7,467 FeiWu Comments

  • Thank you for participating in the Bush Plane Challenge. 4.3 years ago

    @NojusGindrenas @Cabbage17 @SmallyRocket

  • C-55 Bean with wings 4.3 years ago

    @Cabbage17 also tell me how to put black text

  • C-55 Bean with wings 4.3 years ago

    @Cabbage17 so my limitations, I meant flap speeds, Mach limits, and altitude limits, but not this kind of limitation bruh
    Just saying, SP structures are a lot more robust than irl :/


    @Jorgebr bruh so if you make a plane that looks really good and doesn't fly it still gets full credit??? :/
    No points for realistic performance of flying characteristics whatsoever.

  • RJ230-301 (Updated) 4.3 years ago

    @Cabbage17 that’s fine.

  • BRRRRRT! The Arma III A-164 Wipeout 4.4 years ago


  • TAASI Industries T-14 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 where’s your list now?

  • [CANCELED] Bush Plane Challenge 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 try to make it land on the dirt road behind the hangars at Yeager (the one that leads to the bridge)

  • [CANCELED] Bush Plane Challenge 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 lol

  • [CANCELED] Bush Plane Challenge 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 although most bush planes are single engine, I’ll take AMEL (airplane, multi-engine, land) too.

  • [CANCELED] Bush Plane Challenge 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 we just need props (any quantity), STOL, and hard landings, as well as capability for any field condition and rugged terrain.

  • [CANCELED] Bush Plane Challenge 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 @SmallyRocket sure, why not?

  • Skystar S-35 Chonki Boi 4.4 years ago

    @NojusGindrenas people already hate this challenge.

  • Anyone have any discord servers they want to share? 4.4 years ago

    @SmSmThe10684 check my bio

  • THANK YOU FOR GOLD! 4.4 years ago

    @Inuyasha8215 thank you lol

  • P.180 Avanti 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 nooooo

  • P.180 Avanti 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 I just realized I only need 12 more upvotes to get to gold XD

  • RJ230-301 (Updated) 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 lol

  • W I N G S 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 can you make me a review of my updated RJ230?

  • Ekranoplan KM Caspian Sea Monster 4.4 years ago

    @MobileMobileTheFriendly i guess you can have the big engines just for show, and then have xml scaled engines pointed down hidden inside? I'll try to get that to work and I'll get back to you.

  • Boeing 767-300 Norwegian Airlines 4.4 years ago

    @WiiMini i did

  • Boeing 767-300 Norwegian Airlines 4.4 years ago


    Oh Guys, How can you publish a big bit of writing withought putting a plane with it?

    go to the forums

  • Ekranoplan KM Caspian Sea Monster 4.4 years ago

    @MobileMobileTheFriendly so it really just takes you 4 days for all these planes?

  • [Tutorial] Build an Airliner step by step 4.4 years ago

    @SavageMan ok lol
    I understand that CE airlines have the lie-flat first class seats in the screenshots, but AA just has more legroom, a wider armrest, and a wider seat when compared to economy. The armrest in economy is also unrealistic as the armrests are only connected to the seatbacks and have a cantilever structure (they are only connected in the back and kinda float above the rest of the seat lol), with an exception to bulkhead seats.

  • What Should The Perfect Challenge Be? 4.4 years ago

    @RuvienRuvienTheCitizen uhhhh I made rank brackets already...

  • [CANCELED] Bush Plane Challenge 4.4 years ago

    @ChrisETH discord
    He is a mod on SPBC, which you can find in @dllama4 ‘s bio (I tagged so there is a link lol)

  • So What is this About Challenges Now? 4.4 years ago

    @KangaKangaTheRoo so I previously required funky trees, but FYI I pulled that rule

  • So What is this About Challenges Now? 4.4 years ago

    @KangaKangaTheRoo sorry. I pinned the comments.

  • On current events here on SP (about Parzival and build quality) 4.4 years ago

    @KnightOfRen @AsteroidAsteroidTheBook @KangaKangaTheRoo As I come to think of it, we are all silver and above. Why would we be internet predators if we show our at least half-decent knowledge and passion for aviation and we spend hundreds if not thousands of hours mastering the game and contributing to the community? Parents don't really understand the concept of a gaming community.

  • Ctuik, MBT.II (Beta) 4.4 years ago

    @WernsterProductions Ok, But I Still Find Your Typing Rather Interesting.

  • X-Liner 8 4.4 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer ok lol

  • Cessna Citation X 4.4 years ago

    @SavageMan cool!

