13.7k FlyingHueman Comments

  • Socrux S.F-191P Arrow (Area 88) V2 - FM Update 1.3 years ago

    @Gabriel747 Sim senhor, vivíssimo! Só dei uma parada com o jogo... de vez em nunca passo aqui pra ver como a galera tá indo haha

  • Socrux S. FA-275 Peixe-Espada CLG 4.4 years ago

    @Rakoval500k It is of "my head" origin, lol. But it absolutely isn't mirror-friendly, it's quite complex in some areas and it requires some work to deal with.

  • Save the planes! 4.7 years ago

    Not too long ago a WWII Douglas DC-3 later converted to a civilian transport that had been on display for decades was cut up into little pieces over here in Brazil due to similar bureaucratic/private entity stuff. The largest aviation museum is South America is also closed and has been in a state of limbo for years, and the fate these aircraft will have is anyone's guess. I volunteered there for a while before Covid kicked in, cleaning these birds up. One of the most satisfying things I've ever done.

    Bureaucrats and pen-holders have no idea of the historical value these birds have, so I definitely appreciate the effort to get the message out there. If left uncontested they'd chop everything and turn them into aluminum cans.

  • Saunders Roe SR.45 Princess BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporation 4.9 years ago

    Glad to see this beautiful bird around! That's a (rather sadly) rare one.

  • Douglas B-66 Destroyer 4.9 years ago

    This is probably one of my favorite bombers of all time - I fell in love with it when I first saw it in a 1974 book my grandfather gifted me. You capture its lines really well, I'd have used intake parts to make the trailing edge "sharp" but that's a minor thing, it looks really good. Congratulations on this piece!

  • sword fish II (Cowboy Bebop) 5.0 years ago

    that console panel... Absolutely gorgeous. Quite the plane to look at and fly around.

  • Northrop F-20N Tigershark 5.0 years ago

    Astonishing job on this one! Not only is it likely one of the most realistically performing Tiger-family birds in SP, it looks absolutely gorgeous too, smooth and with all the curves of the real thing. You really didn't pull any brakes on this one!

    A fantastic build for a fantastic plane. The Tigershark is an amazing, IMO underrated bird, and such a fine replica is indeed a great addition to this site.

  • XT-F07 Requiem 5.0 years ago

    @Sadboye12 It's not a big bummer at all! Myself I only started making custom gear a short time ago and the ones I did are really basic, because it's frankly quite hard (many, many unscheduled disassemblies during landing tests...). The low part count you've got is impressive given the aesthetics of the build.

  • Apollo IE 5.0 years ago

    These shapes... How. Black magic. Arcane wizardry.

    The amount of effort here is astounding.

  • XT-F07 Requiem 5.0 years ago

    OP as hecc, but really fun to fly around. Surprisingly well-balanced for how sci-fi/Macross-esque it looks, responds perfectly to command.
    My only complaint is that the stock landing gear kinda clashes with its looks, but you're not going to have gear down most of the time anyways. Nice work!

  • Need help with aircraft bank tendency 5.0 years ago

    Yeah I've had a problem with my Flecha rolling very slightly to the left, too. You need to leave it be for quite some time to notice it, it's very slight, but it's somewhat annoying.
    I spent hours, several hours after hours after hours trying to find what was causing this issue, disassembled the whole plane, checked each part, but found nothing. I decided to just release it as it was in the end, it remains a mystery to this day.

  • Hawker_Monsoon_Mk.II(WWII FFC) 5.0 years ago

    This gives me serious Sky Crawler vibes, like a Sanka but it drinks tea and wears a top hat. I really like how it looks, very pleasing aesthetic!

  • Need help with aircraft bank tendency 5.0 years ago

    @ENG1Fail Seems like it has already been resolved, but I wanted to chime in on a different aspect, if I may.
    First of all, it's looking mighty nice! that's one complex camouflage scheme to make in SP and I'm surprised it came out this good. I cannot think of the amount of time and patience that went into this.

