@EternalDarkness i will show you when my ifv gets uploaded but it still needs some time to produce. Im not the one who likes to work for days and nights for his projects thats why not much stuff was uploaded the last months. But 2019 will get a good year especially in spring. There will come a lot of vehicles
@EternalDarkness how about putting tiny missiles/torpedos on pistons which are in the same speed as the one who pushes the sub down. Secondly make a tiny modded piston with a tiny swimblock on it for good diving
@EternalDarkness even my navy heli (coming soon) will be able to dive a sonar a normal sar winch and two mine sweeptorpedos. also it has a turbo and foldable rotors and tail for the hangarmode
@EternalDarkness and one question why didnt you make the other guns operateable there is so much stuff you can make working. i mean take a look at my destroyer i tried to make as much stuff working as possible i used every ag
@BlazeInfinity there is a basicly tip for improving your creations. put vtol to the propeller pitch for forward and backward and trim to the ruders. then you can use the mouse/joysticks for aiming and put the cockpit to the targeting point or even one cam on a turret. here is a example
@Blue0Bull @DeathStalker627 what i really like about are the hangars. Even ive got a sea heli on the drawingboard which will be able to fold up the rotor and get into the hangars of this destroyer and coming up frigattes and corvettes
@WahrscheinlichIch naja ich bijn nicht son n schiff nerd wie du( soll nicht beleidigend sein) hab ja nur ne 1000 teile super cobra auf die beine gestellt wobei alles funtional ist und ohne mods
@MOPCKOEDNISHE could you pls help me with my tonk? https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/NddTIU/Rheinstahl-Forces-MBT-2-Puma-2-test the turret is the preoblem
@MisterT why
why you do that
@An225Maria its one year old... well i had plans for a present this year but i dont have an idea if i can get it done...
@EternalDarkness i will show you when my ifv gets uploaded but it still needs some time to produce. Im not the one who likes to work for days and nights for his projects thats why not much stuff was uploaded the last months. But 2019 will get a good year especially in spring. There will come a lot of vehicles
@EternalDarkness because there is no sloped armor and for offroad terrain like mud it will get stuck it should be more flat than now and more angled
@EternalDarkness ah cool but the front is really bad designed
@TheMigKing dont use my vehicles without my allowness! it was my thought and my art so i have the rights on it!
@Devilsfish sagtest ja garnichts
@EternalDarkness how about putting tiny missiles/torpedos on pistons which are in the same speed as the one who pushes the sub down. Secondly make a tiny modded piston with a tiny swimblock on it for good diving
much too long
@RailfanEthan also the suspention system is very badly designed for being realistic
@RailfanEthan PLS take a look at the last rear axle
@EternalDarkness but the back gun would be good to use
wasnt the uss new york like that?!
@EternalDarkness even my navy heli (coming soon) will be able to dive a sonar a normal sar winch and two mine sweeptorpedos. also it has a turbo and foldable rotors and tail for the hangarmode
@EternalDarkness and one question why didnt you make the other guns operateable there is so much stuff you can make working. i mean take a look at my destroyer i tried to make as much stuff working as possible i used every ag
@EternalDarkness sry for not mentioning but 117mph?! i mean its made for speed and agility but 117
@EternalDarkness and the armour isnt very good as well
@MOPCKOEDNISHE k well i dont need it now im fine with my on the helis
@MOPCKOEDNISHE its basicly a tank aiming mod right?
@BlazeInfinity there is a basicly tip for improving your creations. put vtol to the propeller pitch for forward and backward and trim to the ruders. then you can use the mouse/joysticks for aiming and put the cockpit to the targeting point or even one cam on a turret. here is a example
@lllKenlll its too plunpy should be smaller and the wingspan should be wider
@Onedream and all my other things?!
@Onedream nice
ah yeah how is that? https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/oGL5CK/Rheinstahl-forces-Steinmeier-Class-destroyer
@Empanadinho 5min. befor i saw this post i watched a dokumentary about ww1 pilots and planes the d,3 was the first one which was mentioned
@AHHHH what youve got more upvotes than my newest destroyer. Really cool dude.
Ps check this out pls
@bjac0 thx bro but my upvote limit (the limit i thought it will get was 20) is reached.
ps beware of a fregatte coming in this or next month
@DeathStalker627 well its even not been builded
@Blue0Bull @DeathStalker627 what i really like about are the hangars. Even ive got a sea heli on the drawingboard which will be able to fold up the rotor and get into the hangars of this destroyer and coming up frigattes and corvettes
@Jim1the1Squid well i do it
@Blue0Bull its sp there is a problem with it. So sp shows the shaddow wrong for example
did you checked out my new ship?@Blue0Bull it will be cool to have some sugestion from you for my next vessel (fregatte or maybe corvette)
@EternalDarkness i really like the usement of the panels at the bow
@EternalDarkness you should make the targeting cros much thinner
@EternalDarkness ah so like a swizz pockedknife?
yep very cool but i dont understad the switchable class system thingy
@EternalDarkness hey my next ship bill be look more like yours so more german
@ColonelStriker there is the desc.
@MOPCKOEDNISHE ive got another problem https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/20HHF7/Rheinstahl-forces-IFV-1-Panther
make some real engies so like fuselaged engines
@LinkzNation7263 using fuselage is good try to put the emblems into the wings
@mikoyanster hey miko what about a aircombat mission like top gun ;-)
@AHHHH but you ve got to get into xml modding and improving the flight abillitys
@AHHHH youve got a fucking cool style
@WahrscheinlichIch naja ich bijn nicht son n schiff nerd wie du( soll nicht beleidigend sein) hab ja nur ne 1000 teile super cobra auf die beine gestellt wobei alles funtional ist und ohne mods
@WahrscheinlichIch würde es ja gerne spotten aber kann nicht
@WahrscheinlichIch weil es 3000 teile hat oder wie
@WahrscheinlichIch wovon oder was willst du mir sagen
@WahrscheinlichIch na dah haste wieder n vogel abgeschossen
@MOPCKOEDNISHE could you pls help me with my tonk? https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/NddTIU/Rheinstahl-Forces-MBT-2-Puma-2-test the turret is the preoblem