632 Dadijeepa Comments

  • Magnetic climber 5.7 years ago

    Unfortunately the skypark island is not magnetic despite it being a huge steel island

  • What is the partCollisionResponse command? 5.0 years ago

    @Random40 if changing the value to 0 only makes it not break from collisions then is there a way to make parts not have any collisions with the ground causing them to go through the ground?

  • Gears 6.1 years ago

    Very glad someone decided to make a project that would help a lot of other people’s builds.

  • How do I launch a mini plane? 5.0 years ago

    I’m actually gonna scale the winch up so the rope is like a big red indicator line so I won’t fly too far and lose the carrier plane

  • How do I launch a mini plane? 5.0 years ago

    @edensk what do I mod the winch to do

  • Missile Proof Prototype 5.0 years ago

    In the overload editor, set partcollisionresponse to 0 or none and then set the health command to a higher number. With 0 part collision response, missiles and cannons only deal a certain amount of damage points so the larger the value for health, the more missiles it can take

  • Let's All Do A Survey! 5.1 years ago

    I am pretty sure only the people who know this will comment

  • 16 inch naval gun 5.1 years ago

    yes I know the real gun is supposed to be 16 inches but I had to change the caliber to make it look the way it is supposed to

  • Aaa 5.4 years ago

    I know but the I’m just improving the previous one. I will give credit on my finished version

  • Climber improved 5.7 years ago

    They are mounted on rotators in a way so no matter what during the rolling cycle one of the wheels will always have two magnets on the ground

  • Climber improved 5.7 years ago

    There is a reason why the wheels are shaped like that

  • Magnetic climber 5.7 years ago

    I can climb around the ceiling of the beast lower deck

  • Magnetic climber 5.7 years ago

    Dang submitting lag

  • Magnetic climber 5.7 years ago

    I like to use it either on the bridge or inside the lower deck of uss beast

  • Magnetic climber 5.7 years ago

    I like to use it either on the bridge or inside the lower deck of uss beast

  • Magnetic climber 5.7 years ago

    It’s like that because the magnets must be able to rotate so they remain flat against the ground at different angles. I did not intentionally make it look like a nazi symbol

  • RELEASE THE KRAKEN! 5.8 years ago

    I have dropped a car and drove around inside the cave systems on the inside of the kraken's head. Also i figured out the hard way about it being unkillable by dropping 96 boom 25s on it using my b17.

  • gun propulsion concept 6.0 years ago

    it did take me a long time though to figure out the {health=""} command

  • gun propulsion concept 6.0 years ago

    @Nerfaddict you could do that too

  • How do you create armor with xml or overload modding? 6.0 years ago

    you can type health="what ever number you want to set the health at" when modding a fuselage block.

  • Armour plating. 6.0 years ago

    All fuselage blocks have the same hitpoints no matter how big they are. You can create more armoured builds by creating a frame inside your plane made out of fuselage block rods and cover those in many layers of fuselage blocks that protect the inner frame but also are the decorative pieces. I still think that an armour slider on the fuselage block should exist because it is a pain to add many layers of thin fusalage blocks.