New Paint Schemes
I think that giving the ability to the builders to paint their creations like a canvas would be a GREAT thing to add because the heaviest builds have so hight parts count du to realistic livery and I think that permitting people to paint with mouse and fingers would also permit to save a lot of parts and increase overall part efficiency of course we should be able to make some shapes with the paint such as squares circles or even letters but still with it just being paint and not parts
@SilverStar Yes it is basic yet still good looking and good flying, way better flying than the original of RicardoAce which had some issues in that regard
I really like the job you're doing you are the only one to do such good looking ships with so few parts. As I'm french I hope you'll try to make honour to the French navy I suggest you the Colbert missile Cruiser but there are so many interesting
The aircraft is awesome, it flies as realistically as one could imagine for a Simpleplanes model, I upvoted. However it is sad that we cannot have mfd and displays in cockpit which is quite hard to do in Simpleplanes. Very Good plane nonetheless
@PlanariaLab Yep this was my theory, but as I do not know anything about modding or coding I didn’t want to sound stupid. But yes indeed these planes are anterior to the new update
In the part list everything does show up, for instance if I want to use the parts of this mod on my own aircrafts I could, however, when I download an aircraft it says that, that the plane uses mods that I do not have (and when I do the undo, redo the mod's parts do not show). For example there is Mi-35p that I downloaded but this exact issue happens.
This might be because I'm on Mac but the hud part is not displaying as intended and when I load a plane using the mod not a single part appears and the game says as if I do not have the mod installed
Could you do a french Cold-War Frigate of Cassard or Latouche-Tréville class? Or Colbert Cruiser. It would be really cool to see them alongside the USS Spruance and Long Beach that you've already done.
New Paint Schemes
+14I think that giving the ability to the builders to paint their creations like a canvas would be a GREAT thing to add because the heaviest builds have so hight parts count du to realistic livery and I think that permitting people to paint with mouse and fingers would also permit to save a lot of parts and increase overall part efficiency of course we should be able to make some shapes with the paint such as squares circles or even letters but still with it just being paint and not parts
Mustard video huh ?
+5We really lack crusader in the game
+3Give me that version my pc can't handle the finished one.
+3@acoolperson Why should it be free ?
+2@simpleplayer1 A "Virtual Cockpit" tag would be better
+2@SilverStar Yes it is basic yet still good looking and good flying, way better flying than the original of RicardoAce which had some issues in that regard
+1Could you upload this on the steam workshop ?
+1Where did you found the Air to Air Refueling f-18?
+1Can I request you to build the French Cruiser Colbert ?
+1I really like the job you're doing you are the only one to do such good looking ships with so few parts. As I'm french I hope you'll try to make honour to the French navy I suggest you the Colbert missile Cruiser but there are so many interesting
+1Could you Make the Colbert Class Cruiser
+1@GuyFolk Could You do a Rafale pwease?
+1Good Lord gracious me 😂😂
+1I really wanted this airplane since I'm working on a Shackleton. It's a very unknown and complex plane thanks for this post
+1Wasn't ira british design aircraft carrier ?Why would it be name "USS" Habakkuk ??!!
+1Finally!! I really wanted to see this plane in SP
+1Could you do a New F-8 Crusader ?
+1Things has gone serious now
+1Very good plane but the rafale doesn't need airbrakes nor parachute.
+1Dark Skies video huh?
+1Very Good !!
Isn't it supposed to be AIM-175 ?
Everything now seems to work flawlessly, the HUD displays perfectly as well as the Cameras and screens, thank you, that is really good Kudos !
@SilverStar Oui volontiers
@SilverStar I am
@SilverStar Yes thank you, I’ve noticed the colour’s thing, I wanted to ask to RicardoAce anyways but I believe he answered already
Hey would you mind if I modify the plane to give it the standard Armee de l'Air paint scheme and some GBUs, if I post it ?
The aircraft is awesome, it flies as realistically as one could imagine for a Simpleplanes model, I upvoted. However it is sad that we cannot have mfd and displays in cockpit which is quite hard to do in Simpleplanes. Very Good plane nonetheless
@PlanariaLab Yep this was my theory, but as I do not know anything about modding or coding I didn’t want to sound stupid. But yes indeed these planes are anterior to the new update
In the part list everything does show up, for instance if I want to use the parts of this mod on my own aircrafts I could, however, when I download an aircraft it says that, that the plane uses mods that I do not have (and when I do the undo, redo the mod's parts do not show). For example there is Mi-35p that I downloaded but this exact issue happens.
@PlanariaLab I just checked It does the same thing on my PC, maybe I have done something wrong but I installed the mod as I always do
This might be because I'm on Mac but the hud part is not displaying as intended and when I load a plane using the mod not a single part appears and the game says as if I do not have the mod installed
Where's sultan Island ?
I believe the Harrier GR of the RAF didn't had the 30mm Aden Canon
Damn did Bogdan leave ?
Man you've gained a faithful subscriber
Could you do a Cold War Western Cruise
@GigaEnterprise777 Yes The last serving cruiser in French Navy I know you'll do a good job with it keep it up man!!!
Rafale lite ?
@ta152h1 yep
Looks like a Ta-52
@Bobobobob go see the original one
An aircraft we didn't knew we wanted but we're glad to have it now lol
Could you do a french Cold-War Frigate of Cassard or Latouche-Tréville class? Or Colbert Cruiser. It would be really cool to see them alongside the USS Spruance and Long Beach that you've already done.
@GuyFolk Good Aircraft though can't argue on that you should consider the idea plus we seriously lack Rafale especially with correct flight model
Would love to see a brand new Halifax
Good Lord, Gracious me !
@WIZARD2017 Fair Enough 😂