@CrashFighter05 i just had to do this... i unfollowed her. There's no point anymore. The randomusername i always knew of was more jokeful and talkative, now we have a hypersensitive and lonely randomusername that just wants to hide from people and stay in a dark corner. I miss the old randomusername honestly
Then Simpleplanes won't be Simpleplanes. Most people need the points for motivation. Without the points, you wouldn't see the amazing planes you know of right now
if you were the real Elon Musk, you wouldn't capitalize your name or put "official" on it, that's how i know
+14I am once again asking for your wallet
+12IQ: can't think of a specific percentage
+11I edited this comment, and now no one will understand why It has lots of likes
+11"One does not simply ask for upvotes. They must earn them." -Literally any Moderator
+10You should've called it Big Brain, and the description should be, "forums that require massive brain power and only the nerdiest can understand them"
+10"Did you just understand me?"
+9@EternalDarkness does this mean i will see less anime profile pics? Anime girls really got out of hand in this website
+8But then SimplePlanes will end up looking like an SR2 duplicate, literally
+8Minecraft has joined the server
+8Laugh Out Loud
+8What's next? GTA V??
+7299 parts!? There was already one with 799, and another one with 999, and this too!? Am i a joke to you? Still love this anyway
+7Oh great, you caused my computer to crash, how ironic that is
+7"Thanks, I hate it."
+7you need "big brain time" to understand it
+7@jamesPLANESii especially when it heads out to a different dimension
+7Don't tell me the part count, I don't wanna know
+6unless they are not popups that disrupt my whole screen than 👌
+6This is not the SimplePlanes i always knew of
+642,000$ per video!? Do we look like millionaires to you YouTube?
+6Interesting. Show me more
+6(Angry Android Noises)
+6its impossible to urinate that hard
+6Sleek. Very sleek. I like sleekness
+6The mods are gonna check this out and think it's breaking the rules
+6Pig in a pen
+5SimplePlanes isn't the same as it used to be 😳
+5@CrashFighter05 i just had to do this... i unfollowed her. There's no point anymore. The randomusername i always knew of was more jokeful and talkative, now we have a hypersensitive and lonely randomusername that just wants to hide from people and stay in a dark corner. I miss the old randomusername honestly
+5Pro Gamer
+5Don't log out then
+5Or the current moderators we have right now can use Google Translate to understand Chinese
+5Or just ignore it if it's too much for you? The "offtopic" and "feelings" tags exist for a reason
+5You have yee'd your last haw
+5"I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda."
+5Mi kasa, tu kasa
+52019: we'll have 1.9 update any time now
+5Also 2019: THIS
"where the bloody hell have you been!?"
+5Honest statement
Seems genius but wrong at the same time
+5Signing out (comments something every day)
+5I thought this was a mod for a sec
+5Then Simpleplanes won't be Simpleplanes. Most people need the points for motivation. Without the points, you wouldn't see the amazing planes you know of right now
+4No, I think he was beaten by @BogdanX with points and he got so upset he logged himself out
+4I feel blessed
+4And the ting goes BOOM
+4That "Hey" or whatever that was had me on the floor