    With that in mind, to make the most out of your work, you want the best colors you can get, and don't get me wrong, the color you have currently is actually pretty good and it works. Now, the problem with Brazilian camouflage is that the colors change a lot depending on the lighting, even moreso than other camouflages. If you take a photo with lots of warm sunlight, it's going to look very close to what you have currently, but otherwise it has a more blue-ish tone.
    Some photographers who have seen these birds up close have described the green in the camo pattern as having a "slight purple-ish hue that's difficult to catch on camera". Having seen F-5EMs and A-29Bs up close myself, I don't know if I really agree with the "purple-ish" part but they definitely have some of slightly blue-ish look.
    This palette picture right here is probably the easy-pickable (flat colors) one which comes the closest. However, I've found in SP it looks too bright and flat.
    However, to be completely fair, the specific paint tones vary a lot depending on how worn-out the aircraft is and other factors, such as uneven painting, so don't be afraid to make it a little more green/darker than in that picture if you think it looks too flat, such as in this picture, which is also one mighty good reference for weapons. (Personally, I'd keep the centreline fuel tank and give it either two rocket launchers on the outboards + two BAFG-230s on the inboards, or two rocket launchers on the inboards and two MAA-1 Piranhas on the outboards. If you keep the wing fuel tanks, might want to angle them upwards a bit, but that's just nitpicking.) The problem here is that since it's shaded it might be harder to pick the color exactly, but it looks better IMO, could only use a touch more of blueness, and a bit more washed out for the green.
    As I said before, this is really hard to get hard and changes a lot, so don't worry too much about it. I'm just telling you this in case you find it useful, and keep up the good work!

  • SEPECAT Jaguar GR.1 RAF 5.0 years ago

    @Subnerdica Yes. In one of the Jaguar's upgrades, starting with either the GR.3 or GR. 7 (I can't recall), they wanted to carry external fuel tanks, jamming pods, air-to-ground ordnance (because that's what accomplishes your mission) and also AAMs for self-defense. There was simply no more space for extra pylons under the wings, so they added overwing rails for Sidewinders.

    It's a less than optimal solution, and I can bet the ground crew loading the missiles there hated it, but it got the job done, and yes, it was a thing.

  • Zeus Dive Bomber/Fighter MK1 5.0 years ago

    Absolutely breathtaking! This is downright one of the most amazing builds I have ever seen. The amount of effort you put in deserves two upvotes by itself, if I could do so!

    Furthermore, the design of the plane is really pretty and fitting for the era, it handles nice, and the cockpit makes for an absolutely amazing experience. The fact you managed to do all that with 722 parts alone is mind-blowing, some serious optimization here.

    It is too bad about the sideslip indicator, though. What exactly was the problem? I managed to make one a while ago, but then again it was very simple and crude. I also find that rotators sometimes start behaving funny when there are too many parts...

    I have also recently learned, through observing other builders, that the "tilting back" of the attitude indicator and compass can be prevented by giving the rotator very high speeds - instead of "1", usually the maximum, use "10", "15", etc. Going too high causes weird things to happen, though. I hope this is useful to you in future builds, because boy, you have the skill and patience! Congratulations on this absolutely marvelous bird.

  • Teaser Time!: My next build for the Silver special! 5.1 years ago

    Oh no, the Argentina Squad is assembling
    What happens if they fuse their powers? Is it too strong for the universe?

    Got the shape nicely laid out there! Might want to make it a bit more smooth, but it looks good nonetheless. I've got to say, a detailed interior might be too much, it'd be a nice addition but it's not really necessary. Large interiors like those of a bomber can take an awful lot of time. I'd focus on making a canopy/windscreen shape that looks immersive from an inside cokcpit view.

  • Weapons Pack for the A29 "Super Tucano" 5.1 years ago

    First BLG I've seen in this site so far! It's quite funny, the nomenclature for these things is "Bomba Lança-Granadas", lit. "Grenade Launching Bomb". Guess cluster bombs are grenades in Brazilian Air Force terminology, lol.

    There are some other interesting weapons developed at the CTA like the BAPI anti-runway bomb and the BINC-300 incendiary canisters but I believe these are only used in "high-performance aircraft", so the F-5EM and AMX A-1/A-1M in FAB inventories. For FAB Super Tucanos, Skyfire-70 rockets (used with common NATO launcher pods, usually LAU-51s) and MAA-1 Piranhas (externally virtiually identical to AIM-9Bs in most versions but with performance comparable to AIM-9Es or Ls depending on the version... and information source, which is scarce) are classic loadout options, which you should definitely keep in mind if you want to make a FAB version of it. Sadly they don't see much guided bomb use here, usually it's rockets and the BAFG-230 (Mk. 82 equivalent) bombs.

    I really like how it turned out, and you used less parts than I'd expect for such a bomb! Really nice work.

  • A29 (EMB314) "Super Tucano" USAF 5.1 years ago

    @edufrs14 to be honest, the fact the USAF is considering this plane is a testament to the capability of our engineers in and of itself. It's also part of why Kovác's team chose "Tucano" as the namesake for the original T-27, so it would be unmistakably recognized as a Brazilian aircraft no matter where it was exported to. It also helps that "Tucano" is a catchy word that rolls off the tongue easily in several different languages, though pronounced a bit differently sometimes (for instance, IIRC the French pronounced it as what would in Portuguese sound like "Tûcanô".)

