VR is looking really good in beta! The immersive menu solution is easy to understand. Firing guns seems natural but how to fire a missile is not as obvious. I'd love it if there was a trigger method for missile as well without having to go through the touch menus.
I'm sure the ppl at jundroo continue to be amazed/horrified by the clearly fanatical following of this quirky little game. But you all need to understand that as a business model it's probably not as exceptional. It's the community that makes it great. Not the software. Personally I hope they find that sweet spot again. But get yourselves ready for some resilience and dissapointment management. It sounds like sp will be here for a while longer but that's the way if it. As an old gamer, that began in 80's ive seen geat games come and go. If we stay stuck on the same thing we never evolve. I'm still going to post new builds, but with realistic expectations. Peace to you all.
Something material in a comment? OK.I think you've done a great job honoring Hypno. Maybe it's time to start honoring yourself. Find your own meme, style, rhythm, color, or whatever and travel down that path. If it sucks, pick another. Recognizing greatness in someone else is the first sign of your own potentials.
You know what? With all the modern missiles and weapon systems on the more modern aircraft, sometimes it's just fun to get in a classic and go for a good old fashioned dogfight! Thanks!
Touch controller support.
The the Unity dev module supports it but there will need to be a "touchable" flag in the plane designer. OK. There are quite a few other complications in it, but there are loads of great flight sims out there and touch support will make SPVR beyond amazing. The implications....
@DeadlyDialga @Bellcat Thanks! As a non-US resident always thought that Newark was that place people made jokes about. Well, I consider my curiosity satisfied. Thanks all.
Hey Dude, it's not stealing if you name the creator, which you have done very clearly. I get it. It's your way of honoring the creator. The only person that might be annoyed is the creator if they have deleted the posts themselves for whatever reason. I'm sure they would contact you if that were the case.
Really Cool. Will credit if use. I have an idea. Stick a label on the build somewhere with the variable setters and their default values, so that that info can get stored when it gets made into a library part.
@mahardika Hi. I used your design in my latest update of my VR Hover Jet - 2022 but because its curated I cant update the post text to credit you. I put your name in the "Craft instruction" section of my build though.
@F1849 Yes, 600MPH seems to be its stable threshold when in raw mode. Sports mode keeps it more stable but I've managed to get it to 800MPH by nursing it. I'll have another go at tuning the PID for higher speeds.
This is your best build yet. Yes I still love your trains and dragons. But this one is so smooth.
There is a discord server for people that like Funky Trees
@2Fat2Fly Hey thanks for picking that up. When I edit I move some parts out of the way and forgot to move it back. I've actually changed the whole gun but now its set to a regular number. Seems to work.
@2Fat2Fly You are a legend. I've been rebuilding it and testing it it in a few ways, I would never have thought the error was there. It also points to other problems that might crop up .Thanks heaps I'll repost shortly.
VR is looking really good in beta! The immersive menu solution is easy to understand. Firing guns seems natural but how to fire a missile is not as obvious. I'd love it if there was a trigger method for missile as well without having to go through the touch menus.
+9It's amazing!. Its there any to make the fleet fire back at you?
+7So cute! It makes me smile when I fly it.. a feel good bird.
+5I'm sure the ppl at jundroo continue to be amazed/horrified by the clearly fanatical following of this quirky little game. But you all need to understand that as a business model it's probably not as exceptional. It's the community that makes it great. Not the software. Personally I hope they find that sweet spot again. But get yourselves ready for some resilience and dissapointment management. It sounds like sp will be here for a while longer but that's the way if it. As an old gamer, that began in 80's ive seen geat games come and go. If we stay stuck on the same thing we never evolve. I'm still going to post new builds, but with realistic expectations. Peace to you all.
+3I always get a little thrill when I get a notification of your posts. "What has PlanariaLab concocted this time?" I think to myself.
