I love it! I can't fly Nick777's, so when I found this, I was quite happy. The only issue is that it's a little nose-heavy. Can you please update it for the new parts?
1. The tail rotor starts spinning without any control input. It spins it around on the runway if you wait too long or it spins it around in the air if you take off. You should try to make its propellor pitch be controlled by yaw.
2. As with all helicopters I've flown on SP, it's impossible to fly for very long. I'm not terribly concerned about that. It's me, not your helicopter, most likely.
3. All the fuel is in the cargo box. I was going to drop it, but it hit the wheel and the helicopter fell out of the sky. The rotor slowed and I saw that there was no fuel. If you can't drop the container on the Bandit airport (if you were skilled enough to get there) and fly back, where's the fun? (It's in getting there, I guess)
That will be all.
@Wahoo12 @Kevpilot That stupid F-16 test again. I didn't want to argue about this any more, but that stupid dogfight... Okay. The F-35 used was not a production model. This is important. Most people ignore this fact to easily ridicule the F-35 or have heard the story from sources who are ignoring that important fact. The F-35 used was a flying prototype without the correct computer systems installed. Had it been the most recent one built it would have likely won.
@Sirstupid I'll probably stay for a while to whine about the awful new people. I'm gonna want it fixed. Remember those Jack SepticEye abominations a while ago? Take those, times a thousand, minus the green.
The landing gear setup looks similar.
I think this is a great idea.
@realluochen9999 I suggested that on the subreddit and... It wasn't pretty.
Whenever I download enormous planes.
It's not the devs, it's Apple. You can request an .xml mod and download it, though.
I don't want it too complicated to paint, but we really need more colors.
@Delphinus I use low settings, too. I don't know what the different wing shapes do to the flight of the plane, so I usually just leave them.
@Delphinus I couldn't recreate the problem. What settings do you use?
@Delphinus I don't know how to solve the nose-heaviness. I tried to fix it, but it didn't work. As for the weapon problem, I will have to take a look.
I love it! I can't fly Nick777's, so when I found this, I was quite happy. The only issue is that it's a little nose-heavy. Can you please update it for the new parts?
1. The tail rotor starts spinning without any control input. It spins it around on the runway if you wait too long or it spins it around in the air if you take off. You should try to make its propellor pitch be controlled by yaw.
2. As with all helicopters I've flown on SP, it's impossible to fly for very long. I'm not terribly concerned about that. It's me, not your helicopter, most likely.
3. All the fuel is in the cargo box. I was going to drop it, but it hit the wheel and the helicopter fell out of the sky. The rotor slowed and I saw that there was no fuel. If you can't drop the container on the Bandit airport (if you were skilled enough to get there) and fly back, where's the fun? (It's in getting there, I guess)
That will be all.
I really hope clickbait titles don't become commonplace.
@Wahoo12 @Kevpilot That stupid F-16 test again. I didn't want to argue about this any more, but that stupid dogfight... Okay. The F-35 used was not a production model. This is important. Most people ignore this fact to easily ridicule the F-35 or have heard the story from sources who are ignoring that important fact. The F-35 used was a flying prototype without the correct computer systems installed. Had it been the most recent one built it would have likely won.
@Nick7777 It is for mobile friendliness!
@Sirstupid 👍
Oh. That must have been what slowed down the website, the implementation of moderators.
Cool. Is it any fun? I kinda wanted to be a mod, but I doubted I would get to.
So what does that entail?
Good idea. Hey, you're a moderator now! Congrats!
No flags
The Mriya would never float in real life. On hot days, it sinks into runways.
0% mobile friendly. Could you make one without the fancy cockpit view and any other unnecessary parts?
@IA1000 Comment on the plane you mentioned with "LordofLego"
@PuhBuhGuh I thought about it.
Largest plane in the world. Horizontal stablizers equal to the wingspan of a 737.
@Delphinus @PuhBuhGuh Sorry, the props are maxed out.
@NovaTopaz Youre probably right in that it will eventually settle back down.
OH MAN! I know what it is! Mriyia?
It crashed SP twice.
Not mobile friendly.
@Sirstupid SepticEye didn't play it, but a bunch of his fans made planes in tribute to him because they wanted him to play.
@AeroEngineering We'll be busy, that's for sure.
@Sirstupid Yeah.
@Sirstupid Yep. Or close the community, which would be sad. By the way, you don't have to tag me in my own post.
@Sirstupid I'll probably stay for a while to whine about the awful new people. I'm gonna want it fixed. Remember those Jack SepticEye abominations a while ago? Take those, times a thousand, minus the green.
@Sirstupid And some people might think "hot and sweaty" sounds like a good time, just like "SimplePlanes on Steam", but in reality, it really isn't.
Buy the game any more @Sirstupid
@Sirstupid Yep. And no one will want to stay, and soon no one will want to butThe game any more, and bam. SimplePlanes kills itself.
@Rohan I nadnt even heard of SP then, so I guess that won't help.
@Rohan The link I gave was only 1 month old.
@Minecrafta15 No http://store.steampowered.com
@Minecrafta15 Bold works too ~I guess strikethrough doesn't.~ ~~I thought formatting was just for posts~~
@GravityGun913 Thank you! I'm glad it works so well for everyone.
@Minecrafta15 No it isn't. It was just voted for. It's coming out on Steam in November or December.
@Shmexysmpilot @rohan @Lego787 https://www.reddit.com/r/SimplePlanes/comments/3g66bs/simpleplanessuperawesomebetatonsofnew/cu2bk5q?context=3