  • FV4011 Centurion Mk. 5/2 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 I am @FeiWu lol

  • Airliner Challenge Results 4.4 years ago

    @suubk27 @WernsterProductions

  • T.A. 3 4.4 years ago



    Performance - 30/40

    Innovation - 20/30

    Design - 10/25

    Livery - 3/5

    Description - 10/20

    Total - 73/120

    Well done!

  • [CANCELED] Bush Plane Challenge 4.4 years ago

    @DPSAircraft ok lol
    also I got myself to 4k already XD

  • [CANCELED] Bush Plane Challenge 4.4 years ago

    @SemedianIndustries @PointlessWhyshouldi @BagelPlane @WolfSpark @SouthEngine thank you for your spotlights!

  • Devillan, K-AL721 (Special) 4.4 years ago

    @WernsterProductions time for your evaluation.

    Performance - 25/40

    No yaw, too nose heavy, overkill acceleration, and flaps do nothing

    Innovation - 20/30

    So, a cool cap sun shade, but its structural integrity at high speed is another question. Also, the way you use the reverse thrust engine in decoration is interesting.

    Design - 10/25

    The fuselage is too boxy, the lights are incorrect, no custom wing, and the reverse thrust exhaust does not come out the inlet.

    Livery - 5/5

    Nice work!

    Description - 19/20

    Total - 79/120

    Well done!

  • Napalm Crop Dusting 4.4 years ago

    @ParziParziTheVal They do. Most twins do because if they spin in opposite directions, they will have to make what is essentially two different engines, since they'd have to be mirrored. Check out this video of an engine start, and skip to 0:25 and 1:10 to see which way the props on this Dash 8 spin.
    The only exception I know of is the Airbus A400M. It is an advanced military quad turboprop cargo plane that have the engines on each engine spin toward each other. This is done so that the plane feels more like Airbus's jetliners and to increase the plane's reliability.

  • The history of my account, from beginning to now 4.4 years ago

    @KnightOfRen OMG I didn't know your quality was not great until very recently...

    This gives me more hope lol. I finally realize that even gold and plats make bad stuff sometimes (This is not an insult directed toward you, it is a general observation)
    Good job with your recent quality improvement!
    Why should this silver noob say this?

  • Napalm Crop Dusting 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 Also, I think you're the best comedian on SP

  • Napalm Crop Dusting 4.4 years ago

    @Cabbage17 I hadn't tried the plane out yet (I'm writing this during recess between these torturous online classes XD), but it is realistic if the yaw is only there when engine thrust is applied. If the drag just happens to be higher on the left, then it's an unrealistic annoyance. You can probably simulate this if you put a hidden engine on the right side of the plane.

    Also, FYI real GA planes correct for the torque by installing a fixed trim tab that automatically yaws to the right and installing the engine props off center and tilted sideways to the left. This corrects for the amount of torque with cruise speed and power, so you actually have to rudder yaw left at lower angles of attack and thrust setting. The opposite is also true, especially during taxi and takeoff roll (while taxiing, although the thrust setting is low, the rudder has almost no authority and thus is unable to correct). This is a simplified version of what I know as a student GA pilot, and I suggest you pin this lol
    NOTE: as far as I know, even lighter twins have the same effect, unless the props spin in opposite directions, in which case the two props counters the p-factor torque of the other engine. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Napalm Crop Dusting 4.4 years ago

    Please be aware, the aircraft will yaw to the left during takeoff.

    @Cabbage17 how do you simulate p-factor? Or is this a coincidence lol

  • XML-15-a 4.4 years ago

    It is forbidden to use it for secondary creation without permission

    The rules says:

    It is okay to download someone else's airplane, make some tweaks, and re-upload a new variation.
    In fact, the original designer may even receive bonus points.
    However, if your variation does not offer any improvements over the existing airplane, then it may be removed.
    If you are circumventing the predecessor/successor system, then you will be banned. Never upload a successor as an original design; give credit to the designer of its predecessor.


    No u

  • Helicopter “chase” 4.5 years ago

    @Cabbage17 ur welcome. But the whole reason for the upvote is for me to thank you, not vice versa. Also pls son’s tag me just for the upvote. It clogs your comments, and you can get banned under the new mass tagging rules lol

  • [CLOSED] Amphibian Challenge 4.5 years ago

    @Suubk27 Thank you for the upvote and spotlight!

  • Challenges are broken. Let's fix them. 4.5 years ago

    @EternalDarkness @spefyjerbf thank you for the clarification.

  • My first uploaded Plane 4.5 years ago

    @SupremeDorian Hi. Lol. I can't believe I can spotlight a moderator lol.
    Now go and enjoy your spotlight and hopefully I wouldn't be able to spotlight you in a few days!

  • amphibious airliner 4.5 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder Nice plane for my standards, but we have those platinums here lol