+3Something material in a comment? OK.I think you've done a great job honoring Hypno. Maybe it's time to start honoring yourself. Find your own meme, style, rhythm, color, or whatever and travel down that path. If it sucks, pick another. Recognizing greatness in someone else is the first sign of your own potentials.
+3You know what? With all the modern missiles and weapon systems on the more modern aircraft, sometimes it's just fun to get in a classic and go for a good old fashioned dogfight! Thanks!
+3Just like the real thing. Just when you think you've got it..........NO....... Mum can I have another coin please!
+3I have an strange urge to fling him from a catapault
+3Touch controller support.
+3The the Unity dev module supports it but there will need to be a "touchable" flag in the plane designer. OK. There are quite a few other complications in it, but there are loads of great flight sims out there and touch support will make SPVR beyond amazing. The implications....
Wow. What a fabulous creation. Kudos to you. I’d love to be able to make something like this.
+3Nicely done. Great cockpit layout
+2This is beautiful ship. Love the auto aiming weapons.
+2Oh dear!
+2The build is incredible, but it was the trailer (and sound track) that moved me to tears. Fabulous cinematic composition.
+2@DeadlyDialga @Bellcat Thanks! As a non-US resident always thought that Newark was that place people made jokes about. Well, I consider my curiosity satisfied. Thanks all.
+2Hey Dude, it's not stealing if you name the creator, which you have done very clearly. I get it. It's your way of honoring the creator. The only person that might be annoyed is the creator if they have deleted the posts themselves for whatever reason. I'm sure they would contact you if that were the case.
+2Really Cool. Will credit if use. I have an idea. Stick a label on the build somewhere with the variable setters and their default values, so that that info can get stored when it gets made into a library part.
+2Very cool plane. Love the back story, I'm sure Melon Husk would be delighted.
+2Sweet build! Love the fusion of modern HUD and retro number dials. Pop up rear gun, little flames from the engine exhaust. So much to like here.
+2Hard to hate a variable wing plane.
+2Really Cool! and anyone that says "Music Please...." and delivers Vivaldi must be an excellent person.
+2Nice one.. You got me. :)
+2Really like this one.
+2Its....Its... A KAIJU... Those poor robots from the Pacific Rim movies don't stand a chance.
+2@mahardika Hi. I used your design in my latest update of my VR Hover Jet - 2022 but because its curated I cant update the post text to credit you. I put your name in the "Craft instruction" section of my build though.
+2This is very nice.
+2Wow. This is a beautiful build.
+2@F1849 Yes, 600MPH seems to be its stable threshold when in raw mode. Sports mode keeps it more stable but I've managed to get it to 800MPH by nursing it. I'll have another go at tuning the PID for higher speeds.
+2Its just beautiful. Feels "Crafted"
+2just beautiful. So peaceful to fly.
+2Its really good!
+2This is your best build yet. Yes I still love your trains and dragons. But this one is so smooth.
There is a discord server for people that like Funky Trees
+2Made me laugh.
+2This is freaking amazing.
+1Freakin beautiful
+1The plane is great! But the back story makes it so much more interesting.
+1Really cool flapping motion. It's ideal of take-offs and landings. Really nicely done.
+1@2Fat2Fly Hey thanks for picking that up. When I edit I move some parts out of the way and forgot to move it back. I've actually changed the whole gun but now its set to a regular number. Seems to work.
+1@2Fat2Fly You are a legend. I've been rebuilding it and testing it it in a few ways, I would never have thought the error was there. It also points to other problems that might crop up .Thanks heaps I'll repost shortly.
+1Pretty cool
+1Its fast and hard to track. Not impossible to kill but damn hard. A very worthy opponent.
+1Very clean and well considered layout
+1Nice wheel. Looks like a vehicle is optional.
+1These little guys deserve much respect. They look so spindly and weak but once I saw one had captured, bound up and was eating a sand scorpion!
+1I love this build. Much fun to ride.
+1I'm in,
+1Wishing you a speedy recovery.