I don’t understand why people make jokes about 9\11, I’m right in the age group that does it, but I don’t even think about making jokes about the attacks
It’s true that the site has started to lose it’s footing, for example, the retirement of MAPA among other things, but currently, it seems that the site is doing well, better builds are coming out every day, and the new Role Play
Short backstory for WCAC [I used to be a supporter and friend of Juan also when I learned the truth]: Juan was a ban evader who had previously gotten permabanned a few times. Many users also accuse Juan of part stealing, and working as a animator on 18+ sites, which is why you would see the characters you saw on the thumbnail.
Time really does fly
+2Yay! I wondered if you would be making that acc
+2@KPLBall Oh my god! You reached platinum! Nice
+2Then are people gonna get negative points!
+2@Mosquitowithagun Exactly!
+2Been getting some Lockheed Ring Wing vibes ‘round here
+2@zdwwglzzr Ahhh, heck nahhhh 💀‘murica for the win🇺🇸🦅
+2Happy Birthday! T
+2@Chaunhkhoa Interesting
+2How did you get five picture?!
+2Wingspan: 22.1 ft
+2I will be following with great enthusiasm
+2@L1nus Hard to believe Iran still uses F-4s 🤣
+2That Mustard Channel is pretty good
+2Very sad, SP will never be the same, also OUSSAMAD is leaving permanently
+2Actually, an hour ago DogThatMakesPlanes made an announcement that he will very likely return possibly as early as Christmas
+2Also if you need help with PSM, ask Rjenteissussy, he can help with that
+2I don’t understand why people make jokes about 9\11, I’m right in the age group that does it, but I don’t even think about making jokes about the attacks
+2@Christiant2 Hardest part was the skis
+2Not even 50 parts!
+2You can get SP on Steam then it’ll allow it
+21,301st download!
+2Did anyone notice the can of Pepsi in the cockpit?
+2Ultimate jet lag plane literally, It give my computer sooo much laggg
+2@LunarEclipseSP @f80shootingstarlover F
+2As an American I can confirm this is how we do it, we literally have vending machines for bullets
+2Me: Proceeds to pitch down
+2Technically it ain’t Texan without an AR-15 rifle
+2@LunarEclipseSP That’s deep…
+2@Zhixunlin23 @TheUltimatePlaneLover Because it will shoot YOU down, or if you not in the air, it will just shoot YOU.
+2Always a good day [and plane] when @MAPA uploads a plane and @KrakabloanAirways puts it in their fleet!
+2@ConvoyPerson One Kilome-Gets destroyed by a A-10 Warthog’s GAU-8 that shoots SEVEN EXPLOSIVE ROUNDS THE SIZE OF THE PALMS OF YOUR HANDS, PER SECOND…
+2@SimpleDynamincs I’ll probably be thinking about this site on my deathbed tbh
+1@UnitedinOne90 I’m in
+1@UnitedinOne90 50 million whats, trillionths of Wright Dollars?
+1It’s true that the site has started to lose it’s footing, for example, the retirement of MAPA among other things, but currently, it seems that the site is doing well, better builds are coming out every day, and the new Role Play
+1@TheMouse This made me laugh harder than it should have
+1F-107 always intrigues the SP community
+1Nice making gold, my goofy ahh brain read the title as “God special in the making” like some creationism thing🤣😂😅
+1@xXLouisPlayzXx 😉
+1@xXLouisPlayzXx No problem, I remember my days as a bronzie, keep going 💪
+1You cooked at this!
+1You cooked at this!
+1@DeeganishCountryball Thanks
+1Short backstory for WCAC [I used to be a supporter and friend of Juan also when I learned the truth]: Juan was a ban evader who had previously gotten permabanned a few times. Many users also accuse Juan of part stealing, and working as a animator on 18+ sites, which is why you would see the characters you saw on the thumbnail.