also 787
@baallzebub Thanks! :D I will tag when I finish It
@baallzebub 200th Upvote :)
@Xiliam yes this is one of my favourite trijets!
@Freerider2142 Yes easy to implement. It can be used to showcase builds and can be useful for exploring builds.
Yes, you make cool fictional airliners
Amazing Job, your planes are will will always be amazing, Legend
I am exited to see the final project next year @klm747klm747 also, I noticed it is so detailed it includes markings on the fuselage, very nice job :D
@MrAdhmGamer yes, thank you
@AlbertanPlaneMaker lol rip
@MrCOPTY tHaNk yOu fOr fLyInG rYaN-
Varig Varig Varig
@1714 watch or
@Deandash by estimate, how long would it take to get from xin shan to wright?
Nice Replica but dc10 lol wut?
@klm747klm747 nice! I can't wait to see what the suitcases will look like!
@CanadianAircraftBuilder y e s
I wish the Ai was improved, where you can choose if you want it to land or not
Nice job!
F o c u s
@klm747klm747 I removed as many details of the plane as I could and I re0laced the fuselage windows with text instead
@BassemT90 Using connections
Nice you got a SP account now :D
@WolfHunter9111 Yes
The "Droop Snoot". Also nice build
@ChineseSPplayer1714 So this will probably be an aircraft that will never exist irl.
Tags: @BeastHunter @CR929thenewSPplayer @Brayden1981 @flightdesigner @Reworkable @X99STRIKER
@BeastHunter K Sure thing
@Kroixo OK, thanks for giving me tips so I could improve and the front was difficult for me to sort out. Thanks!
@WolfHunter9111 No Probs 👍
welcome back pook :3
facebook moment
sure buddy
neat plane in landor
PS3 Version or PS2 Version? also T
@555588539 您应该在此处使用原始版本。 另外,当你使用我的构建时,你能给我信用吗?
@Yusufpilot2 Just a bit of banter mate
@EnterSandman mate it means cool in german, depending on context. saying geil in such way like that is unhoflich
Gran Turismo 4 / 6 memories :D
@overlord5453 yes
L for lil kiddo
@TheCommentaryGuy crazy
@MrSilverWolf Apologies, will keep a calmer approach towards others
epic T
+1also 787
+1@baallzebub Thanks! :D I will tag when I finish It
+1@baallzebub 200th Upvote :)
+1@Xiliam yes this is one of my favourite trijets!
+1@Freerider2142 Yes easy to implement. It can be used to showcase builds and can be useful for exploring builds.
+1Yes, you make cool fictional airliners
+1Amazing Job, your planes are will will always be amazing, Legend
+1I am exited to see the final project next year @klm747klm747
also, I noticed it is so detailed it includes markings on the fuselage, very nice job :D
+1@MrAdhmGamer yes, thank you
+1@AlbertanPlaneMaker lol rip
+1@MrCOPTY tHaNk yOu fOr fLyInG rYaN-
+1Varig Varig Varig
+1@1714 watch or
+1@Deandash by estimate, how long would it take to get from xin shan to wright?
+1Nice Replica but dc10 lol wut?
+1@klm747klm747 nice! I can't wait to see what the suitcases will look like!
+1@CanadianAircraftBuilder y e s
+1I wish the Ai was improved, where you can choose if you want it to land or not
+1Nice job!
+1D A M N
F o c u s
+1@klm747klm747 I removed as many details of the plane as I could and I re0laced the fuselage windows with text instead
+1@BassemT90 Using connections
+1Nice you got a SP account now :D
+1@WolfHunter9111 Yes
+1The "Droop Snoot". Also nice build
+1@ChineseSPplayer1714 So this will probably be an aircraft that will never exist irl.
+1Tags: @BeastHunter @CR929thenewSPplayer @Brayden1981 @flightdesigner @Reworkable @X99STRIKER
+1@BeastHunter K Sure thing
+1@Kroixo OK, thanks for giving me tips so I could improve and the front was difficult for me to sort out. Thanks!
+1@WolfHunter9111 No Probs 👍
+1welcome back pook :3
facebook moment
sure buddy
neat plane in landor
PS3 Version or PS2 Version? also T
@555588539 您应该在此处使用原始版本。
@Yusufpilot2 Just a bit of banter mate
@EnterSandman mate it means cool in german, depending on context. saying geil in such way like that is unhoflich
Gran Turismo 4 / 6 memories :D
@overlord5453 yes
L for lil kiddo
@TheCommentaryGuy crazy
@MrSilverWolf Apologies, will keep a calmer approach towards others