30.4k Hyattorama Comments

  • Me 329 5.8 years ago

    Lol k @benjamindowning

  • Vulcan F MK1 (Naval Heavy fighter) 8.6 5.8 years ago

    Wow great build. Really nice contouring/craftsmanship. I love it!

  • Me 329 5.8 years ago

    Nice little plane, good job! I would recommend that you move the CoM backward, until it’s pretty much on top of the CoL (using ballast in the rear, or xml editing). That should help the nose diving problem (it takes almost full pitch up just to fly level), and will also make the plane more maneuverable:)

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Well certainly not moving parts! Haha @MAHADI

  • 1.8 Invisible Impact 5.8 years ago

    Also, it seems to be more powerful when flying a plane that has been scaled down in size and mass @ThePrototype

  • 1.8 Invisible Impact 5.8 years ago

    Ah, yes. Me too. iOS, high phys and 1.8. That is helpful thanks. @ThePrototype

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Haha yeah it’s a bit too big. But when I scaled it something got messed up, so I just left it full scale haha @MAHADI

  • Blueprints 5.8 years ago

    Oh haha I must’ve misunderstood but yes you should :) @jamesPLANESii

  • Blueprints 5.8 years ago

    Awesome, thank you sir! Those look fantastic! Looks like a good way to come up with new ideas for builds too! It’s like the “what would you like to build?” catalogue haha. @RamboJutter

  • Blueprints 5.8 years ago

    Ok, thanks, I’ll check those out! @Brields95

  • Wing leveling 5.8 years ago

    What do you mean by ‘counter’? @randomusername

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Hmm. Well sometimes, when you stop and start the engine, it may start running backwards. @Vrferret

  • (Due to popular vote) A preview of my new fighter! 5.8 years ago

    Awesome!! Do you mind if I still build on it anyway? @WrightAirCo

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Oh hahah. I think it’s actually Little Nellie, but I’m not 100% sure, I guess I’ll have to look it up before I post (which won’t be for a while haha). @AerialFighterSnakes

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    If I ever finish it haha :/ @Kungfuevan

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    You Only Live Twice @Kungfuevan

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Thanks man :) @AerialFighterSnakes

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Ahhhh the jig is up!! @AerialFighterSnakes

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Haha yeah. Definitely oversized with respect to the frame. And it goes a lot faster than the real M1 too! (which is meaningless, of course, because the scale is all wrong haha ). @iwannabeelected

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    I’m working on a little gyro that made an appearance in a classic film ;) @Kungfuevan

  • (Due to popular vote) A preview of my new fighter! 5.8 years ago

    Wow this is fantastic! Are you not going to finish it? If so, that’s a shame. I hope someone else takes a crack at it. I’m not sure if I’m up to the challenge myself... I’ve never built any wwii era planes. Although this would be a good starting point if I wanted to.

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Mostly, I typed all that out in hopes that it will help you with your build using this engine. Not so much that you need all that info just to fly my little plane haha. @CRJ900Pilot

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    @Treadmill103 thanks a bunch man!

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Ahh, okay. Yeah, I tuned and tweaked the engine/props so that they always start going the right direction on the first startup. If you stop the engine when the props are both positioned completely horizontal, it sometimes restarts in the wrong direction. If you stop the engines when the props are at any other angle, however, they will restart in the correct direction. Also, you could try starting with the props at a pitch angle of 0 (VTOL slider all the way down) and then throttle up to 100, then start increasing prop pitch slowly. Then you might get away with it without hurting the engine. I’ve noticed that if you put too much load on this engine, it will somehow get janky/damaged and run less smoothly. But all in all I think it’s a fantastic engine! Well packaged/compact, reliable (like you said already) and looks great. I highly recommend it! Haha :) @CRJ900Pilot

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Thanks a lot man! Do you mean you were able to go 100% throttle? If so, do you mean once airborne, or from a dead stop? Because I fly it at 100% no problem, but if I go to 100 from a dead stop it blows up sometimes. Are you not experiencing that? Because ever since the 1.8 update, I’ve been having a few weird glitches that other peeps are saying they don’t have...
    Anyway, yeah, I can totally post the engine for you! It’s not mine anyway; I don’t know if you saw in the description, but @BaconAircraft built the engine. But I think he may have taken it down, because I dl’ed it a while ago, and I went searching for it when I built this (to make double sure it was Bacon’s) and I couldn’t find it. Oh well. I’m tagging him in this comment, so he can say if I’m mistaken or if he doesn’t want it used by others (seems extremely unlikely), or whatever. @CRJ900Pilot

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Haha thanks :)
    How many hours do I need for what? @JaquesBriques

  • Pistol M-1 Tandem 1.5 (I’m still here!) 5.8 years ago

    Haha. Yeah. Well obviously xml stuff is done on my pc, but I do most of the building on my phone since my comp is a piece. @ChiyomiAnzai

