34.4k EchoWhiskey11 Comments

  • BMW M3 E46 (Fixed) one month ago

    Glad to see this thing still lives on. I've left Simple Planes a while back. As it's backstory, originally this thing was speed build for some competition. I built a Subaru Impreza at first and then last minute wanted to make a BMW GTR for fun (in a days under 350 parts per competition requirements). I was expecting the Subaru to win, and a lot of attention was place on the Subie, but the GTR ended up being the better design, placing second losing to a Ferrari build. Thanks for breathing life back into an old build. That is after all, the Spirit of automotive culture, taking the original design, improving, and making it your own, fully endorsed successor. Now pardon me, I'm going back to my post Simple Planes retirement, but before I go though...

  • AVL-39D Pulsar MKII one month ago

    @ScrewedAccount All good, if you ever want to reach me, always the same name everywhere. I'm a pretty easy guy to find.

  • AVL-39D Pulsar MKII one month ago

    @ScrewedAccount Hey man, long time no see. I'm flying the real stuff now, so yeah, a little busier than usual. Feel free to hit me up on discord. I'm still around, just not as active.

  • BMW M3 GTR (NFS: Most Wanted) 6 months ago

    @Rjenteissussy Hey man, like what you did with her. Amazing to see a 2 year model become something new. That's probably the story of the NFS GTR, come off the assembly, changes a few hands, and becomes a legend. Unfortunately I took this pilot stuff for reals so I don't do much of the building these days, but I like your work, top tier.

  • XF-219 Eclipse Concept one year ago

    @LunarEclipseSP not sure, why am I here? I built this thing half a decade ago I almost forgot about it.

  • 2002 BMW M3(E46) GTR 1.1 years ago

    @wow123 Huh, amazing I'm getting comments from profiles that don't even have builds. I guess even a dead account has some validity, though I'm curious as to its user could produce.

  • TH-2 Easy Flyer 1.2 years ago

    @WinsWings Thanks, they're tough to fly. I honestly love the challenge which is why most of my stuff is VTOL in some form. Hopefully, this thing is a nice introduction, and a really simple helicopter people can take apart and learn from.

  • FDF-12B Heavy Fight/Attacker 1.3 years ago

    @Karzigg Good to see you too man. Been going through flight school, not easy or fun in the slightest. Kind of makes we wish I took the normal option sometimes. By the way, I built this one with you in mind. Figured you'd like the excessive armaments and armor. The front Armor is at 1000 HP so it's good for dive bombing targets with guns. You have.

  • EAS-48 Mercury Planet Hopper 1.3 years ago

    @Mage2IsTriggered Learning how to fly real aircraft unfortunately. Hope everything is going great, happy holidays.

  • EAS-48 Mercury Planet Hopper 1.3 years ago

    @16 Sure, I'll take a look at it.

  • AVNL-430C Scorpion Multi-role Fighter 2.2 years ago

    @idk201011323 Thank you very much. I'll take a look at one, and I'll let you know.

  • ZH-01 2.3 years ago

    Overall, a Solid Design. Good Work 👍

  • AVNL-430A Scorpion Interceptor 2.7 years ago

    @MitchellAviation Thanks, I got the community to thank.

  • AVNL-430A Scorpion Interceptor 2.7 years ago

    @AcePlayer Thanks

  • TEST DO NOT DOWNLOAD 2.7 years ago

    @NomadCsonka I recommend doing what I do. I always put models up for test flights. It helps getting out all the bugs. Be sure to mark it as a work in progress.

  • AVNL-430A Scorpion Interceptor 2.7 years ago

    @Bread12Ninja Sorry, got a little carried away with this one.

  • AVNL-431B Charioteer 2.8 years ago

    @MAHADI Thanks for the tip. I'll change it around.

  • AVNL-431B Charioteer 2.8 years ago

    @goboygo1 Thank you very much 👍

  • AVNL-431B Charioteer 2.8 years ago

    @Sableric I've seen some of his stuff, This is more of a silent nod to Elite Dangerous. Plus I'm training up to be a pilot so these builds let me practice maneuvers without getting bored of conventional aircraft. Crazy as it is, it actually works. Speaking of Halo, I'm actually working on a Condor for a friend.

