@FeiWu Users are warned for strikes.
Users are banned for bannable offenses (such as collecting enough significant strikes, or severe offenses), not for any other reason.
The moderators here, though they may be human and therefore occasionally biased and imperfect, are some of the best people I know at separating their decisions from their biases.
You may keep your opinion, but it is factually incorrect. People are not banned just because they made a moderator irritated, ever.
You currently have no strikes at all, your comments here so far and profile picture will not change that, as they break no rules.
LAN stands for Local Area Network, and the way computers connect over any such network is with IP addresses, they will just be LAN IPs instead of global, and that can already be done with the current version of MP.
This does not inherently improve performance, just you probably won't have as many people connected (and network lag should be far less), however when I tried building for Android, I could not even connect to my local server, it simply didn't function.
It is most likely possible to fix this somehow, but debugging something like this on Android is a massive pain (PC MP is already much more difficult to debug than my other mods, and Android is always harder to debug) , and only people with some of the latest flagship devices would really be able to run it anyway...
Putting the word "leftist" (or any qualifier) in front of "Nazism" does not make it okay, it likely adds politics to the equation, which increases chance for upsetting arguments, and gives extra grounds for removal.
Swastikas are allowed in some cases, but this off-topic non-historical swastika self-stated to represent Nazism with a political qualifier was not considered to fit any such case.
You are correct that you should've been notified of the removal, and I have spoken to the one that removed it about that. Apologies for the confusion.
It is inadvisable to continue posting swastikas until you find what you can get away with, as it causes more trouble for everyone.
Generally, you should ask a moderator about such potentially controversial things before posting publicly, to determine whether it is acceptable.
When the upload feature was first added, the site did not yet support accounts.
When accounts were added later, it was known who made some of the planes, and so they were linked to the creator's new account.
I just tested on Steam and for me vertical curvature works just like horizontal.
Perhaps there is a misunderstanding in how the curvature is achieved?
The individual characters themselves do not curve, the label curves between characters, so to have vertical curvature there must be multiple characters (lines) on the
@TurtlesThatFly Yep, to update you redownload the mod. In some cases you may need to manually remove the old mod from your game files, but it shouldn't be necessary...
@IStoleYourMeme to my knowledge, no moderator has ever banned someone for "this sucks", or anything less.
They ban for violations of the rules which are either legal reasons, severe infractions, or violations repeated several times despite warnings.
If anyone has been unjustly banned, please contact us.
@Kangy @Default4 @Ren @WiiMini it's not a violation of the rules, it is not advertising, it gives no link, no incentive to join, nor any suggestion where you may find it. Mere mentions of a server donotgetyeeted.
If you continue with your inflammatory remarks, harassing moderators, and abuse of the report system, you may receive strikes. You have been warned.
@ChiChiWerx yes, the Unit option is visible in the gif (ignore that the texture says MPH... that was left in by mistake), and since the gauge can take a Funky Trees expression as an input, you could make the input whatever you want with that, if we don't have it as a default option.
@DandruffCat open the terminal and navigate to the directory that SPServer.exe is saved in (using the command cd [example/downloads], for example, where "[example/downloads]" is the directory that SPServer.exe is in) (or open it there to begin with, if you can... I don't know OSX), and then type mono SPServer.exe in the terminal, and enter the command.
@SheriffHackdogMCPE anonymous accounts did not exist; There were no accounts at first, and thus one wasn't required to post.
After accounts were added, some builds were migrated to the account of the user who built them, other builds, when the user wasn't known or didn't make an account, were left without a linked account and therefore remain anonymous.
@poenix To use inputs in the label part, surround each input (or Funky Expression) with curly brackets, e.g. {Throttle} will be replaced with the craft's throttle.
By default, the displayed value will not be restricted to any particular number of decimal places, however you can specify a format after a semicolon. Here are a couple examples:
{Throttle;0%} - This takes throttle, which is between 0.00 and 1.00, and displays it as a percentage with no decimal places, 0-100%.
{AltitudeAgl;0.0} - This displays the AGL with only one decimal place.
Other supported formats include any specification of decimal places by either writing it out, e.g. 0.000 or n3 for three decimal places, as well as most of these standard numeric format strings, as long as they work with decimal/float values (hexadecimal format x will not work, as it requires an integer value).
@jamesPLANESii imagine accusing people of misspelling words when it's inherently more efficient to write, still isn't ambiguous, is consistent across all similar words, and is actually the original Latin spelling, lol.
But also...
Imagine starting something about the spelling of a word when they're both well understood around the globe and both fairly-widely accepted as valid...
@Falkenwut The server host can already kick or ban players, by username, IP address, or both.
More admin controls such as limiting part count are in the plans, but this has pretty much fallen to the back burner lately (or perhaps off the stove entirely), due to life and stuff... as a result, I can't say whether we'll ever get to implementing them.
