This appears to be due to the tiny part scale on the cannons affecting the local simulation space of the muzzle flash.
You should be able to fix it by setting flashSpace="World"
Unfortunately SimplePlanes and the mod tools are built with Unity 5.3.6, and newer versions may entirely break it. For modding SimplePlanes at this time, 5.3.6f1, as is noted on the modding wiki, is recommended (and anything else may or may not break). You can get it from the Unity archive (or through the link on that modding wiki).
I recommend using the report button, so they are easier for moderators to find and examine.
Edit: I see you have done that since I first read this, and well before I commented. Thanks.
Please note that while it can be helpful to report posts that break the rules, people should not generally get together to collectively spam reports on a post they know has already been reported.
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
@TheFlightGuySP yes, global connections use the external/global IP (assuming port forwarding and whatnot succeeded), anyone else on your local wifi network would use local/LAN IP, and if connecting from the same computer the server is running on, you use localhost/
Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
@5647367267 the mod itself should work on Mac as-is (.spmod file).
The executable is the server, which is only necessary if you want to host a server yourself.
It's a Windows build using the .net runtime, and it should be able to run if you use the mono runtime, but I have only tested this on Linux.
There seems to be a bug for many, with Mod Settings and the latest update, where it won't create the menu button.
I'm not sure why this is and haven't yet managed to replicate the problem, which makes it a tricky guessing game to fix.
@BWANWI you still need to run a server on a computer. The computer running the server can connect to localhost, and the other computers need the LAN IP address of the computer running the server.
@BacchaNIKI @T8flightcrafts @Coolman1000 @se34ruy delete the old version from your mods folder C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes\Mods, and from your downloads.
Then download the new version, and manually place it in your mods folder.
@SheriffHackdogMCPE it largely depends on context, but that may be acceptable as long as it adheres to the rules, and isn't representing Nazism.
It's more reliable to determine with complete context, though, so if you can prepare the post and either DM a moderator somewhere, or upload unlisted and @ ping them there to ask if publishing would be okay, that would be optimal.
@iniMiiW unfortunately, no. The only synchronised weapons are bombs and missiles (poorly synced... they work sometimes), assuming you have them enabled of course.
@asteroidbook345 Sorry, I don't recall, I'm not sure we had detachers before activation groups... if I remember where I put my ancient SP installs, I'll let you know.
Unfortunately, floating-point precision errors are inevitable in any system using floating-point numbers, which is essentially any modern personal computer, Android, iOS, Windows, or Mac.
With your joystick selected (should be automatically selected if it's the only one connected), hit the "Calibrate" button near the top.
Locate and select the incorrect input in the popup list (hopefully "throttle", but it may be labeled something else), then press the Calibrate button and follow the on-screen directions.
If that doesn't solve the problem, you can try manually adjusting the "Zero" slider.
@nadvgia I think the tools on the subreddit are out of date, sorry about that.
Your SimplePlanes game folder should have a ModTools folder with the latest mod tools package in it, usually Steam\steamapps\common\SimplePlanes\ModTools if you have it on Steam.
This should work (only did a tiny bit of testing, though. Hasn't been through my standard QA process).
Anybody that has set their icon offset may need to set it back to the default0,0,0.
@AnotherRB No lol
+2@Serghub the aircraft carrier was a modified version of this:
+2The roads were added by the SimplePlanes Interstate mod:
@Flyer24 it's something we'd like to add an option for, but it's a bit far down the list and I'm not sure when/if we'll get to it.
+2Use Unity 2020.3.26, tutorial version is outdated.
+2@TailessAce gun sync is currently non-existent.
+2@Suica I wasn't aware of such an issue. If I can reproduce it consistently, it should be possible to fix, but I'll need to look into it.
+2@e_soup I like the idea. I've written it down for a possible feature in the future, but I make no promises.
+2The last step is wrong, you need at least 3 more spaces before your message.
+2This is some nice elaborate conspiracy fiction, really impressive stuff, you folks should consider writing a book :)
+2Go into Settings, then Controls settings.
+2With your joystick selected (should be automatically selected if it's the only one connected), hit the "Calibrate" button near the top.
Locate and select your throttle input in the popup list, then press the Calibrate button and follow the on-screen directions.
If that doesn't solve the problem, you can try manually adjusting the "Zero" slider.
Man, I wish I had these savings when I bought these games!
+2This appears to be due to the tiny part scale on the cannons affecting the local simulation space of the muzzle flash.
+2You should be able to fix it by setting flashSpace="World"
Good to see you back :)
+2@Awsomur :'(
+2@Minecraftpoweer they should work about as well as they did in 1.7, but it's not guaranteed.
+2Unfortunately SimplePlanes and the mod tools are built with Unity 5.3.6, and newer versions may entirely break it. For modding SimplePlanes at this time, 5.3.6f1, as is noted on the modding wiki, is recommended (and anything else may or may not break). You can get it from the Unity archive (or through the link on that modding wiki).
