21.3k Fumo Comments

  • A message to the Community regarding the German Corsair Controversy. 4.7 years ago

    Thank you BietBong, very cool!

  • You will only partially regret clicking this(Teaser) 5.7 years ago

    5/10 not enough bogans banned

  • Advanced Destroyer-Whisper 5.7 years ago

    You've got no say in this.
    Hell you don't even have any builds.

  • New Team Member 5.7 years ago

    thank you wnp, very cool!

  • DiSpROviNG the CONSPIRACY! 5.7 years ago

    "there's no control surface therefore it's fake" - VC, sometime in 2019

  • The few unspoken sacrifices I have made for SimplePlanes 5.9 years ago

    Not to be rude or anything, but do we really have to know?
    Posting something like this makes you look like someone in desperate need of attention or just someone boastful overall.

  • I’m finally bronze? 3.6 years ago

    @TheLateJBerry stay dead.


    I just downvoted your post.



    What does this mean?

    The amount of karma (points) on your comment and Reddit account has decreased by one.

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    There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to:
    * Rudeness towards other Redditors,
    * Spreading incorrect information,
    * Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s.

    Am I banned from the Reddit?

    No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.

    I don't believe my comment deserved a downvote. Can you un-downvote it?

    Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I undo a downvote. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a private message explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to Reddit PMs within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of downvote appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

    How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

    Accept the downvote and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on Reddit.com. I will continue to issue downvotes until you improve your conduct. Remember: Reddit is privilege, not a right.

  • Someone Is Converting SP Replicas Into 3d Models And Trying To Sell Them 5.6 years ago

    Thank you @bjac0, very cool!

  • Q&A with Dllama 5.8 years ago

    when will bogan be banned?

  • [SLRP] Declaration 5.8 years ago

    Could you like, put some thought into the writing to make it solid and believable..?
    Because this is barely believable by most standards.
    Especially the part with the sniper.
    First off, that man wouldn't even come close to within 600 meters of where the President is because he'd have several layers of security such as counter-sniper teams, SUVs with mounted machine guns, military guards and possibly layers of bulletproof glass of the highest level.
    Counter-sniper teams would be constantly scanning the horizon for any possible threat with sensors such as IR cameras and the like.
    If he does manage to get through, he's either got inside help, massacred his way into a rooftop without somehow getting detected or that you have one of the most incompetent guards to exist.
    Second, in the case that he is apprehended on the rooftop, tried to resist and ended up getting shot on the shoulder, chances are that he'd actually die from it.
    The shoulder contains the main artery of the arm and the nerve bundles which control the arm.
    Plus, he probably won't even be caught up close, but rather caught up in a body bag because the police won't risk an encounter with such an individual and as such, engage them at a distance with a sniper team.

  • BM-335 5.8 years ago

    Not enough V2™.

  • Another one 5.9 years ago

    Well, well.
    Here's the person who tried to raid SBC with Romanian Nazi Propaganda and ended up being banned by yours truly
    It would be a shame if.. you were to be exposed.
    Also, you left !this and !this lying around.


    !Exhibit I
    !Exhibit II
    !Exhibit III

  • Banks Peninsula, New Zealand 4.2 years ago


  • Do you like my mods? 4.3 years ago


  • What do you think about a Rotary powered rally car? 5.3 years ago

    A first generation RX-7 was built for Group B by Mazda, though it sadly never got to hit the tarmac due to the cancellation of the race it was meant to participate in.

    Anyways, the thought of a Wankel-powered car being used in rallies is pretty good.. as long as the cooling and oil systems are good.

  • NTDA SA-5 5.9 years ago


    This is a smoothbore, 12 gauge shotgun.
    And yes, I am very much informed that using less-lethal munitions such as rubber batons and rubber buckshot can cause a semi-automatic shotgun to not cycle properly.

    Hence why it says "in limited service in it's police forces" which means that it's in service with special units such as SWAT or SRT.

    Also, I couldn't really see how rubber slugs/shots can be considered exotic considering they're quite common.

  • Cirno Fumo 2.8 years ago


  • APFSDS-T, 120mm, M829. 5.3 years ago

    @NFIGMT The reason for that being, the sabot actually functions as it would.
    I.e, it discards the petals as it exits the barrel.

  • Project GMC Part 1-1: Building the Piston Engine 5.3 years ago

    Up next: Wankel Rotaries

  • [SLRP] Declaration 5.8 years ago

    Sending fighters and ships to a high-stakes hostage situation would be a definition of misuse of forces.
    It can and most likely result into an escalation by the hostage takers due to excess pressure, causing them to execute the hostages.
    Competent and well-equipped counter-terrorist teams have a higher chance of defusing the situation rather quickly, saving the lives of the hostages.. because not everything can be solved by explosives alone.

  • XMT-2 6.2 years ago

    Some things to be clarified about this.

