16.5k DarDragon Comments

  • Here is why there always been copying of creations on this site 5.6 years ago

    Kids these days; they treat everything like facebook

  • Vanilla Wing vapour in SP! 4.1 years ago

    That's actually pretty smart, using the halo of the lights... Although I think it would be more accurate if you used IAS, angle of attack, and the area of the wing/airfoil(including flaps) instead of just g-force

  • A Final Farewell. 4.1 years ago

    @KeanuMiis I cannot stress this enough: YOU(and your friends) made this site a warzone. Don't act so innocent about it.

  • A Final Farewell. 4.1 years ago

    Yes goodbye, thank you for turning the sp website into twitter lite

  • Sd.Kfz 1946 Grenzarbeiter 4.4 years ago

    Damn that looks amazing

  • doNt uPVotE ThaT pLanE It flIES bAd ;o; ~no~ 4.9 years ago

    Continuing from "attenti":

    on). But I hope they don't follow suit, and start going around not upvoting builds just because they lack functionality(even if they themselves liked those builds). Going back to your first statement, This is a game, it is meant to be played... as the player sees fit. They make what they want to make, and post what they want to post. Nothing is immediately worthless if there was a good amount of effort put into it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

    Lastly, a message for the people who are reading this; other people share their builds because thy want to share them. If what they make get a lot of upvotes, so be it. If you want to see a build get more attention(and if you really cared), help them, not just by upvoting. And if it's your own build that you want to see rise(talking to the people not you Mr. PilotDude, your builds are already pretty neat), then I suggest taking better screenshots :)

    P.S. Sorry if it's a bit messy. I'm running low on sleep

  • doNt uPVotE ThaT pLanE It flIES bAd ;o; ~no~ 4.9 years ago

    @ThePilotDude OK thanks!
    Also a few comments on your answers:

    A game is meant to be played however the user wants to, in any way that would please them. If they want to use the game as a way to design planes(design as in aesthetically), then why not? Why would planes like that be worthless and objectively bad? They were just playing the game, and wanted to share what they made.

    Secondly, you didn't say it was bad? then what is "objectively bad" Is that not "bad?" On the point of being undeserving of your upvote, that is your own opinion, and I respect that. But saying that a certain build does not deserve most of it's upvotes? People have different opinions than you. They have different standards. They look for different things in a build. For all we know, there are people on this site looking for nice designs of cars, planes, ships, etc. with no regard for the functionality. You are saying that this mindset is wrong. But is it? Do you have the right to say that these perfectly reasonable actions... are wrong?

    This bring us to the next point: subjectivity. Different people base the quality of builds on their own feelings. What they want to look at, what they want to experience. If, for example, there was a build that flew really well, let's say it was a replica, and had a perfect flight model, but it wasn't that good looking. In fact, let's say it looked like trash. No livery, very plain(pun intended; sorry couldn't help it), rough edges, probable took a few minutes. People, would still give it upvotes right? Especially if they saw good comments about that build from players with high statuses. Comments like "good job on the flight model, try working on the design a bit next time." Why can't it be like that for people who prefer design? Why does a build have to be "essentially worthless" and "objectively bad" right off the bat, just because it doesn't fly? Or rather, just because it doesn't meet your standards for functionality.

    To set the record straight, I agree with you that more functional builds should get more attention. What I don't, and never will agree on is that builds that don't fly, drive, or float properly, are immediately trash, worthless. It you have the right to upvote and not upvote anything that you want. Same goes for the people who upvote those builds which you think are crap. Sure, many people might agree with you(although, this is most probably a popular opinion among arrogant people who think their builds deserve more attenti

  • Update 1.9.205 5.0 years ago

    Customizable bomb needed(because bombs don't change their explosion radius when scaled, just the explosion animation)

  • Is it possible to reach platinum anymore 1.5 years ago

    Gold best rating

  • [CLOSED] 5th Generation Fighter Challenge 2.7 years ago

    @tarikGR Are you going to be testing this on Android? I haven't tested my aircraft on android, so I'm not sure if it'll work properly(it has a lot of funky trees code, and lag sometimes messes with the FBW)

  • [Cinematic] Over the Jungle 4.2 years ago

    Why are the trees speaking vietnamese

  • Tactical Roomba 4.2 years ago

    skynet intensifies
    The AI are taking over!!!

  • An Emergency Landing!! 4.9 years ago

    You have a hole in your left wing

  • HSwMS Nord 4.9 years ago

    132.9m in length
    250mm guns x 8
    speed slower than 14 knots
    turns 1 deg a second
    I dunno, that sounds like at least a battle cruiser(but with an extremely low draft)
    But that aside, very nice build!