  • Help!!! 5.8 years ago

    One thing you could try to counteract the prop torque is: make the angle of incidence slightly positive on one primary wing and negative on the other. Not the best solution because even if you dial it in to where it flies perfectly level at full throttle, then it will auto-roll at 0 throttle. Another thing you could try is: set the trim input on the ailerons to [on], so that you can adjust aileron trim to counteract prop torque on the fly. But then you will have to change the piston input (throttle) from Trim to VTOL, and change the prop pitch input from VTOL to Throttle. You wouldn’t be able to use the negative pitch on the prop, but that shouldn’t matter, because you can still run the engine in either direction. Slight loss of functionality, but I think it’s your best bet in terms of a quick fix. The ideal solution would be to have two engines with counter-rotating props. You’d have to redesign the plane from the ground up... but also you could put the two engines in tandem like this, and make the two props coaxial, which should still work with the engine you’re using, just might be a bit tricky.

    Looks cool man, good luck! :)

  • 1.8 Invisible Impact 5.8 years ago

    Alright thanks @jamesPLANESii

  • 1.8 Invisible Impact 5.8 years ago

    Are you running Android or pc? @randomusername

  • 1.8 Invisible Impact 5.8 years ago

    Hmmm, bummer. Do you think that could include hinge rotators on custom control surfaces? And if so, perhaps if I replace them, check clearances carefully, and/or disable aircraft collisions on relevant parts...? I guess I could just go try it lol. Thanks for your help! @jamesPLANESii

  • 1.8 Invisible Impact 5.8 years ago

    Hmm, ok. This is the one I was just playing with. Just get up in the air, roll and pitch and yaw a bunch until you see it. I’ll look at some of my other old stuff to see if there’s a better example... @randomusername

  • KT - 1 Wongbi 5.8 years ago

    High quality build, love the livery!

  • Anisoptera I 5.8 years ago

    Me too!@spefyjerbf

  • Anisoptera I 5.8 years ago

    Very cool concept! I wonder if this would work irl... haha

  • EC-130V Coast Guard [Push to Gold] 5.8 years ago

    Cool plane! I’d recommend adding flaps and a trim function though.

  • Just103 Solo 5.8 years ago

    Thank you very much! :) @LordSatan

  • Polikarpov I-180 5.8 years ago

    Nice work! I like what you did with the camera and really fast piston, that was creative.

  • Blurry Eyes (update) 5.8 years ago

    @SpiritusRaptor thank you sir! Love your work!

  • The Real Car 2: Four-Wheel Drive 5.8 years ago

    Huh, interesting! I use an iPhone 7 without a screen protector, which I find to be perfectly adequate. The onscreen controls on my Lenovo 2-in1, however... not satisfactory. So I got a cheap controller for that, which is significantly better. Although the machine isn’t really powerful enough to run SP smoothly, so I mostly only use it for XML modding. Interestingly, using on screen controls in the builder on the 2-in-1 is terrible, where as using the builder on the iPhone is my favorite configuration. @LiamW

  • SHC-5 5.8 years ago

    Very cool!

  • G-07A Aerial thrower 5.8 years ago


  • Tukan-good weather flyer 5.8 years ago

    Cool plane, very unique! Although I wish you’d have called it the “fair weather flyer” haha

  • Turbine Engine Concept V3 5.8 years ago

    Yeah that would be cool. You could add something to the wings/stabilizers too, like some call letters or something. @Minnererg

  • The Real Car 2: Four-Wheel Drive 5.8 years ago

    Ahh, word. I think my fundamental problem with the mouse is that I’m a lefty, but I’ve been doing right-handed mouse all my life. So my right hand mouse dexterity isn’t all that good, but my left hand, which has greater potential, is hopeless since it’s completely unpracticed. @LiamW

  • Turbine Engine Concept V2.9 5.8 years ago

    It handles... exactly like you’d expect it to! Haha. Jk. Cool build man. @atgxtg is right about the port side “primary” wing having inverted trim. I would say it’s imperative that that gets rectified haha. Also, I changed the airfoil on both “primary” wings from symmetric to flat bottom. Made a huge difference in flight characteristics. Give it a try, see what you think. I tell you what, make those two fixes, repost and tag me in it, and I’ll spotlight, yeah?

  • BJ and the Bear 5.8 years ago

    This thing is fun good work!

  • The Real Car 2: Four-Wheel Drive 5.8 years ago

    Man, isn’t it just like, sooo much better building on the phone? Seems counter-intuitive, but... I dunno I’m just so much better with the screen than with the mouse I guess haha. Also for the actual flight controls. I mean, I’m guessing joystick is the way to go, but I like the on-screen controls just fine, and with the mouse I find it unplayable. I kinda want to get an iPad just for SP haha. But I can’t afford that kind of expense right now just for SP. Plus, iPad won’t support mods either. @iwannabeelected

  • ZCV-X Graf Saint-Germain class(TEST) 5.8 years ago

    Haha okay right on man @AerialFighterSnakes