Hello, I just download this mod onto my laptop which has a 6 core 5ghz max cpu, 32g ram and a 1050-ish card, however nomatter what setting I use the game crash about 3 seconds after entering the map even tho during that 3 second i get a pertty high fps. weird.
China be like
+4"Not all tanks are made in factories"
+2简 单 飞 机
+2Genshin moment (I like it)
+1@ManManTheWeaponsMan bruh "free country"
+1@Hflix a 1050 would be way enough (in my case)
+1does it have to be 100% original? or can it be a craft not completly made by me but largely modified by me(like the whole fuselge is diffrent)?
+1@Beifenglenglong 简 单 飞 机
+1@ThereIsNoahScape lched 0.1101
+1@Reworkable Bruh A318 moment
@subspacetripmine12 hate speech in the chinese community, there is a conflict recently
@MAPA thanks :)
You are from Indonesia? Also great plane (better than anything I can make)
Curstom gears
@CanadianAircraftBuilder thanks
@Kennneth also, very nice map :)
@Kennneth Yes I do. and in fact the crashing issue was fixed after i removed that mod
@FalconAero however I believe that was due to either the ocean mod or the advanced rendering mod. it works now after disabling those
Hello, I just download this mod onto my laptop which has a 6 core 5ghz max cpu, 32g ram and a 1050-ish card, however nomatter what setting I use the game crash about 3 seconds after entering the map even tho during that 3 second i get a pertty high fps. weird.
I can hear the painful tears of my 1050
@SkyBoogie1the1original not really, with 1050 I can still easily do 2000+ at high quality and playable fps
@DwiAngkasaAeronautics tysm😀
Hi may I ask what shaders did you use for those great screenshots?
You are a genius
That comparison picture made me cry, literally
@asteroidbook345 ok
@asteroidbook345 wtf
Why... please don't spread this to sr2
Is there a way to make dynamic text in simplerockets?
@WNP78 can you also add this to simplerockets please?
@Spenzerointernational lol me too
468 engines
Hey i made a even louder version here
@ASdragon17 😂😂
just funny lol