This should work (only did a tiny bit of testing, though. Hasn't been through my standard QA process).
Anybody that has set their icon offset may need to set it back to the default0,0,0.
You'll need to run the Unity installer again and make sure Windows build support is checked (you should be able to install it in the same location and un-check everything else, so it just installs the Windows build support on top of what you already have, instead of installing everything all over again).
You will also need Android build support if you wish to build mods for Android (as well as the Android SDK, and the JDK).
Something to do with large masses (and/or being far from the center of the design...) and Unity joints... 1.6 shipped with an XML "fix" for this, on the JointRotator.State you can add damperMultiplier="x" (usually takes rather large numbers for some reason...), and I "fixed" the CWIS here, for demonstration... you may want to play around with the values, and each rotator may need a different one (too much can slow it down significantly), so I just fixed the CWIS .
If you don't want to bother with going into the XML, @WNP78's "Overload" makes it easier :)
@ShatteredAviation I don't know, maybe because once gold you generally have more followers and are more well-known, and featured is so people see something amazing that otherwise wouldn't really be noticed?
This is terrifying.
+48Alternatively, you could, perhaps, not change your name every month?
+17This is just wrong.
+17The ULTRA plan is only $9.99 per month, not $10. Please do not spread misinformation.
For those that cannot afford $9.99 per month, we will also offer the BASIC plan at $4.99 per month, and ENHANCED for $5.99 per month.
For an explanation see the official announcement, and for more details on the different subscription tiers, please go to pre-order :)
@FeiWu Users are warned for strikes.
Users are banned for bannable offenses (such as collecting enough significant strikes, or severe offenses), not for any other reason.
The moderators here, though they may be human and therefore occasionally biased and imperfect, are some of the best people I know at separating their decisions from their biases.
You may keep your opinion, but it is factually incorrect. People are not banned just because they made a moderator irritated, ever.
You currently have no strikes at all, your comments here so far and profile picture will not change that, as they break no rules.
+16@NOICE101 it is not. Please grow a pair, thanks :)
+16LAN stands for Local Area Network, and the way computers connect over any such network is with IP addresses, they will just be LAN IPs instead of global, and that can already be done with the current version of MP.
+16This does not inherently improve performance, just you probably won't have as many people connected (and network lag should be far less), however when I tried building for Android, I could not even connect to my local server, it simply didn't function.
It is most likely possible to fix this somehow, but debugging something like this on Android is a massive pain (PC MP is already much more difficult to debug than my other mods, and Android is always harder to debug) , and only people with some of the latest flagship devices would really be able to run it anyway...
Putting the word "leftist" (or any qualifier) in front of "Nazism" does not make it okay, it likely adds politics to the equation, which increases chance for upsetting arguments, and gives extra grounds for removal.
+12Swastikas are allowed in some cases, but this off-topic non-historical swastika self-stated to represent Nazism with a political qualifier was not considered to fit any such case.
You are correct that you should've been notified of the removal, and I have spoken to the one that removed it about that. Apologies for the confusion.
It is inadvisable to continue posting swastikas until you find what you can get away with, as it causes more trouble for everyone.
Generally, you should ask a moderator about such potentially controversial things before posting publicly, to determine whether it is acceptable.
When the upload feature was first added, the site did not yet support accounts.
+11When accounts were added later, it was known who made some of the planes, and so they were linked to the creator's new account.
Diet Mt. Dew? Gross!
+9Everyone knows strawberry bubly is the finest beverage on the planet.
I just tested on Steam and for me vertical curvature works just like horizontal.
+8Perhaps there is a misunderstanding in how the curvature is achieved?
The individual characters themselves do not curve, the label curves between characters, so to have vertical curvature there must be multiple characters (lines) on the
+8@TurtlesThatFly Yep, to update you redownload the mod. In some cases you may need to manually remove the old mod from your game files, but it shouldn't be necessary...
+8@IStoleYourMeme to my knowledge, no moderator has ever banned someone for "this sucks", or anything less.
They ban for violations of the rules which are either legal reasons, severe infractions, or violations repeated several times despite warnings.
If anyone has been unjustly banned, please contact us.
+8@Kangy @Default4 @Ren @WiiMini it's not a violation of the rules, it is not advertising, it gives no link, no incentive to join, nor any suggestion where you may find it. Mere mentions of a server do not get yeeted.
+7If you continue with your inflammatory remarks, harassing moderators, and abuse of the report system, you may receive strikes. You have been warned.
Mods are not all-seeing, they most likely did not see the copy, or were not aware it was a copy.
+7Please use the report button, including a link to the original.
+7@weebabyseamus you dropped this.
Can I get a refund and then buy them back at current prices?
+7What if I make a garden?
