77 Hellfire3627 Comments

  • U-Boat Type VII "Gray Wolf" 3 months ago

    How are you supposed to aim the AA gun? It has no camera or redical.

  • M1A1 Abrams 4 months ago

    @FrostBlue Ah, Ok

  • M1A1 Abrams 4 months ago

    What is the little hanging thing on the front between the Blades?

  • Android Map 4 months ago

    This does not work

  • (Camera Aim Missile) SHT-7 WIOR 9 months ago

    How do I move it?
    It won't let me

  • Advanced Antigravity Engine Cluster 1.2 years ago

    @Aydenapp What part does this code go to?

  • Anti Missile Ball 1.3 years ago

    @hpgbproductions Ah, Ok

  • Having Issues with Rotators and Special Activation for turrets 1.3 years ago

    @Yish42 It only weighs like 30 pounds, I could be wrong, I've never checked, I just ended up using a different varient

  • Star ships lift engines 1.3 years ago

    Hey, Could you take this and turn in into main engines for forward and back movement please, I am working one something big, this is the last needed thing.

  • Anti Missile Ball 1.3 years ago

    When I do the source code an my Galaxy S23 it takes me to this website https://github.com/hpgbproductions/amball
    What do I do from here?

  • NCC-1701 E 1.6 years ago

    @FriendOfPhone I will test it when I am back at a place safe for computer use.

  • USS Montana BB-67 1.8 years ago

    Depressed Exhale
    (Theres Not Actually A Low Part One)

  • F-302 (Stargate) 1.9 years ago

    Great Ship, But its Roll is too sensitive, its pitch is not strong enough, it should not take 20 seconds to do a full flip in a F-302, the large central engine is a booster and not a hyper drive, the F-302 does not have a functioning hyper drive, not a interstellar one. it can only be used for short jumps, about 10 seconds as seen in a episode of Stargate SG1, I have not seen any flares or countermeasures on a 302 onscreen, but for
    Simple-Planes i understand adding them. Otherwise it is very good.

  • Elite Dangerous Krait MKII 1.9 years ago

    In the cockpit it says "Shields: Disabled" is there a way to activate them, if theirs any makeshift shields?

  • Avenger Class Heavy Frigate 2.0 years ago

    I love all your Star Trek Ships, But I must suggest that you attempt t make warp more stable.

  • NCC-1701 E 2.0 years ago

    @FriendOfPhone Thank You, This does work fr my new craft, I will Give credit when I post it.

  • NCC-1701 E 2.0 years ago

    I am trying to create a battleship to be the successor for my BC-304 class ships, but I would like to use the system that controls the lift of this ship but I cannot get the engines that are in the mid section, behind the warp drive to work on any other craft. Could you provide the life engines for me please?

  • NCC-1701 E 2.1 years ago

    OK, Thank you.

  • NCC-1701 E 2.1 years ago

    Could you make a Dreadnought that is like this, one with more weapons, missiles, flares, and if possible a shield type system?

  • FNS Roselyn CG-74, 2007 Sea trials 2.2 years ago

    @Kinglucasjake I play on lowest graphics

  • CG-52 USS Bunker Hill 2.2 years ago

    @Inuyasha8215 I can't get them to shoot. They have no valid arming group.

  • CG-52 USS Bunker Hill 2.2 years ago

    @Inuyasha8215 Yes, But I see nothing About the CWIS guns.

  • CG-52 USS Bunker Hill 2.2 years ago

    How do you fire the gun cause they wont fire with any group activated.

  • CG-52 USS Bunker Hill 2.2 years ago

    How do I use the AA Defenses?

  • FNS Roselyn CG-74, 2007 Sea trials 2.3 years ago

    Could you try to make the parts get to or around 1000 parts, I wont use the plane or boats, so you could remove those to make a friendlier version for less advanced devices, you could also remove the extra detail, like railings, small parts that are on the surface of the ships hull+superstructure.

  • UNSC Halberd-class destroyer II 2.3 years ago

    How do you make the anchors for these ships, I'm making a ship and I'd like to use one, when I post it i will give you credit for the gyro system and the anchor.

  • USS Missouri 2.5 years ago

    @Armor56 It is the fire weapons button in-game.

  • Han Class Submarine 3.1 years ago

    How do you dive because i have tried to use VTOL, pitch landing gear, AG8, together and separately.

  • B-21 Raider SUPERSONIC 3.3 years ago

    Ok, If you make a BOMBER it needs BOMBS

  • XFWAAC-MCLV ''Actias'' Flying Aircraft Carrier 3.7 years ago

    Can you try to reduce the lag on this plz.

  • AST-104 ''Cerberus'' 3.7 years ago

    Oh, ok

  • AST-104 ''Cerberus'' 3.7 years ago

    I am trying to change the main gun elevation to the throttle but I cant find the rotator that elevates the main gun, can you tell me where it is plz.

  • Type 003 aircraft carrier 3.7 years ago

    I am on mobile

  • Type 003 aircraft carrier 3.7 years ago

    Great Craft, But how do you Turn The Carrier

  • XT-NS 05 Goliath 3.7 years ago

    I Love This, Found out that I can redirect the tiny and beast group and probably the WW2 group

  • KG S036 Sword High speed large destroyer 3.7 years ago

    Can you make one with 650 parts or less please

  • Tracks 2 3.7 years ago

    It sucks dos not work on android

  • Stargate Daedalus Class ship 3.8 years ago

    It was first seen in Star-gate SG-1 Actually

  • Sikorsky CH-53E "Super Stallion" (USMC) 3.8 years ago

    Totally Uncontrollable

  • Naval Ship Challenge(Closed Early and Winners is Sekba) 3.8 years ago

    Can i enter a mine layer

  • Ocean 3.9 years ago

    Does Not Work

  • Lockheed Martin CL-1201 Flying Aircraft Carrier 3.9 years ago

    Mobile version PLZZZ

  • IJN Kongo 3.9 years ago

    Can I get one with under 750 parts and no mod

  • USS DD-412 Hammann 3.9 years ago

    Can you make a Mobile Version Plz

  • SLV-111 Daedalus 3.9 years ago

    Nice,But could use brakes and better turning

  • Project 92 "Corsair" Motor Gunboat 3.9 years ago

    Help plz the moble version link is not working

  • Knight-class Destroyer 3.9 years ago

    This is a great creation, when I first saw it I thought it cant be good but when I tried it I was like WOW

  • Finished Nuclear ICBM 4.0 years ago

    This crafts mods do not work, so it is a bad craft to me

  • SWTOR S12 Blackbolt Scout Fighter 4.0 years ago

    @EchoWhiskey11 Yes it is with my phone

  • SWTOR S12 Blackbolt Scout Fighter 4.0 years ago

    Craft Is way To Agile to fly
