929 IssaIwan Comments

  • Am I allowed to write Andrew garrison fan fiction 4.4 years ago

    If you’re not writing one then I will. I’ll make it short but sweet while I’m sitting on the toilet. Anyways, here we go.

    It was a cool, windy autumn night. I was watching Impractical Jokers, specifically Sal being clawed by feral cats as his punishment for the episode. Just as the episode ended, I heard my doorbell ring. I rushed to the door, wondering who it was, as I haven’t ordered anything lately. When I opened the door I was greeted by quite possibly the most attractive man I’ve ever seen. I can only describe his face as that of Murr’s, but infinitely more attractive. I was taken aback and blushed at the sight of his receding hairline and stubble. Embarrassed, I blushed even more and covered my face, which was burning at this point. I felt him grab my wrist and slowly move my hand away from my face. “What’s wrong?” He asked me. Too embarrassed to speak properly, I struggled to say “N-nothing...um, why did you ring my doorbell?” “Oh, I just moved in and wanted to meet my neighbors,” he replied with a confident yet friendly tone. “Th-this l-late a-a-at night?” “It’s not THAT dark!” It was dark. And getting colder. I didn’t know how far away his house was, but it was getting colder. “Want t-to come in?” I asked, struggling away my embarrassment. “Sure thing!” He said, giving me a friendly smile. We sat down at my living room, at which point the new episode of Impractical Jokers came on. Still embarrassed and in love but struggling to hide my feelings, I tried ignoring him. Only a minute of ignoring him, I realized how rude it seemed and I asked his name. “Andrew. Andrew Garrison,” he responded in a more relaxed voice. “And you?” I told him my name, albeit with a very nervous tone of voice. “What’s wrong? You’ve been acting nervous ever since you opened the door,” he said in a slightly concerned tone. His words made me even more embarrassed, now knowing he was aware of my behavior. “I-I’m sorry, it’s just-“ he scooted right next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “It’s okay, I know how you feel.” Out of sheer impulse, I quickly turned towards Mr. Garrison and kissed him but then stopped, realizing what I had done. I turned away from him, my face bright red. “Hey,” he said, prompting me to turn back. He kissed me with a passion I never knew existed, and I tried my best to return the kiss. After only two minutes of intimacy, I submitted myself to him, body and soul.

  • [SOLVED] What causes jets to roll when pitching? 6.0 years ago

    Thanks! I placed the wings and added more fuel to do what you said, and it performs just fine now! @randomusername

  • Is there a way to change control surface speed? 3.2 years ago

    Thanks! I got it working now. @Griffon1

  • how the heck does this work 5.1 years ago

    If you’re asking how it’s able to fly, the somewhat high speed allows for a decent lift. Also SP logic is pretty wack because it doesn’t exactly account for proper flight algorithms.

  • Blohm und Voss 213B 5.7 years ago

    Probably using mods to upload custom images, and uploading an edited one from his computer. @CrashFighter05

  • How do you delete cockpits? 6.1 years ago

    You can delete any cockpit as long as it's not set as your primary. You set primary cockpits in their part options and get new ones from the build menu, so that you can get rid of old ones.

  • Suggestions for Dogfighting 6.2 years ago

    @BlackhattAircraft @CptJacobson I already have War Thunder (name is IssaIwan if you want to add me), but War Thunder isn't available on Android or iOS. Plus, you can't build planes on it. @F104Deathtrap it would be a lot of effort for such a small team, but it can be worked on on the side when new items haven't been thought of and there aren't any bugs to fix. And how do you know if barely anybody uses the AI? Onto effort of realistic aircraft, nobody has to make their planes have realistic performance that would force them to use different fighting methods. I think people should actually make their planes able to fly properly, because there are so many good looking planes that often make it to the front pages that can barely fly. An example would be hfusiwjf29's Bf-109G-2 Trop that looks amazing but has a low speed and barely any pitch. But people can do what they want.

  • A question for the developers 3.2 years ago

    It’s simply too large for mobile devices to handle, but that begs the question as to why there isn’t a scaled down alternative.