  • Put an interesting Title here 5.7 years ago

    When you're in a leopard(WW2), and a KV-2 looks at you

  • Cartoon image of SimplePlanes (Sample) 1.6 years ago

    SimplePlanes MERCH! LES GOO

  • Mirage 2000C or Panavia Tornado ADV 2.0 years ago

    panavia tornado

  • F-116PH Stealth Interceptor 2.0 years ago

    @jakes54panhead maybe you forgot the idle switch? Also, if you're using mobile it might not work properly, because for some reason some Funky trees code breaks down for mobile users

  • Post stall Maneuver! 2.0 years ago

    bloopers of top gun maverick be like:

  • F-116PH Stealth Interceptor 2.7 years ago

    @TRD6932 Sure, go ahead

  • F-116PH Stealth Interceptor 2.7 years ago


  • F-116PH Stealth Interceptor 2.7 years ago


  • [CLOSED] 5th Generation Fighter Challenge 2.7 years ago

    hmm I'll probably join this challenge instead, because the stealth challenge seems to be missing

  • F-116PH: Joint Stealth Interceptor[TRAILER] 2.7 years ago

    @Winterfield @Diloph Why does everyone keep saying "the music tho" The music is really good. It's from a really great movie from my childhood: Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole. Made by the same guy who made Fireflies btw...

  • MC/SV-1 "Honey Badger" 3.7 years ago

    @GuyFolk Thanks! It does break though when you move the gun over it slowly at its lowest elevation(didn't spot it and a lot of other things since I wasn't able to test it extensively)

  • mHmm, yup, that's a tank[TEASER] 4.2 years ago

    You can clearly see it's a stealth helicopter

  • Some stuff that I made 4.4 years ago

    So you turned your plane into a tank?

  • Bend the Curve - Pandemic Response Simulator 4.9 years ago

    I only gave beds to those who listened
    Those who don't follow quarantine will die, purging the country of dumba*ses

  • (Teaser) Freedom Gundam 4.9 years ago

    ooh cool! I have that gundam in my collection!

  • I've killed 22 test pilots in 1 hour 4.9 years ago

    @Burtcrusher Oh sorry change Activate3 to Activate1(whoops)
    so instead:

    floor(smooth(clamp01(Activate1), 0.1))

  • Tank Challenge! [28 upvote prize] 5.6 years ago

    (Sees challenge)
    Me: "Let's see... I've got to have a tank laying around here somewheres... Hmmmm... Nope... Whelp, screw school, it's building time"

  • Flakpanzer IV "Wirbelwind" 5.8 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick Thanks!, oh but I changed the rate of fire of the guns to be as realistic as possible

  • finally, A way to indicate speed, (old design) 5.9 years ago

    Wow, maybe this can be used for bomber sights or something?

  • Baguette Plane[TEASER] 1.9 years ago

    @ReinMcDeer Mirage IIIE

  • F-5 Tiger II first teaser (it sucks) 1.9 years ago

    @Krikkit42 there was a recent one with a semi detailed cockpit and CptLiar(FalconDynamics) is also working on one

  • atan2(y,x) 2.0 years ago

    @L0RR3B0RR3 Yes! That's the spirit! A.I.! Funky Trees! WOOO!(It's pretty cool)

  • atan2(y,x) 2.0 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming I've just been teaching it some basics of the code. It can solve/make equations by mostly itself, you just have to define the rules and variables properly. I've posted some pics of what I've managed to teach it on the funky trees discord. Unfortunately I've stopped teaching it for a while because I've been a bit busy

  • MAPA Challenge [CLOSED] 2.0 years ago

    @WinsWings Thank youuuu! Awesome challenge! Might make more AI planes from now on because of it

  • KC-10A Extender 2.0 years ago

    @OkaNieba Sure!

  • KC-10 Flying Boom[TEASER] 2.1 years ago

    @rexzion because I needed the cockpit to be in the same place as the refuel probe on the wasp

  • KC-10 Flying Boom[TEASER] 2.1 years ago

    @Magnavox20MS233S They are phasing out the KC-10. It will stop operations completely by September 2024

  • KC-10 Flying Boom[TEASER] 2.1 years ago

    @CL125 hey I saw you too!

  • KC-10 Flying Boom[TEASER] 2.1 years ago

    @Kittyhawk208 I meant an ai version where the boom actually works and you can refuel from it. Obviously people have made the KC-10 before. It's literally a modified DC-10

  • MAPA Challenge [CLOSED] 2.1 years ago

    I might join. I need a break from the complex planes and cockpits. Plus, my current project needs a tanker

  • F-116PH: Joint Stealth Interceptor[TRAILER] 2.7 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming Noot Noot

  • F-116PH Stealth Interceptor 2.7 years ago

    @SimpleDynamincs Missing? I'm pretty sure it's still there. There is still space above the weapons bay for structural reinforcement. The reason why it's pinched there is because I was trying to move the peak of the cs area a bit further back so the graph would be more gradual.

  • M744 VAGABOND 2.8 years ago