  • AVNL-431B Charioteer 2.8 years ago

    @Bread12Ninja definitely, will do. Glad you like it.

  • TH-3 SKIP 2.9 years ago

    @Directbean724 trust me, it's a pain, but what I do is open notepad, do some copy pasting on those labels, and overtime you start to pick up on some strings, in the meantime copy paste will be your friend. I'm not stingy, so feel free to grab the line off my stuff if you want.

  • TH-3 SKIP 2.9 years ago

    @Directbean724 but yes, you can use the Labels in the Instrument Interiors,l input some code, and there you go, you can make a HUD, some indicators, and all kinds of crazy stuff.

  • TH-3 SKIP 2.9 years ago

    @Directbean724 Look up PlanariaLabs and HUD, he made a HUD the base code for this one a while back. I made some changes to it to fit what I wanted. I'm not going to lie, FunkyTrees can be kind of a nightmare sometimes, but feel free to use the one I got if you want.

  • A-10 Hull 2.9 years ago

    Honestly, it can anything, but yes, a cockpit. But... I'm releasing a variation tomorrow, and possibly a new challenge based on this cockpit. Something along the lines of building anything, except an A10.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 2.9 years ago

    Closed, this concludes the first Maywar Car Show. If anything, I'll be making more events like this. Maybe a Forza Horizon inspired festival ground to match. We live in times of conflict, and it's important to remember that at the end of the day we all are people, and members of this community. Thanks to all who have participated and these post are still here, so please, take the time to check out your fellow builders works. The goal of this "Challenge" even after the close is still the same, to build community. Till next time, -Echo

  • Kelley Roadster 2.9 years ago

    The working pedals and hood are nice attention to detail. Good work,

  • BLAZING AQUAMARINE tournament racecar 2.9 years ago

    Well, I'm not going to lie, it's cool, and technically it's a race car. You definitely have my vote on originality. Good Stuff,

  • A-10 Hull 3.0 years ago

    @CarrotDynamics No worries, hope this helps out with the final project. Look forward to seeing it.

  • A-10 Hull 3.0 years ago

    @CarrotDynamics Here you go. Sorry, had to recode the HUD. PlaneriaLabs made a great HUD but I don't think he intended it to fit planes like this. Luckily, I know enough to make it work. If it acts up while you're building it, like the canopy stops working just let me know. Just a tip, avoid mirroring the entire plane, and mirror just the individual parts. That way you wont have to redo any gauges or screens. AG3 controls the canopy, and AG4 controls ejects, the gun is tuned to match the GAU8 in fire rate and spread, so it'll shoot like an A10 as well.

  • How to protect your shopping trolley from improvised explosives 3.0 years ago

    But will it keep us safe from Mailboxes?

  • F-63 Proteus 3.0 years ago

    @CarrotDynamics I know, this plane did start my whole thing about building tail less designs. So it's kind of a predecessor to a lot of weird stuff I build now.

  • Upcoming Car Event: Maywar Open Car Show 3.0 years ago

    @AtlasSP No worries, well if you ever want to get back in, it's always an open invitation.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    @CB76565 No worries, I know the feeling. Do your thing, looking forward to the finish product. This is one of those chilled and laid back events so it's no rush.

  • Koenigsegg Jesko Hydra 3.0 years ago

    @MAHADI Now we just need a Forza Horizon inspired map.

  • F1 CERES team Jade Green 3.0 years ago

    Looks good, great livery, and I like the custom decals in the cockpit.

  • ignore this lol challenge thingy 3.0 years ago

    Looks good, great build

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    @TRD6932 saw it, looks good 👍

  • GT Racing Challenge Results! 3.0 years ago

    Awesome, great event, really enjoyed it.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    @olympus333, from my Western perspective, this is my take, I'll give it a pass. I'll be honest, I thought the Z was a logo for "Zena" which means woman, which I took from Lena. At this point, as long as the community is okay with it, it's fine. Now if it was on a T80, that'd be a little different. As for your message, you support the lives of Russian troops. That's not political, you want to see people make it back home to their loved ones. I believe anyone regardless of national origin can respect that. So you have my thumb up on this design. Good build, keep up the solid work. For some of those reading, yes it may be a little controversial, but hey, that's kind of why I'm also doing this event. It's about building mutual respect for people and art, and not focusing on where that art comes from.

