Happy birthday :D I hope you have a great day and have a great month, year and day, I hope you to be always happy and remember you will always have someone even if you don't know who it is :D
Nice build, quick question, how do you put the photo in the description?
I checked old tips but all leaves me with blank space, so I'm on a dead end now.
Would appreciate if anyone reply with the tips.
Aight thanks.
@Gady13131 oh, I already made it as kishiva-2B
It doesn't make the plane catch in fire, rather disabled the engine
But maybe I'll make another version with your idea :D
This post may lost in this website overtime, yet the memory will stay.
"Dont question the first screenshot."
+4Yeah I'm gonna question it
@AkasukiNomura [AC-KIRARA INBOUND]
+3Feel familiar but when did i see it hmmmm
+3@swat66463 agree, aiming improve too.👍 10/10🗿
+2I spin for yelan after downloaded this 25 minutes ago, and... won the 50/50, thanks for the luck ;-;
+2@PriyanshuGM baby bus if they manufactured military vehicles:
+2Or not I don't know.
@Graingy what the actual fu-
+2..... I'm going offline and going to touch grass for 2 week.
@Spexc yes and my question is
+2Who's that🗿
Loving the presentation,keep it up man
+2@NEOCORP ooooooooo that's why, ok cool work btw
+2Huh. Still publishing.
+1Hola :D
@Aviator720 ohh, I see.... Oh well, I'm not gonna build anything for now anyway, so that just mean, happy early Christmas or so.
Greetings from Malaysia ^_^!
Merry Christmas to everyone that celebrating it.
+1Yeah that's it, bye.
Have a good day and have a good remaining day before new year.
@Aviator720 я просто использую шрифт и пробелы, прежде чем вставлять фото, извините, но я не совсем говорю по-русски.
+1Wait, it's your birthday today? If so then
Happy birthday :D I hope you have a great day and have a great month, year and day, I hope you to be always happy and remember you will always have someone even if you don't know who it is :D
+1@GuyFolk seem complicated for my dumb brain :p
Edit: Nvm I understand now
+1I thought it was a gun pod 🗿
+1Lol should called it CMT-2
Chimkem main tank with 2 gun
:V cool build btw
+1Sure I'll try to find it probably
I don't know what it look like so it'll take time or something like that.
Me: spawn in a tank then spawn the swat ai
Where's johnny?~
+1@CronusTechnologies don't worry about it
+1Lol i just finished publishing modified mig 29
+1Then this pop up
What a coincidence
@BeeEngineer damnit i want the functional one but i can't upvote
+1@MAPA congratulations 🎉🎉
+1Noooo the mods make it un
+1download able for meh🗿
The presentation is beautiful as always 🗿👍
+1@Varrell007 agree but sad I can't upvote
+1Idk why
@BARREND a fictional one, I'm making it with a spaced armored, haven't tested it with atgm thou, planning to put Deployeable drone on it
@BARREND i tried that with your winch, i guess the problem is my drone i created to try it, but I'll try to improve on the wire guided, but.
Thanks for taking your time to reply!
I'm looking forward to more of your build in the future.
Question: How did you make it controllable by wire/Winch?
I been trying to make one for a wired drone for a tank build but no success
Also, nice build and very fun when you fully able to control them
@SILVERPANZER ahhh, got it, thank you very much for sparing some time to reply back.
Nice build, quick question, how do you put the photo in the description?
I checked old tips but all leaves me with blank space, so I'm on a dead end now.
Would appreciate if anyone reply with the tips.
Aight thanks.
Oh right, forgot to put it
At this point, customized it as you please, I might drop it off and keep it to myself
@Gady13131 oh, I already made it as kishiva-2B
It doesn't make the plane catch in fire, rather disabled the engine
But maybe I'll make another version with your idea :D
@Gady13131 thank you ^_^
Ahhhhh, okay noted, thanks :D
First time making thumbnail I suppose....?
Yet I'm lazy to make thumbnail...
I'm sorry for the long lore and statistic.
I just love making lore and the statistics....
Oh, there seems like there's some problems with the missile, I'm currently trying to fix it.
Congratulations on 150k 🎉🎉
:O the video kinda give me goosebumps noice
How did you make it to jettison when getting lock?
:D cool build by the way