@PlayMinecraft you should put file in mods folder then you should restart the game and go to mods section then you should find mod in mods section and activate it
@Sense2 in certain android versions something like this can happen, but you can try manually installing mod file and to do that you should move downloaded mod file to simpleplanes mod folder ( sp mod folder located at internal storage / android / data / com.jundroo.Simpleplanes / files / Mods )
@IDNSatyaBUKANNova yes its technically possible to add new islands in the game or create new map, i may create plugin island or something like this in the future
Now We have input activation groups this means if i give car engine full power then deactivate it car keeps acelerating and i can't control car engine because i deactivate it's input
but sometimes player need to deactivate part not part's input like giros. giroscope have input activation groups and part activation groups. this means if i turn off part activation group it turns off giroscope.
So we need this on other parts we need deactivate parts instead of make them unstable and non controllable.
Sorry for late :) Here is a maywar map plugin for android instead of old vanilamap use this plugin. It adds maywar on default map. This mod is 1.9 android compatible.
@CheeseTruffles cool but can you make 700 or less part count version without remove cockpit ? ( I think you can remove marks from instrumentation ) i have phone.
SR2 Free dowloand already available. Jundroo this is a very bad for you. You need make license for this like SP but before i bought Sp i try free dowloand and i see sp don't opened and say reinstall it from play store but i edited apk file with lucky patcher and it works fine. Jundroo i recommended make powerful license system if you need to make money
@WNP78 hi i like this mod but after 1.8 update have bug when you going underwater you can't use cockpit view camera you can use only orbit view camera. Can you fix this problem?
@Kwoshent i am living in a third world country, also i am junior developer so salary is small, but i love what i am doing and i am constantly trying to improve myself and write quality code, but as far as i know salaryes are very good in developed countries
@Red920 yes it is if you don't read mod description carefully, also i can't add android download button because jundroo removed it, thats why there is a link in the description,
@Gabriel747 this means that mod didn't loaded correctly, i suspect that you didn't downloaded mod correctly, try to click on the downloaded mod, it should open simpleplanes and load
@Turbo18 i use Samsungs my files too and i don't have any problems, i am on android 9 i guess you are on newer android but you shouldn't have this problem, maybe file is hidden and you have to toggle special option to find it
@Zalyarowskaya sadly that is not possible, so no it doesn't have discoverable locations
+2@SheriffHackdogMCPE i already added small airport for maywar
+2@PlayMinecraft you should put file in mods folder then you should restart the game and go to mods section then you should find mod in mods section and activate it
+2@Sense2 in certain android versions something like this can happen, but you can try manually installing mod file and to do that you should move downloaded mod file to simpleplanes mod folder ( sp mod folder located at internal storage / android / data / com.jundroo.Simpleplanes / files / Mods )
+2@YubukiShimada you need unity version 18.3.8f1 alse click here to download mod tools that you can use for building android mods
+2@PilotK3NPH145 try manually putting mod file into sp mods folder
+2@TRD i think i will update it soon
+2@TheFlyingHusky i think spvr is not builded for android os so its not support ed on android
+2@IDNSatyaBUKANNova yes its technically possible to add new islands in the game or create new map, i may create plugin island or something like this in the future
+2@ShikanoinHeizou try yourself, also if you think this is a fake see number 7 image
+2@PlaneFlightX oh thats nice. I will add them in PC mods list. Thansk
+2Cool feature. Also it will be very cool if you add ft support for vtol rcn nozzles
+2@DeltaBravoSix yes. Most of the people hate cats in my town
+2@jamesPLANESii i feel your pain. semi hollow fuselages are absolutely necessary
+2Glass fuselage is useless in some cases. We need glass fuselage Hollow
+22d Trees bug still not fixed
+2@marcox43 yes we definitely need car update.
+2@WNP78 as you say mods that don't have code in them is still compatible after 1.9 but we don't have android mod builder in new version mod tools.
