4,187 Ezbbmm2006 Comments

  • Best HUD Ever 3.9 years ago

    @linxiaofeng2339 I once made one, you need a target aircraft which need to be respawned on runway threshold, then lock it, the glide slope and locoalizer can be computed
    Check this video

  • LMJLJ 4.3 years ago

    @Xx24reminder No need to credit. Thank you, pal, may be he just don't know how to credit just like me LOL

  • HUD and AUTO PARACHUTE exhibition 4.3 years ago

    @Homemade1 Remove this, bia~tch!

  • NOVA T-2 Firetail JET 4.3 years ago


  • HUD and AUTO PARACHUTE exhibition 4.3 years ago

    @LightBender My pleasure.

  • HUD and AUTO PARACHUTE exhibition 4.3 years ago

    @LightBender I only test it in high physical environment. So firstly make sure your physical effect is set to high. The trigger condition of the auto chute is AltitudeAgl<1. 4m(cockpit altitude of this plane is a little more than 1. 3m)&Throttle<0.5&ground speed>40kt. In other hand, from trigger point, there is a 1sec delay to deploy. Which means you need maintain the right datas for 1 more sec after touchdown, you need make a proper landing, man.

  • HUD and AUTO PARACHUTE exhibition 4.3 years ago

    @LightBender Which level you set of the physical effect?

  • HUD and AUTO PARACHUTE exhibition 4.3 years ago

    The parachute will be deployed automatically after touch down, then disengages when ground speed lower than 40kt.

  • NOVA T-2 Firetail JET 4.3 years ago

    @Homemade1 Wait and see, kid.

  • Best HUD Ever 4.3 years ago

    @AirCorp Do you notice the red bar?By clicking and draging it, the whole system is able to tear off from the plane and can be saved as assembly attachment.

  • NOVA T-2 Firetail JET 4.3 years ago

    @Homemade1 Are you trying to make me laugh to death? You have privilege to be so dramatic and naive,”I hate communism”blablabla...hahahhah,you have no idea how funny you looks like, I bet you know nothing about communism, just like any other thing except masturbation. But being dramatic and naive is your privilege at your age. Little kid, play your game and shut your mouth because you just know nothing about anything.

  • Best HUD Ever 4.3 years ago

    All rotators and pistons are visible that you can modify them to suit your own plane. Any improvement or modification is welcome d, everyone can use it by anyway, no need to get any permission from me. It’s a game about sharing. Enjoy and share your ideas with me, thank you!

  • Best HUD Ever 4.3 years ago

    How to use: 1, Click and drag the red bar to save the system to assemble part.2, Drag the assemble part to your own platform, but DO NOT make any connection between them.3, Connect the red bar to your platform.

  • NOVA T-2 Firetail JET 4.3 years ago

    @Homemade1 Different from you, my work is open for everyone, any modification or improvement will be welcomed, no permission needed from me. I feel sad for you, this game means nothing but only a tool to show off to you. By the way, your work is delicate----but mediocre. Try harder to learn about sharing, and humble.

  • KAI T-50 2.0 4.3 years ago

    @Homemade1 Without my improvement, your work is nothing but another mediocre thing, feeling sad for you

  • KAI T-50 2.0 4.3 years ago

    @Homemade1 No, if you don't want this, you shouldn't share it in the first place. So, accept it and enjoy the game, bro.

  • KAI T-50 2.0 4.3 years ago

    No, if you don't want this, you shouldn't share it in the first place. So, accept it and enjoy the game, bro.

  • Working LCD Airspeed Indicator 4.3 years ago

    Mine only needs 21 parts

  • X-02 Wyvern "Mister Blue" [with Airburst Railgun] 4.4 years ago

    Gonna try have new HUD installed

  • ADFX-02 Morgan -Pixy- 4.4 years ago

    if u have a QQ,please add me qq30499908, I wanna show u some thing interesting

  • Foldable HUD 4.4 years ago

    @moistcottonbud 30499908@qq.com

  • Foldable HUD 4.4 years ago

    @moistcottonbud qq30499908

  • Foldable HUD 4.5 years ago

    @AABBA https://b23.tv/bT4JfR hope this video would help.

  • Foldable HUD 4.5 years ago

    @AABBA Can you see a red skinny block there? It is the attaching point. By clicking and dragging it, the system can be teared off from the aircraft intactly. Then save it as an assembly part. To load it to your own platform, drag it out and input the coordinates of system cockpit to the red block, which mean make the block in a same position of system cockpit. At last, connect the red block to your aircraft.

  • Foldable HUD 4.5 years ago

    Drag the aimming point(red block) saving the system as an assemble part. Then load it to your own aircraft. Make sure that the coordinates of the aiming point(red block) coincide with those of the cockpit then attach the aiming point to fuselage. AG8: Fold/unfold HUD. Selecting Target: Deploy Radar display. VTOL: Adjust radar display range. Have fun!@AABBA @AABBA

  • Best RADAR ever&Aiming Assist System 4.5 years ago

    @JaniBoi It is modularized, try bring the whole thing to your platform.

  • Best RADAR ever&Aiming Assist System 4.5 years ago

    Use VTOL bar to adjust radar display range. Deployed automatically when target selected. Weapon switch automatically by distance. Digital radar range display in NM.All rotators and pistons visible that you can learn all the XMLs.

  • 1.10 Beta is now available 4.6 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison Bug Report:Some XML formula don’t work normally for 1.10 beta. My digital instrument s can not work as usual,all lights go dim. Please test this https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Pa7zV8/AFDS-plane

  • NOVA T-2 FiretailtestConnon WITH AFDS 4.6 years ago

    Thanks to @p0tato72.I use his aircraft as a platform to present the AFDS.Very cool plane he made

  • simple and naive plane 6.0 years ago

    Death sentence warning

  • Bounty Hunter 7.4 years ago

    @JettStorm yes it is:)

  • Skilled Baby Dragon 8.2 years ago

    you can ignore VTOL, all rotators are free spin :) @Kerbango

  • V-42 Banshee VTOL for Army Classic 8.2 years ago

    Yes, building a cockpit is such a hard work that I may not do it again!@Mumpsy

  • Baby dragon 8.2 years ago

    Checked.Cool work. I love the acid idea! @Kerbango

  • Baby dragon 8.2 years ago

    Attention:Before increase thrust,check your speed, if big than 200mph, wait for deceleration, when slower than 200, set full thrust or it may blow up.

  • birdplane proto (improved) 8.2 years ago

    Most amazing work I've ever seen! Without ONE OF!

  • P-38T with @BRuthless torpedo 8.3 years ago

    TIPS: Strongly suggest dump torpedo before landing for safety!!!

  • P-38T with @BRuthless torpedo 8.3 years ago


  • P-38T with @BRuthless torpedo 8.3 years ago


  • TideRider Mini Torpedo 8.3 years ago


  • Curtiss P-40 Fighter 8.3 years ago

    If you want it fly by computer well, just add 250 lbs dead weight to the nose.

  • V-421 Banshee VTOL classic 8.6 years ago

    @CALVIN232 sure, but how?

  • V-42 Banshee VTOL for Army Classic 8.6 years ago

    @TTHHSSSS Thanks, you can't image how happy I am when I see your comment!

  • V-42 Banshee VTOL for Army 8.6 years ago

    @Packman126 Try this https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/rfi1r6/V-42-Banshee-VTOL-for-Army-Classic