lol your tanks are much better than mine, have you made any tanks with interior or where everything is functional? it is extremely complicated and usually comes out bad, I don't recommend it.
This tank is not good, try to make tanks more complex and with as much detail and functionality as possible and custom suspensions and cannons like the My.
@RodolfoTassinari @Cyberpilot16 can participate!
"puto" It's a bad word in Portuguese lol
+2It was hard work to build this carroça
can I make a successor with a desert skin?
@Cyberpilot16 the deadline is September 5
@NatsukiHoshino thanks
+2I prefer it with the 152mm cannon
+1@JorgeJorge não sei de qual AMX ele tá falando
+1@EternalDarkness can I do a creation of a Japanese general doing Seppuku?
this is the most common thing in Brazil, especially in the northeast where there are a lot of mosquitoes.
+1could you send another link from the discord server? this has expired
can you make the Brazilian armored EE-T1 Osório?
+1Bonito! Adoro aviões Italianos
@botto28 amx not is Brazilian
In this case, it would be a
low effort
tag@NeinNein Reported
Eu posso te ajudar fazendo as esteiras
From the German corsair to the German Spitfire
+2credits to @RicardoAs1515 for the coats of arms
@Hedero ok
can I make a painting of the Brazilian 1GavCA squadron and post it on the website?
Escarola! Incrível réplica! Está melhorando aprendiz
can I make a painting of the 1st Brazilian Squadron GavCA and post it on the website?
it's a joke about Augusto Pinochet, don't take anything seriously
@Gestour I'm in?
lol your tanks are much better than mine, have you made any tanks with interior or where everything is functional? it is extremely complicated and usually comes out bad, I don't recommend it.
Parece bastante com o paulistinha!
@BMilan I know the ship U-20 Cisne Branco
I think the FAB painting is more beautiful, great construction, very happy to see buildings from my country on the website
Wow! could you ever make a Tamandaré frigate? there are only 2 Brazilian ships on the site
@ACBrasil obrigado!
@DEN12345 mods are NOT allowed, this is a challenge to precisely test the members' ability to make custom treadmills
+1Not is a m1 abrams
Aero por trás de aviação, aviões e músicas (lol it's Brazilian channels)
This tank is not good, try to make tanks more complex and with as much detail and functionality as possible and custom suspensions and cannons like the My.
+1Good looking and very good to drive but I think the roll could be slower, my score is 8.2
@032 Gripen has many parts produced in Brazil so yes!
@DismantledPerseverance yes
No, shipgirls is cringe, Brazilian tanks is based.
+1Parabéns,está muito bom!
@BombBoi1822 I did it because I don't know how to solve it, so people who know summer!
Aí meu deus
amazing! recently i'm making a lot of this type of aircraft
@Strikefighter04 @KnightOfRen Microsoft Teams
@FinX aaaa, estava te confundindo com uma amiga minha do discord chamda FineXa
@FinX tem discord?