  • [help needed] airplane identification 3.7 years ago

    I think it’s an F-82 Twin Mustang fighter.

  • A reminder of how old you are... 3.7 years ago

    Still feels like yesterday that fuselages got added, like man I’d sit there with no internet just crafting things out of panels

  • [HELP NO LONGER NEEDED] Suspension Issues 3.7 years ago

    I believe the problem with the suspension is the wheels being slightly too high and the questionable beam connecting the wheel to the main chassis. Also the hinges are useless, since the other end of the moving part is fixed to the support, resulting in no rotation. This issue could be fixed by adding hinges on the end of the shocks.

  • 1:1 Banana for Scale 3.9 years ago

    Your days are numbered for making this

  • Anyone else noticed this? 4.1 years ago

    Sounds like an enigma

  • So I heard.......... 4.2 years ago

    Big giant thruster point down to make plane go bounce bounce bounce

  • Fuselage Lights 4.2 years ago

    You could use a beacon light and place it inside of a glass fuselage using fine tuner, just make sure the fuselage’s opacity is high.

  • I wanna know about the community. 4.4 years ago

    1. The souls of the damned.

    2. When I was 11 I was really into flight simulators and I creamed my pants when I discovered a realistic flight simulator where you can build planes with extreme creative freedom.

    3. Yes but I don’t really play it too much, kinda gets old after 5 years when the planes kinda merge with each other with how flight is. It’s hard to word it.

  • SPECIAL 10K !!!! 4.5 years ago

    What the

  • Cables 4.6 years ago

    You can make chains, but to make a cable or rope you’d have to make a basic chain, make the rotators and hinges very thin, and put a cylindrical fuselage over them to hide them. Most people just make “fake” cables using very thin fuselages and nothing else, but if you wanna make a real cable just make a chain and conceal the hinges and rotators.

  • What should I build first? 4.9 years ago

    A crazy gun

  • Thomas toy train 5.0 years ago

    Sometimes I wonder if creations like these are proof of mental illness

  • building 5.8 years ago

    As you know, this comment is long. If you want something short and not very specific, play the building tutorial. Be warned, the tutorial only explores only what you'd need to know to build a basic plane. But anyway, onto my comment. I'd start with making prop planes. They're easier to build. When building, always have the CoM CoT CoL turned on so that you can see the values. When building, use decently-sized wings that can support the plane. Always have the CoM (red sphere) in front of the CoL (blue sphere), or else the plane will do backflips. You can change the position of the CoM by adding or removing weight on parts of the plane. The CoL can be adjusted by changing the position or size of the wings. Always have a vertical stabilizer (or fin if you wanna call it that) on your plane, or it'll start spinning uncontrollably mid-air. Always have the CoM only a little bit in front of the CoL, as a large distance between the two can make the plane have terrible or no pitch. Also, one more thing. I mentioned earlier that propeller planes are easier to build, which is because of how engines are very heavy, and propellers are the only engines that can be placed directly on the front of the fuselage, and due to their weight allow for easier control over the distribution of mass, which makes building wings easier.

  • how to make the rotator spining constantly? 5.8 years ago

    You need to mod it. But modded rotators when disabled will spin in reverse for the same duration as it's been rotating. What I would do is just get a rotator with free spin and attach small thrusters to it. Preferably VTOL nozzles since they're small.

  • Simple Fighter Challenge (Closed) 6.0 years ago

    As in most of them seem to have horrible pitches, essential to the AI's dogfight ING style. Also, a couple of the tiny ones need modded fuel tanks because of their small size that doesn't have space for fuel. You can sometimes tell if a plane has a chance or not against any other by looking to see if it has one upvote. @Stingray

  • Simple Fighter Challenge (Closed) 6.0 years ago

    I've noticed that most of the entries look better than they perform.

  • Can somebody help me? 6.1 years ago

    Make sure that the CoM is in front of the CoL, and also that the HP/weight ratio is above 1.00. Also make sure it has active control surfaces.

  • infantry 6.1 years ago

    Woah it's a bunch of communist Berlin Wall guards!