    As for me, I'm just happy to see another Super Tucano on the site. It's a beautiful bird, and this build is really, really well detailed. It might be the best Tucano around in SimplePlanes, it's an excellent build. My congratulations to the builder.

  • "SelectedTarget" and other related Funky-Trees Suggestions. 5.1 years ago

    This is something I've been thinking about ever since Funky Trees came out. I fear it might take quite a bit of effort for the devs due to the fact it's relative movement and all, but I'd love to try making some auto-tracking gun turrents and radar-assisted gunsights. I sure hope this goes forward!

  • F-5E Tiger II 5.1 years ago

    How did I not know of this before? Absolutely amazing rendition of Kazama's Tiger, superbly done paint scheme, the unique shape and curves of the F-5 are kept just right even with the paint, and a fairly low part count on top of that. Hats off.

  • Beta 1.9.202 5.1 years ago

    @SnoWFLakE0s So this means all builds previous to this will be hopelessly borked? That's somewhat saddening. But, thank you for clearing it up.

  • General Dynamics F-16C 5.1 years ago

    Probably one of the best F-16s on this site in terms of usability and performance. Very well earned upvotes, good sir.

  • Distance 5.1 years ago

    @Stormfur Yeah, I got that, but does he have to manually assign each extra color to each part in the XML file? That would be close to non-practical, but hey, if I could for instance leave a separate set of extra colors for instrument panels alone...

  • Beta 1.9.202 5.1 years ago

    The new features are greatly appreciated, but I have noticed something which I have no idea whether it is simply an unavoidable consequence of these changes or a bug. Inputs of the kind "-LandingGear" no longer seem to work, having the same effect as "LandingGear" without the negative. I have only seen this behavior in beacon lights, so I don't know whether it's universal or simply a problem with the lights.

    It's not a deal breaker for me since I only used these for cosmetics like landing gear lights and "LG down" warning lights in cockpits, but since this has the potential to affect a lot of previous builds I figured I should let people know, and see if someone else is also running into this problem. Of course, I'll be submitting a proper report too.

  • Distance 5.1 years ago

    Now this is amazing. It stands well on its own as an art piece, but the fact this was done in SP makes it genuinely impressive.

    More importantly though... 83 colours? You can add extra colours to the palette other than the preset number of 18-20 or so? Man, if this is practical, this could have saved me so much trouble. Please teach me your ways, o wise duck.

  • Carro Armato P26/40 (Anzio) 5.1 years ago

    Absolutely glorious

  • Socrux S.F-191P Arrow (Area 88) V2 - FM Update 5.1 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Yeah, I am painfully aware. In this case the goal was to hit Mach 1 at sea level clean, and Mach 2 at altitude; the external tanks have drag modelled in (though I probably should have used more, since if I'm not mistaken 50% of the extra fuel they add is used just to overcome the extra drag), but you are correct, the weapons don't (except for the bombs, and the missile parts inside the missiles themselves, which probably don't count since they're hidden in a shell). The reason why is because I've had very bad experiences with custom weapons with drag, as in, it'd affect their performance after firing and sometimes render them unstable or otherwise useless. I choose to make all my custom weapons dragless due to that.

    Thank you once again for your continued patience and extended feedback!

  • Socrux S.F-191P Arrow (Area 88) V2 - FM Update 5.1 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Your feedback was really valuable, it was indeed turning way too fast so I decided to try my hand at kicking drag further down and reducing control surface authority. It's still very far from perfect, but I think it handles a lot better now.

  • Socrux S.F-191P Arrow (Area 88) 5.1 years ago

    @Sunrising The reason are probably the detachers on the custom missiles. Low physics will probably cause them to go boom indeed.

    Now, even on high physics, this plane can blow up because of that as I've found out, but that requires you to climb to 40.000 feet, accelerate to +1200 mph and then command full pitch + full roll.

    And yeah controlling this on a mobile device must be painful, lol. I admit that didn't even go through my mind, as I only use mouse.

  • Flying Around in MP 5.1 years ago

    @Bife Yeah, I don't live too far actually, but if you look at the undersea internet cables it's insane
    Things take a turn through Australia of all things before going to the guys up north

  • Flying Around in MP 5.1 years ago

    I can feel the Latinamerican internet connection at times
    It hits way too close to home

    Most importantly however, Oh no, the Pulquis are multiplying
    This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!

  • McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom II 5.1 years ago

    Probably one of the best Phantoms in the site, certainly the best I've seen so far. Great work.