    • What exactly is the class of this thing?
      It seems too heavily armoured to be a light or medium tank, it doesn't look like it's fit for reconnaissance duty and that so it's most likely going to fall under Tank Destroyer.
    • X in the designation would mean it's still in the Experimental Phase
    • What type of engine does it have?
    • How many rounds could this carry?
    • How many liters/gallons of fuel?
    • Engagements with the Armata would be fairly difficult due to it's Gun/Launcher capability which means that if it were to detect you and loaded it's ATGM, you'd probably be dead considering this doesn't have any APS whatsoever.
    • Why is there no MG?
    • What exactly is the caliber of the gun?
    • How could the gun depress? (Gun breech would hit the turret roof.)
    • Reload Time and System?
    • What led to the decision of making a vehicle having to do AA duty as well?

  • Wright Hangar 3.6 years ago

    mobile peasants go cope

  • Challenger 2 4.3 years ago


  • Downgrade ice base 4.6 years ago

    git gud

  • Design theft 4.6 years ago

    @Beefy No, the B-29 wasn't part of the Lend-Lease deal. The Tu-4 was the result of Soviet reverse-engineering of several B-29s that landed on Soviet territory due to emergencies during the Pacific campaign.

  • B-17 Flying Fortress 4.9 years ago

    thank you swedecent, very cool

  • Altica-Harvey Tekula F.7 5.0 years ago

    ok cory

  • I think this should be a thing in the game 5.1 years ago

    Post your suggestions to the devs here

  • 2.8L Inline-6, Naturally Aspirated. 5.3 years ago

    @RailfanEthan add 6 more zeroes to that
    so 5,000,000 yen

  • 2.8L Inline-6, Naturally Aspirated. 5.3 years ago

    @RailfanEthan pay me 5 shekels

  • Kandake-class LHD 5.6 years ago

    thank you avdol, very cool

  • [SLRP] Operation Sentinel 5.7 years ago

    You are quite literally halfway around the world.
    By executing this operation, you are most certainly violating the airspaces of several nations.

  • Realistic Christie Suspension (Proof-of-Concept) 5.7 years ago

    thank you snow, very cool!

  • Big Question 5.7 years ago


    It's still technically considered stealing since you've been caught taking them, using them as your own and just outright lie about having "replicated" them.
    I'll give an example.
    ErvenDynamics' Gun Optic from his MBT-2A Tyrfing and Dllama4's APS.
    Oh and by the way, from what we've seen in your escapades in "The Royal Suite", we don't know whether to laugh or fear for humanity's future.
    Try and continue your endless web of lies and you'll see yourself looking at a reel of every single thing you've lied about compiled into an album.

  • [RP] RECRUITING FOR WARBURG 5.8 years ago

    Do not, I repeat, do not request for personal/confidential details such as e-mail address and one's religion.

  • [SLRP] Declaration 5.8 years ago


    What a coincidence to suddenly have repairs on the 95th.
    That's one hell of a retcon.
    And you do realize that Security Forces setup three perimeters solely for the President's protection, not to mention the insane amount of background checking.
    Plus, they will actually shut down any building or work in the security perimeter's vicinity which may become a place for a threat to hide in.

  • Tutorial : How to make a plane not a sucessor of another plane or vice versa [BRAND NEW DISCOVERY] 5.9 years ago

    This isn't a discovery though, as it's been done before.
    There are possible consequences for abusing this.

  • [SLRP] Anyone Interested? 5.9 years ago

    Oh, since this is one..
    The Royal State of Aleuztia wishes to have diplomatic ties with both SimpleLandia and Eternistan.

    @Strikefighter04 @DeidaraEnterprises

  • RHI M1005 Heavy Equipment Transporter 6.0 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries lmao, thanks dude.

  • Type 23 "Mako" IFV 6.2 years ago

    @StallFlight here m'boi https://www.simpleplanes.com/Mods/View/665529/Abbandoned-Airport-Designer-2

  • Crate Engine - 4A-GELU "Silvertop" 20v N2 6.4 years ago


    Well, I just finished a Rotax 912..
    Can't say I'm good at it but, I can try.

    That's probably a Redtop.
    Was it supercharged?

  • Crate Engine - 4A-GELU "Silvertop" 20v N2 6.4 years ago


    Othawne was in charge of the manifold work, so he takes 1/2 or 1/3 the credit.

  • Cargo helicopter used to be a SP meme 6.4 years ago

    a skeleton

  • M/AK-80 Assault Rifle 6.9 years ago

    There are some problems with this setup.
    - The lack of a Rear Iron Sight
    - The unnecessarily long buttstock
    - Pistol grip is either short or too high up.
    - Unexplained mix of wood and plastic furniture.
    - Missing Gas Tube

  • I broke the game..... look below 8.3 years ago

    "Number of Parts - 0"

    Looks like we found the problem

  • BIG BERTHA (420mm)Howitzer 8.6 years ago

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "420"

  • SimplePuns 8.6 years ago

    DELTA→ Doesnt Ever Leave The Airport
