen.
+1@SheriffHackdogMCPE what?!
+1@Farewellntchii great
@Auroren13 imagine being spotlighted and upvoted by me lol
+2Spotlighted lol
This must be the best strike fighter in the Ohio air force
+5This was actually the first thing I downloaded on SP when I first started.
+2@FirstFish83828 omg please I hope he does
Cool. But when simple planes update
+12@FlyingPatriot my phone can handle up to performance cost 10000
The soviets really said fuck you to the CH47 Chinook and made their own version
+2@Griffon1 lol
+1@ZeroWithSlashedO it was an egg version. I saw but it kind of sucked.
@Timothy19452022 wow man. Well I once went inside a B17 too at some air expo. Some kid was already inside the cockpit asking, "So how u start this thing"🤣
Literally saw this irl yesterday. kc10 flew over my school preparing to land at an airbase like 3 or 4 cities away.
@Mistral oh God it's Mistral. Mistral from Metal Gear Rising Revengeance?
Wow I gave you your first points.
+1SU25's grandkid
In 2030: Oh wow we have YouTube in simple planes using pure FT code. Bet you can't sub to me using SP
+1@DeezDucks Wait. I see a contrail. Looks like it is getting closer. WAIT OH GOD NO- DIES
+2@32 my previous phone has performance cost limit of 2000 before it started lagging. That SUCKED. I'm so happy this one is better
@32 idk it's a very powerful phone. it's a TCL stylus 5G. Can run anything up to performance cost up to like 9000-10000 so I can like run about 99% of like all things in sp
This is gonna blow up when it is posted. And no I'm not talking about the targets😂
Oh no.. I'm sorry for your loss.
@IAlsoBuildPlane RIP
@IAlsoBuildPlane i was gonna say i did....
Hate that rotation force? Add DamperMultiplier to the overload menu. And set it to like 6000 or something. Something too high will make it not work.
@WNP78 simpleplanes update pls
+4Simpleplanes update pls
Maybe someone can have a jet engine (ThrottleResponse at 10000 for instant engine response) because you basically hear pitch change when you change throttle on the giant turbofan engine. Someone could code music on it.
There is not music but has a nice beat to it.
@SigmaFrenchie oh god its Goliath.