+2@BaconAircraft I hope to make a new version of the limitless camera mod, but I can't guarantee when or even if I'll actually get to it, sorry :(
+2This is why I am going to re-revamp my Silver-Blood Devil for better ground attack... MOAR INFERNOS!!!
+2(Edit: because I can't aim)
Your post has been removed because this belongs on the forums, not as an aircraft upload.
+1I recommend using the report button, so they are easier for moderators to find and examine.
+1Edit: I see you have done that since I first read this, and well before I commented. Thanks.
Please note that while it can be helpful to report posts that break the rules, people should not generally get together to collectively spam reports on a post they know has already been reported.
@StavinairCaeruleum the current version is 1.12, which made internal changes the mod relies on.
+1Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
+1Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
@TheFlightGuySP yes, global connections use the external/global IP (assuming port forwarding and whatnot succeeded), anyone else on your local wifi network would use local/LAN IP, and if connecting from the same computer the server is running on, you use localhost/
+1Your post has been removed. Please read these rules about posting planes.
+1Please try to make major changes to a plane before posting it. Simply painting an object a different color, or adding a few guns is not enough to consider it your own. In the future please credit the original maker, and try to post your own work.
@TheFlightGuySP @HuskyDynamics01 currently only bombs, missiles, and torpedoes are explicitly synced.
+1@HuskyDynamics01 yep, ones without dynamic input should work now.
+1Current SP Unity version is 2020.3.26, however any 2020.3.x will probably work.
+1The mod tools currently packaged on Steam may have a bug which prevents starting a mod, but that should be fixed here.
@5647367267 you installed the mono runtime, and then used the terminal to run the command
+1mono SPServer.exe
? Did it list any errors or exceptions?@5647367267 the mod itself should work on Mac as-is (.spmod file).
The executable is the server, which is only necessary if you want to host a server yourself.
+1It's a Windows build using the .net runtime, and it should be able to run if you use the mono runtime, but I have only tested this on Linux.
There seems to be a bug for many, with Mod Settings and the latest update, where it won't create the menu button.
+1I'm not sure why this is and haven't yet managed to replicate the problem, which makes it a tricky guessing game to fix. is also known as "localhost", meaning "this computer". You can't connect to it unless your computer is running a server itself.
+1Glad you found a server.
@BWANWI you still need to run a server on a computer. The computer running the server can connect to localhost, and the other computers need the LAN IP address of the computer running the server.
+1@BacchaNIKI @T8flightcrafts @Coolman1000 @se34ruy delete the old version from your mods folder
, and from your downloads.Then download the new version, and manually place it in your mods folder.
@SheriffHackdogMCPE it largely depends on context, but that may be acceptable as long as it adheres to the rules, and isn't representing Nazism.
+1It's more reliable to determine with complete context, though, so if you can prepare the post and either DM a moderator somewhere, or upload unlisted and @ ping them there to ask if publishing would be okay, that would be optimal.
@iniMiiW unfortunately, no. The only synchronised weapons are bombs and missiles (poorly synced... they work sometimes), assuming you have them enabled of course.
+1Try setting your Api Compatibility Level to .NET 4.x?
+1@asteroidbook345 Sorry, I don't recall, I'm not sure we had detachers before activation groups... if I remember where I put my ancient SP installs, I'll let you know.
+1@ayou2005 do I get to keep the free copy, though?
+1@ayou2005 that wouldn't be very nice :(
+1Unfortunately, floating-point precision errors are inevitable in any system using floating-point numbers, which is essentially any modern personal computer, Android, iOS, Windows, or Mac.
+1@TurtlesThatFly @Thelegitpilot13 make sure local IP/server checkbox is blank.
+1Go into Settings, then Controls settings.
+1With your joystick selected (should be automatically selected if it's the only one connected), hit the "Calibrate" button near the top.
Locate and select the incorrect input in the popup list (hopefully "throttle", but it may be labeled something else), then press the Calibrate button and follow the on-screen directions.
If that doesn't solve the problem, you can try manually adjusting the "Zero" slider.
@nadvgia I think the tools on the subreddit are out of date, sorry about that.
+1Your SimplePlanes game folder should have a
folder with the latest mod tools package in it, usuallySteam\steamapps\common\SimplePlanes\ModTools
if you have it on Steam.@metallicplanes @cadillac1 we're working on it, should be done this week.
This should work (only did a tiny bit of testing, though. Hasn't been through my standard QA process).
+1Anybody that has set their icon offset may need to set it back to the default
.@KingHandspider yeah, it adds 2m/s to airspeed when I press 9...
+1I assume you enabled the mod in the mods menu... hmm... what version of macOS are you running?
@DuckMintnewprofile hmm, I don't remember that one... you could try deleting the library and obj and see if that fixes it...
+1@Predatedflyer unfortunately Apple's policy does not allow mods on iOS :(