  • Drag Strip Glory Silvia (Modified for Maywar Open Car Show) 3.0 years ago

    I see it, you still got my upvote, nice build. If you want to enter it in the show, you can. Also, some of the participants wanted to extend event till May 1st, so if you want to go for that Miata it's all you. You got this, keep up the good work.

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    @TRD6932 Yes it has to be a successor. If you already built a car, all you got do is, first remove the original cockpit, download the cockpit for the competition, which is simple chip, remove the old cockpit and save the original design as a subassembly. Finally attach the chip for this competition to your design and there you go, you may need to repaint your design. That may be confusing, but luckily someone made a video as well. Don't worry, it's not a rick roll, I'm too boring and rick rolling is such a lame meme at this point.

    If you want to build your Miata that you talked about you got another month, or maybe even a MR2 Mk1, or another classic RWD tuner the 1996 E36 BMW. Skies the limit, go for it.


  • L-1 "Lena" Hypercar (Maywar Open Car Show 2022) 3.0 years ago

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE I think, @Aviator01 built this cars one true rival.

  • L-1 "Lena" Hypercar (Maywar Open Car Show 2022) 3.0 years ago

    By the way, I nicked named this car "пекарь", because it's great at making a perfect "пончик". For my fellow Americans, if you're not sure what I'm talking about, you can either look up these words, or simply make a hard turn and steep on the throttle in this thing, you'll figure it out.

  • Racing Tractor (Gold Special) 3.0 years ago

    Probably one of the coolest and more unique designs I've seen. Tractor pull is an actual racing event so I can respect a nod to the lesser known automotive sports. Once again we have a new class, now we tractors.

  • L-1 "Lena" Hypercar (Maywar Open Car Show 2022) 3.0 years ago

    @MintLynx what you say, sports car? I'd say it probably falls under the "Track Toy" category.

  • L-1 "Lena" Hypercar (Maywar Open Car Show 2022) 3.0 years ago

    I can respect the message, we don't abandon our own for anyone who's curious. I really like this car. The engine effects are a nice touch, and the paint job is unique. I would classify it as a race car, but it's more of an open wheel sports car.

  • F1 180 (V2) 3.0 years ago

    Good build, the suspension work is nice, and you really got it down, that's usually the hardest part of car builds is the suspension.

  • Dunes2.2 (Maywar Car Show) 3.0 years ago

    Great off road design, and handles well on the Maywar dunes. The teeth is the perfect touch for a dirt racing monster of a machine. @Deepdark is right though, it may need to be classified as a UTV, which is not a bad thing, especially when a build is this good. Great work,

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    Hey Builders,, sorry for being MIA. Going through flight school, the testing is insane. Excuses aside, I got three updates on the events for you guys.

    • The event has been extended to End of April. Giving those who want to participate an extra two weeks to submit their car. That also means the next upcoming even will be delayed.

    • Remember, this is a community building event, and I just want to remind everyone, please NOTHING POLITICAL. We come from very diverse backgrounds. If you want to make a statement, let it be your vehicle.

    • Every time I see a new post there is a new class of cars, so hey, go at it, at this point the car class is Unlimited as well.

    Thanks, -Echo

  • Maywar Open Car Show (CLOSED) 3.0 years ago

    @CB76565 May 1st if anything just let me know if you need more time, sorry going through flight school right now, things get busy fast. The reason why you need to let us know what class you want to use is because we're going to give a best of class. Just to be fair, If it's something like a Japanese LMP1 class race car, then it's a racecar. If you want to make an S2000 then classify it as a coupe. If you have not idea, that's cool, just let us know. This is a fun building event, build what you think looks good on wheels.