  • Come On In, The Water's Fine! 5.1 years ago

    The ultimate light fighter that never was. A build I'll be looking forward to, for sure.

  • Socrux S.F-191P Arrow (Area 88) 5.1 years ago

    @ChiChiWerx Oh yeah, I'm not too happy with that myself. I wanted to make it decently controllable at low speed but we don't have vortex modellation so I ended up with too much lift, not enough AoA to bleed energy and a plane that turns way too hard at speed. I decided to leave it as is, but yeah, it turns too much. It's interesting to fly this limiting yourself to a point where the AoA warning lights don't turn on, though.

    Balancing a degree of realism and fun to fly is something I really aim for, and every bit of feedback I can get is extremely valuable, thank you!

  • Socrux S.F-191P Arrow (Area 88) 5.1 years ago

    @NUOB Unfortunately I don't have any mobile device I can test this on. However, my laptop is a potato and it can run this with almost no problem. I'd be grateful if someone could test it out for mobile devices.

  • Spruance Class Destroyer 5.1 years ago

    How. How can you do something with this level of detail, refinement and functionality with less than 500 parts. Absolute madman. Dark mage. Keeper of the forbidden part-saving arts.

  • FG-85A 5.1 years ago

    That's an amazing amount of effort and well-done execution.

  • F-13A Flecha - Area 88 Challenge 5.1 years ago

    Handles better than I had expected! Very nice work. The cockpit with functional controls is pretty nice as well.

  • F-4E PHANTOM II -AREA 88 CHALLENGE 5.1 years ago

    Handles like a dream, the cluster bombs are surprisingly fun to use and while they did lag my potato laptop a bit, it wasn't too much at all, even for this old 'tater! Absolutely magnificent build. I'm placing my chips on this one, haha

  • JF-100G - Area88Challenge 5.1 years ago

    I've taken this out for a spin and I must say, it's an extremely underrated build. It's simple, no-nonsense, mobile friendly, and handles really well.

  • Socrux S.F-191P Arrow (Area 88) 5.1 years ago

    @Trainzo Thank you a lot, I'm honored! Most of the parts are in the custom weapons, they increased the part count a lot unfortunately.

    Thanks for the spotlight, by the way! As you can see, the Mirage series was a big inspiration and basis for this.

  • Area88Challenge 5.1 years ago

    I'll probably have an entry up soon if we still have a couple more hours. Just need to tweak the paint scheme.

  • Lykins A-1 Brush Hopper 5.1 years ago

    I'm a simple man. I see Bronco vibes, I like.

  • Socrux S. Ca. 132 Ciclone (45-50 NAC) 5.1 years ago

    @wonkapilot Haha, it's got a heck ton of lift doesn't it? The real hard thing is landing this thing with an engine out, though. I did the "mission" I laid out there several times, in one of them the ships shot one of my engines out. I flew back home on a single engine, but when I was approaching for landing I went too slow and my rudder started losing authority. Desperate, I throttled up - and the asymmetric thrust sent me in a flatspin to the ocean, lol.

  • Socrux S. FA-275 Peixe-Espada CLG 5.1 years ago

    @BlyatMan It's included with the plane, it's the weird pod attached under the fuselage's centreline pylon. You can grab it and turn it into a subassembly by removing it from its pylon, just make sure to give credit if you use the pod itself in another build.

  • Socrux S. FA-275 Peixe-Espada CLG 5.1 years ago

    @Shippy456 The best thing is the Brazilian designation for these things. Grenades... Hecking grenades, lmao.
    This is a grenade launcher, apparently.

  • Socrux S. FA-275 Peixe-Espada CLG 5.1 years ago

    @sheepsblood I might have been the first, I don't know lol. In any case, I'd be really happy to see more people trying out systems like this one, it's really easy to do and fun to use.

  • How do you make a Artificial Horizon? 5.1 years ago

    @DickBrazen I don't think that thing I did warrants credit, unless one dowright takes the entire piece as a subassembly - it's not like it's a complex, groundbreaking or innovative idea, it's actually dead simple and I'm pretty sure lots of people have already done the same thing - both before and after me.

    That being said, I appreciate it a lot that my build was the first thing that came to your mind on this, lol.

  • Socrux S. FA-275 Peixe-Espada CLG 5.1 years ago

    @sheepsblood well, that's basically shat the Mehrzweckwaffe carried in German Tornados was... A bunch of very short-barreled, low-velocity guns shooting very unique shells, lel. Unfortunately, we cannot make these shells cylindrical and parachute-delayed, at least not just yet.

  • Socrux S. FA-275 Peixe-Espada CLG 5.1 years ago

    @UAVMaker there is this beautiful guide by Skua right here