  • Anybody Know how to change Center of Lift? 6.1 years ago

    Change where the wings are. The location of the larger wings is typically where the CoL is, but always determines where it will be. Mirror them to have a left-to-right balance, and also: Always make sure your center of mass is in front of your center of lift or your plane won't fly.

  • MIG-3 6.1 years ago

    Chances are this might be the winning design. There's only one plane this might have a challenge against and the two are bound to fight, which is a biplane with hinged propellers for added maneuverability and insanely powerful guns. My two fighters have no chance against this one for sure.

  • Supermarine Thunderfire MK1 6.2 years ago

    How can something be so ugly, yet so beautiful at the same time?

  • Suggestions for Dogfighting 6.2 years ago

    Agreed, but if only allowed its users to download and extract files just like on every other company's devices. @F104Deathtrap

  • More Realistic Damage Visuals 2.9 years ago

    This was 2.2 years ago and referred to visible holes in the plane where destroyed parts were, not soft body physics @kakaha

  • Any tips for better pitch stability? 3.0 years ago

    Imo moving CoM forwards is a half baked method. I don’t use fuselage wings most of the time so idk @LieutenantSOT

  • How to fire a cannon when i press the fire machine gun button 3.0 years ago

    It’s not possible, though with XML modding you can change a machine gun’s stats to match that of a cannon. Default machine gun damage is 30 by the way.

  • What’s the angle per second speed of the rotator, in relation to percentage? 3.0 years ago

    I’m looking for a specific number, not an estimation @ZeroWithSlashedO

  • What’s the angle per second speed of the rotator, in relation to percentage? 3.0 years ago

    Because I don’t have a super computer brain like yours that can process decimals down to the last specific digit @ZeroWithSlashedO

  • Why are there AI planes constantly crashing default planes into the ground? 3.0 years ago

    Could be the AI failing to account for terrain, at least in dogfights.

  • HOW TO TURN OFF HUD ON MOBILE? 3.2 years ago

    @sobaka you are a psychopath

  • A question for the developers 3.2 years ago

    It’s the sheer scale. The mobile engine struggles to handle large objects, no matter how little memory they use. @Dathcha

  • I have a few questions~ 3.2 years ago

    1. Use fuselages to cover the wings, make sure to set their massScale to 0.
    2. Adjust the size of the ailerons on your wings or build a more controllable airframe entirely.
    3. You can do this by building a custom landing gear with wheels, fuselages, pistons, and rotators. Then change the inputs of the pistons and rotators to LandingGear using the Overload panel.
    4. Answered better than I could.
    5. Same as 4.

  • I'm bored suggest a WWII Planes that i will make 3.2 years ago

    Something fictional

  • Is there a code to the "sum(Roll)" to have a certain degree... 3.2 years ago

    For control surfaces on your wings?

  • HOW TO TURN OFF HUD ON MOBILE? 3.2 years ago

    Why would you wanna do that like do you have a flight simulator setup attached to your iPhone

  • Munitions adding weight 3.2 years ago

    I wasn’t ever thinking of the magazines being detachable unless via a detacher like any other part. They’d essentially be fuel tanks but for guns. @Bellcat

  • A-48B Nukaprop 3.2 years ago

    Why did I make this

  • how to make an engine failure? 3.7 years ago

    Setting the engine’s HP to only 1 could allow for it to be delicate enough to be destroyed easily without costing the rest of the plane, but the physics of chain explosions could ruin that premise.

  • Why remove? 3.7 years ago

    Often times, planes get removed if they’re considered too similar to the original in performance. The changes you made likely didn’t alter the performance and/or appearance enough, and the post could’ve been taken as being just a reupload of the original. But I’m not a mod so I don’t know the specific reason.

  • MiG-21 Le Fishbed 3.7 years ago

    Delete this

  • Bf-109 with 109 parts (outdated) 3.7 years ago

    This man has achieved Nirvana

  • Why so War? 3.7 years ago

    If the mods remove this post then that just means they believe people should starve and die in wars :)