... so this is clearly an auto laded gun on a jack hammer... the question i got to ask is..... where's the space for the amanitin, where's the majority of the auto loader, does the commander, and gunner sit?
modern tanks almost always have turrets nearly as big as the main body. a trend i find some what humorous even though i know exactly why they have turrets that big.
@ManManTheWeaponsMan is there a version of this tank that has a coaxial machine gun? say a Coaxial .50 cal? if so would making a version with a coaxial MG (using a canon scaled to size and damage output) might be an interesting variant of this tank.
@flatearthmom just a bit of advise for the links in your description [ a word ](the link you want to imbed) expository post that explains all the stuff you would even want to add in a description.
what happens when you use more then one of them on a single build? also would these aim at your own craft if a targeted aircraft crossed passed part of your own build?
haaa, yes the Panther one of Germanys most problematic tanks. i mean with how they broke down and had so many slight variations on non standard parts I'm shocked they were even able to keep a few of them running during the war.
something i find Strang is the riffling on this tank gun. there is no spiral so the riffling generates no spin. also the fact that it even has riffling is strange because most modern tank guns are smooth bore as to not affect there more exotic ammo types. Armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot rounds (APFSD), High explosive squash head (HESH), High explosive anti tank (HEAT), High explosive (HE) are normally negatively affected by riffling in a tank barrel. over all its a nice gun.
another thing that screams "this is not a modern tank gun" is the absence of a Bore evacuator witch are seen on a number of modern tank guns as well as a number of cold war era tank guns.
i like the build, the color is not what i would have chosen my self. also would have set up the off arm to support one of the two weapons' inside of dual wielding. but that's just me over all nice Mech.
it's nice but unrealistic. the underbelly turrets the lack of landing gear or landing support structure furthermore i could not set down in water do to the near impossibility for the sub-bridge to take the water pressure + the pressure of the ship also the belly turrets would be even harder to make watertight.
my final thoughts are. It's vary nice, has very advanced build quality, and looks nice. over all numeric score (which is a bad system) 8/10
A short review for this build.... it works though the controls are confusing read the controls vary closely before using it.
Red Sun intensifies
"I'm Facking invincible"
... so this is clearly an auto laded gun on a jack hammer... the question i got to ask is..... where's the space for the amanitin, where's the majority of the auto loader, does the commander, and gunner sit?
I am Ozymandias look on me and despair @CRATE52PART2
+1modern tanks almost always have turrets nearly as big as the main body. a trend i find some what humorous even though i know exactly why they have turrets that big.
@ManManTheWeaponsMan is there a version of this tank that has a coaxial machine gun? say a Coaxial .50 cal? if so would making a version with a coaxial MG (using a canon scaled to size and damage output) might be an interesting variant of this tank.
nice ornithopter.
+1neat. is this based off a drawing or something?
@ McChezborger a bit of advise post it as unlisted.
@arisola i see Boston dynamics has started working on weapons' for the Taliban. :-/
+1neat bomb you got NGL.
@Echowhiskey11 but could you make a 2 seater?
+1@flatearthmom just a bit of advise for the links in your description [ a word ](the link you want to imbed) expository post that explains all the stuff you would even want to add in a description.
it's vary boxy.
+1what happens when you use more then one of them on a single build? also would these aim at your own craft if a targeted aircraft crossed passed part of your own build?
+1haaa, yes the Panther one of Germanys most problematic tanks. i mean with how they broke down and had so many slight variations on non standard parts I'm shocked they were even able to keep a few of them running during the war.
+1@AndrewGarrison are you really 40? you don't look much older then me and im 25.
+3@MarkyCatSPAvionics thanks for the Up Doot my dude.
@Pilotmario how have things been? i know things have been more than a tad bit nutty on my side of things.
nice. i still remember the original one.
@Uhimjijo go right ahead.
@Samflugzeugpanzer Rip of torpedo tubes?
"Even in death i serve"
@firered567 go ahead.
@Ian_Yashima didn't expect to see a knights of Sidonia build today. looks good. ill check it out later.
+1@realSavageMan there are free programs that QR encode web links.
+3@Souka yes indeed i am.
@LittleJerry no but he's related.
Vary nice as ways.
+1One of the most Zeon looking mobile suits in Zeta Gundam and for good reason it was worked on by a number of Zeon engineers that defected to the AEUG.
+2something i find Strang is the riffling on this tank gun. there is no spiral so the riffling generates no spin. also the fact that it even has riffling is strange because most modern tank guns are smooth bore as to not affect there more exotic ammo types. Armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot rounds (APFSD), High explosive squash head (HESH), High explosive anti tank (HEAT), High explosive (HE) are normally negatively affected by riffling in a tank barrel. over all its a nice gun.
another thing that screams "this is not a modern tank gun" is the absence of a Bore evacuator witch are seen on a number of modern tank guns as well as a number of cold war era tank guns.
yha yes a war hammer fantasy fan.
@PlanariaLab full federation all the way?
@PlanariaLab a little suggestion of what you could do next. EMS-05 Agg
i like the build, the color is not what i would have chosen my self. also would have set up the off arm to support one of the two weapons' inside of dual wielding. but that's just me over all nice Mech.
@Yakitoriteitoku weapons?
not going to lie kind of reminds me of this
I always thought this thing looked like a frog.
+1SD's suck but nice job
@russianspy that sucks.
i hate to be this guy but that is such a low rez image do you know how to take a better one?
@yiyayiyakesulufata so it wouldn't set down for refuel, refit, and repair?
+1it's nice but unrealistic. the underbelly turrets the lack of landing gear or landing support structure furthermore i could not set down in water do to the near impossibility for the sub-bridge to take the water pressure + the pressure of the ship also the belly turrets would be even harder to make watertight.
+3my final thoughts are. It's vary nice, has very advanced build quality, and looks nice. over all numeric score (which is a bad system) 8/10
looks really good. controls vary well. nice
+1@Yakitoriteitoku oh.... The Big Sad
@ Yakitoriteitoku controls?
A short review for this build.... it works though the controls are confusing read the controls vary closely before using it.
Pug boi be pugey
woff woff droid boi
needs a little more work. would look nice with the treads mod.
@Videokings2 if you want to put it that way Kaqiusha321 could have named it big Siege engine and also been correct.