19.7k DerVito Comments

  • Life of an unpopular Builder 4.7 years ago

    Day-7: (you) have 30 upvotes on forum post

  • Kampffahrzeug 20 (Gerat 310) 4.7 years ago

    @RussianAS ну тип он с макс скорости тормозит чуть больше чем за секунду, наверн. + нет раскачки от торможения, думал - слишком жесткая подвеска, но на бездорожье она себя ведет нормально. Кароч чет ты перемудрил с тормозами.

  • Kampffahrzeug 20 (Gerat 310) 4.7 years ago

    Great work! But brakes are too sensitive.

  • Kampffahrzeug 20 (Gerat 310) 4.7 years ago

    @JolyLoly мемЫ про кокс неактуальны- так АйтипедИя сказал 🗿

  • What gear do you want on my 180? 4.7 years ago

    Bush Wheel Skis

  • Zeus Dive Bomber/Fighter MK1 4.7 years ago


  • Zeus Dive Bomber/Fighter MK1 4.7 years ago

    @Huricano посмотри работы WIZARD2017 или REW. Уверяю, у них есть, чем удивить тебя.

  • Gazza (AKA Gary) 4.8 years ago

    @WarHawk95 negative input airbrake demonstration

  • My first drawing in three years 4.8 years ago

    @Jetliner101 I drew this on the iPad in the Tayasy Sketches Pro app.

  • SU34 Lite Pro 4.8 years ago

    @huajige666 don't take it seriously, I'm just joking

  • SU34 Lite Pro 4.8 years ago

    naming like smartphones from samsung, xiaomi and oth. Lmao.

  • Sorry, but I always get confused by people's usernames... 4.8 years ago

    I always read your nickname like that. Sorry))0)

  • Gerat 980 - Corp.DIETRICH 5.0 years ago

    @RussianAS а ты проверял? Уж не знаю, как в 1.9, но на остальных версиях норм все

  • Gerat 980 - Corp.DIETRICH 5.0 years ago

    Все-таки, если бы ты использовал еще один мод, хуже не стало бы, но значительно лучше.

  • Sukhoi Su-57 Felon 5.0 years ago

    @Empergyd np. Good work. there are some drawbacks, but overall this is one of the best, if not the best Su-57 on the site.

  • PA-22-108 5.1 years ago

    You should correct some errors, such as a jammed helm on the pilot's side. Also put the camera or cockpit in the pilot's seat.

  • Lightning Aircraft Industries KL-65 5.1 years ago

    Interesting helicopter

  • North American P-51D V2.2(Red Tails Color) 5.1 years ago

    @Zott And the fact that you have on the first page 5 P-51D’s, which differ only in color. Why not make one plane, and do place the color options in unlisted?  You can create a forum thread with links to other color options or put links in the description under the plane that you posted.
    I apologize again for using a translator, but I think you understand my point

  • North American P-51D V2.2(Red Tails Color) 5.1 years ago

    calm down already! conveyor harms creativity...

    Sorry for using google translate

  • ...Coming soon the CBJT-2... 5.1 years ago

    please redo the rudder. It doesn't look very good ...

  • Saab JAS39 Gripen NG 5.1 years ago

    @ByArchi np then

  • Saab JAS39 Gripen NG 5.1 years ago

    You just redid the rudder a little and changed the livery, but did not leave a link to the author of the original. I consider this disrespect for the work of others.

    Original: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/oh36s3/Saab-JAS39-Gripen-NG

    Sorry for using Google Translate

  • Boulton-Paul Defiant 5.1 years ago

    @Tang0five np;)
    Good plane, good work!

  • Funniest/Stupidest thing you or someone has done on SP? 5.1 years ago

    Just a hypersonic * * * * with GAU-8...

  • Sukhoi Su-27SM1 5.1 years ago

    No flaps and ailerones, only flaperones!

  • McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II 5.1 years ago

    Probably the best I've seen in the last year

  • Goodbye. 5.2 years ago


  • ATJ ''Eaglet'' 5.2 years ago

    @JoshEraDix2345 ...and?

  • [WEBW]Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor 5.3 years ago

    iPad Air 2 (2014), full graphics, 25-30fps.

  • Gv-FT-01 Japan Air Force 5.3 years ago

    @11qazxc wow, thank you

  • Petlyakov Pe-8 5.3 years ago

    Здравствуй, редкий новый годностроитель из России!

    Выглядит идеально, но стекла можно было покрасить в белый цвет и с помощью Color Editor дать им 100%-й блеск.

    Взлетную скорость можно было бы сделать меньше.

  • BAE Cyclone F-1 4.1 5.3 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick I was too lazy to do it

  • BAE Cyclone F-1 4.1 5.3 years ago

    @RamboJutter in more detail about why all the same automatic chassis is bad, I wrote under this post: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/C7RWA4/F-15C-Eagle-Demon-Lord

  • BAE Cyclone F-1 4.1 5.3 years ago

    Automatic landing gears sucks

  • M.D. F-15C Eagle ''Cipher" 5.3 years ago

    Aito landibg gears is realy bad. I mean, when I want to fly at low speed, I will have a landing gear and this is really bad. You should make automatic flaps, but leave the landing gear manual.

  • ATJ ''Eaglet'' 5.3 years ago

    @biggasgigant da

  • ATJ ''Eaglet'' 5.3 years ago

    @Dimkal @Dimkal
    1. Maybe
    2. It’s just a trainer jet
    3. I did not find a place on the fuselage, where the air brake would be beautifully located
    4. I wanted to make an automatic (semi-automatic) flap system
    5. It’s just a trainer jet

    I will take into account your comments and make my future planes better. Anyway thank you for upvote and spotlight;)

  • Kitfox 5 Series STi #FreedomFox 5.4 years ago

    Looooooool))0 OnePlus 6, Snapdragon 845, 8gb RAM... 25-30fps with full graphics. Whaaaaaaaaaaat¿ It's just a mobile phone!!!

  • Need your opinion [TEASER] 5.4 years ago

    @Chancey21 I don't need to look at his airplanes, because I have my own style. As for inspiration, I looked at such aircraft as the L-39 and MiG-AT

  • Need your opinion [TEASER] 5.4 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer hmm, I'll think about it

  • Need your opinion [TEASER] 5.4 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 ;)

  • Mirage2000 5.4 years ago

    Simple and beautiful

  • Curtiss P-37 (Mobile Friendly series) 5.4 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx , my friend made the plane according to the same rules. In my opinion, he did it as well as mine. Check this

  • P.4200 Hochleistungs-Multifunktionsflugzeug 5.4 years ago

    Впервые за долгое время что-то годное от тебя

  • Concorde SST 5.5 years ago

    2707 parts... Trolling boeing 2707?

  • LEGO Set 4953 5.6 years ago

    @MTBCrafter I had it 10-12 years ago, it crashed and a lot of details were lost(9((

  • LEGO Set 4953 5.6 years ago

    I used to have this

  • P-51D-15-NA (Livery CHALLENGE) 5.7 years ago

    @Thecatbaron beautiful plane, but it would not hurt to add detail (like pipes, sight, etc.)