So we forced to use unity 2018.3.8 and old mod tools
+2@AndrewGarrison @WNP78
I have suggestion about activation groups.
Now We have input activation groups this means if i give car engine full power then deactivate it car keeps acelerating and i can't control car engine because i deactivate it's input
but sometimes player need to deactivate part not part's input like giros. giroscope have input activation groups and part activation groups. this means if i turn off part activation group it turns off giroscope.
So we need this on other parts we need deactivate parts instead of make them unstable and non controllable.
I know my English isn't good.
+2@AndrewGarrison after 1.10.101 pink terrain problem fixed but we still have 2d trees problem ( 3d trees become 2d icons after 1.10 update )
+2@AvalancheofDumpy nothing. Extractor isn't needed. See video
+2Cool car. Also have very cool suspension
+2@tylerdeveneuxmusic thanks. Also i am planning to create simple hill climb 2 in future
+2@XAircraftManufacturer thanks
+2@Omel thanks
+2Sorry for late :) Here is a maywar map plugin for android instead of old vanilamap use this plugin. It adds maywar on default map. This mod is 1.9 android compatible.
+2Please add 360 spinning function to roators.
+2@Freerider2142 can you give me link of this beautiful vtol ?
+2@Freerider2142 thanks i am happy because i see this :) also perfect video.
In future i am planning make more bigger and beautiful wright town version 2
+2@CheeseTruffles cool but can you make 700 or less part count version without remove cockpit ? ( I think you can remove marks from instrumentation ) i have phone.
+2@AndrewGarrison two small questions
1 ) When will new update of SP come out ( i mean SP 1.10 )
2 ) what about to support ground effect in SP ? I know heli rotor supported ground effect but wings not supported it.
+2SR2 Free dowloand already available. Jundroo this is a very bad for you. You need make license for this like SP but before i bought Sp i try free dowloand and i see sp don't opened and say reinstall it from play store but i edited apk file with lucky patcher and it works fine. Jundroo i recommended make powerful license system if you need to make money
+2@zdenko2001 if you don't like it you can don't dowloand it isn't a problem
+2@WNP78 hi i like this mod but after 1.8 update have bug when you going underwater you can't use cockpit view camera you can use only orbit view camera. Can you fix this problem?
+2@Kwoshent i am living in a third world country, also i am junior developer so salary is small, but i love what i am doing and i am constantly trying to improve myself and write quality code, but as far as i know salaryes are very good in developed countries
+1@Javiatrix it works fine on my phone, i have latest sp version
+1@ArrayDenalov mm that's weird, can you try this mod with other devices ? Sadly i don't have device with android 12, my phone have android 9
+1@Red920 yes it is if you don't read mod description carefully, also i can't add android download button because jundroo removed it, thats why there is a link in the description,
+1@Gabriel747 this means that mod didn't loaded correctly, i suspect that you didn't downloaded mod correctly, try to click on the downloaded mod, it should open simpleplanes and load
+1@MrLoren18 i have not uploaded virus on mega 😄 so yes its safe
+1@NotMRX yes of course
+1@Turbo18 i use Samsungs my files too and i don't have any problems, i am on android 9 i guess you are on newer android but you shouldn't have this problem, maybe file is hidden and you have to toggle special option to find it
Anyway i reccomend to do this
Download this app from play store
Then open app and find simpleplanes then click it then you will find sp mod file address ( file directory )
+1@Luckyyrj yes its rickroll if you don't read pinned comment or mod description
+1@Thatguy2020 ios isn't compatible
+1@alann thats why there is a download link in mod description
+1@Carsonkiddy2 maps and plugins was always compatible to android
+1@OldisGold you have to find maywar, it's location is same as pc's maywar
+1@SimplyWorking android don't have any restrictions about this, you may need to toggle some parameters on if you have new android version
+1@GaboINC1 sadly i don't have mediafire or Google drive link for this mod