+7@WiiMini you left out so many important details it's not even funny.
+6@TheEpicMOONHAWK in this instance "mod" is short for "moderator".
+6Saw it coming
+6Take care, man. I look forward to seeing you back alive and well.
+6@X99STRIKER it was, in fact, a goose.
+5@Stinkypinky SPBC has been granted no exception. Please report any comment or post advertisements for it in the past month, and the future.
+5Thanks! We will be happy to take your hard earned money :)
+5Please stop telling everyone to upvote your posts, as this is against the website rules.
I think your username is political.
+4The websites were down because our service provider had a major outage, not because any of our security or license agreements needed renewal.
+4@1Plane800Engines @winterro @Firgreen I do plan to update the mod to not be completely broken in 1.11
+4@ChiChiWerx yes, the Unit option is visible in the gif (ignore that the texture says MPH... that was left in by mistake), and since the gauge can take a Funky Trees expression as an input, you could make the input whatever you want with that, if we don't have it as a default option.
+4@DandruffCat open the terminal and navigate to the directory that SPServer.exe is saved in (using the command
+4cd [example/downloads]
, for example, where "[example/downloads]" is the directory that SPServer.exe is in) (or open it there to begin with, if you can... I don't know OSX), and then typemono SPServer.exe
in the terminal, and enter the command.@SheriffHackdogMCPE anonymous accounts did not exist; There were no accounts at first, and thus one wasn't required to post.
+3After accounts were added, some builds were migrated to the account of the user who built them, other builds, when the user wasn't known or didn't make an account, were left without a linked account and therefore remain anonymous.
@Formyla112 Mods without code, such as a simple map, may sometimes still work on Android, though they are not officially supported.
+3Mods such as this, which require code to function, cannot.
@poenix To use inputs in the label part, surround each input (or Funky Expression) with curly brackets, e.g.
will be replaced with the craft's throttle.By default, the displayed value will not be restricted to any particular number of decimal places, however you can specify a format after a semicolon. Here are a couple examples:
- This takes throttle, which is between 0.00 and 1.00, and displays it as a percentage with no decimal places, 0-100%.{AltitudeAgl;0.0}
- This displays the AGL with only one decimal place.Other supported formats include any specification of decimal places by either writing it out, e.g.
for three decimal places, as well as most of these standard numeric format strings, as long as they work with decimal/float values (hexadecimal formatx
will not work, as it requires an integer value).Cool
+3@jamesPLANESii imagine accusing people of misspelling words when it's inherently more efficient to write, still isn't ambiguous, is consistent across all similar words, and is actually the original Latin spelling, lol.
+3But also...
Imagine starting something about the spelling of a word when they're both well understood around the globe and both fairly-widely accepted as valid...
Hey, FYI, that is your local IP address and other people cannot use it to connect unless they are on the same network as you.
+3People from other networks will need your public IP address to connect to the server, which you can find on https://whatismyipaddress.com/ or by searching it :)
@Falkenwut The server host can already kick or ban players, by username, IP address, or both.
+3More admin controls such as limiting part count are in the plans, but this has pretty much fallen to the back burner lately (or perhaps off the stove entirely), due to life and stuff... as a result, I can't say whether we'll ever get to implementing them.
+3Experimental Fine Tuner fix:
PC/Mac: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1jf7iqda4g8uwim/FineTuner.spmod?dl=0
Android: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0l3gjdegkhtswpf/FineTuner.spmod-android?dl=0
This should work (only did a tiny bit of testing, though. Hasn't been through my standard QA process).
+3Anybody that has set their icon offset may need to set it back to the default
.... But it is one of those posts, that's literally the title.
+3You'll need to run the Unity installer again and make sure Windows build support is checked (you should be able to install it in the same location and un-check everything else, so it just installs the Windows build support on top of what you already have, instead of installing everything all over again).
+3You will also need Android build support if you wish to build mods for Android (as well as the Android SDK, and the JDK).
Something to do with large masses (and/or being far from the center of the design...) and Unity joints... 1.6 shipped with an XML "fix" for this, on the
you can adddamperMultiplier="x"
(usually takes rather large numbers for some reason...), and I "fixed" the CWIS here, for demonstration... you may want to play around with the values, and each rotator may need a different one (too much can slow it down significantly), so I just fixed the CWIS .If you don't want to bother with going into the XML, @WNP78's "Overload" makes it easier :)
IS THE LENGTH YOU WANT.Also, you'll want to set the engine's exhaust scale, since it's not relative to the engine size... and beware, scaled parts may not act as expected.
+3@Thefalloutplayr Exactly the same way.

No spaced between any of the non-letter characters, or in the image link.
+3@ShatteredAviation I don't know, maybe because once gold you generally have more followers and are more well-known, and featured is so people see something amazing that otherwise wouldn't really be noticed?