419 Mcllulen Comments

  • SimplePlanes Island Map (redo...a bit more artsy) 3.5 years ago

    Is maywar in the android version? I cant seem to find it

  • Orbid [Alpha] - Airborne Heavy Weapon Platform 5.9 years ago

    Yet another amazing craft from spefyjerbf he never ceases to amaze me how well hes able to manipulate the physics and features of this game to create truly amazing planes

  • TX-13A1 Metal Gear JAKE 6.0 years ago

    This is great, i only wish it had an auto walk as the legs always get stuck on the ground.

  • How planes fly. 2.5 years ago

    "according to all known laws of aviation, there is no way planes should be able to fly"

  • HMS-S1 Zeppelin 3.5 years ago

    I have no images of the cover or any of the book at all. All I have is what i recall from the two times I read it. I want a copy for myself if I can find out the name, and if it even exists
    Was a historical fiction story about the US Akron airship carrier program following the journey of a pilot and the command crew of the carrier as they tried to prove their carrier was an effective weapon I recall the pilot was the MC and was initially discouraged at his placement on the carrier but eventually grew fond of the ship and the crew. I also recall the ship crashed into the pacific at the end of the story and it ended on a bit of a sad note
    Do any of you anons know the nook Im talking about? I feel like it may have been called "airship pilot" but that name brings no results in any search I do. Did I just imagine this book? If i did i ought to write it down cuz it was a damn good story.
    Thanks for any info you guys can give me

  • E-95 Ausf.D Standardpanzer 5.8 years ago

    I really wish modded creations were marked so i would download them on my phone only for it to crash

  • Opportunity V2 6.0 years ago


  • Boeing 727-100 Business Jet (Full Interior) 7.0 years ago

    Oh look, no one is spazzing out in the comments this time! Good!

  • B757-200 Business Jet 7.3 years ago

    This comments section is hilarious. Even if we cant agree on anything else, lets agree we all despise each other equally because our political views state that anyone who doesnt agree with us is a nonhuman. 10/10 on the plane mate, excellent work

  • VB-06G Enclave vertibird 7.8 years ago

    As far as the designation goes, this is meant to be a VB-02 but i redesignated it to help with my own craft list, yes, there are about 20 other versions

  • Spinner-NG 5.8 years ago

    @Viper3000ad the reat of the craft is great, the drone just wiggles back and forth for me tho, it goes into the air but just wiggles around very jerky like. Im on high physics but maybe its cuz im on mobile? Either way, awesome creation

  • Spinner-NG 5.8 years ago

    So am i missing something? The drone takes off but is uncontrollable afterwards


    This build is so powerful it has the ability to give one a non communicable neurologic condition lmao 10/10

  • Overwatch Slipstream 5.9 years ago

    It just yaws endlessly once you get in the air and promptly crashes. Maybe it needs an update

  • Magnetic climber 5.9 years ago

    And if it goes backwards its going to poland

  • ZRS-4 U.S.S Akron 6.0 years ago

    There was an old af fiction story about these based on a fictional third ship, but i cannot for the life of me remember the books name. I keep thinking airship pilot but ive searched for years and cannot find a copy. Its a shame too cuz it was a great book. Has anyone remembered reading such a book? Do you know the name of it?

  • Stealth Attack Explorer 6.0 years ago

    This is one of the best creations ive ever seen truly an amazing transformation vehicle

  • Arsenal Bird help me! 6.2 years ago

    @gunsou03 what do you mean by “mysterious power”

  • ME 328 B Bordflugzeug 2.8 6.2 years ago

    @RamboJutter yes it goest to the end of the rame and flops onto the ground

  • ME 328 B Bordflugzeug 2.8 6.2 years ago

    I cant get it to fly, it just detaches and falls onto the ground

  • B757 200W (Donald Trump's Plane) 6.2 years ago

    10/10 no complaints here

  • Darsa Workshop Steampunk Skybike Mark I 7.3 years ago

    Can confirm, bike swings 180 upon reaching 200mph tired covering it in gyros, didnt help. Instructions unclear, got hand stuck in pickle jar, send help

  • MV-28 Vulture 7.3 years ago

    The nose insists on pulling down for me on mobile, no idea why, but excellent craft otherwise

  • [Discord] SimplePlanes Multiplayer 7.4 years ago

    Is it gone already? Or was i just kicked for no reason?

  • Sky carrier 7.4 years ago

    I cant even save it

  • Campagen Spalter C-65 7.5 years ago

    Only issue i see is that once a bay is emptied of its weapons especially the cruise bay the plane becomes highly unstable and unable to turn at more than 20 degrees

  • jet plane 7.5 years ago

    Its great, specially with a 250%gyro and cleavers, can kill the beast flotilla with ease

  • Warhammer Rhino tank 8.3 years ago


  • Update v1.5 8.3 years ago

    @SazonAir i am on iOS i cannot scale up and even then it would not have helium like properties

  • Update v1.5 8.4 years ago

    Will we ever get zeppelin parts?

  • Update v1.5.3 8.5 years ago

    There is a tab in the simplerockets main menu that says mods when clicked it takes you to reddit and you can download various mods from dropbox@Razr

  • Update v1.5.3 8.5 years ago

    Ios does support mods tho, simplerockets has mods on ios why cant you do the same here

  • Update v1.5 8.6 years ago

    Ok two questions, if i play on mobile is maywar there and two if so where is maywar

  • Ww2 CARGO SHIP that flies 8.6 years ago

    A note to any waiting for me to finish this, this thing cannot be made to yaw i have tried everything i know it is impossible to stabilize this in flight, sorry.

  • V-E-A Usurper 8.6 years ago

    You have surpassed my expectations with this. To be honest when i first saw it i did not think it would get off the ground, not only did it do that but it flies extremely well. Thank you good sir, excellent work

  • NX-036 Mk.III 8.8 years ago

    This is the BEST vtol plane i have ever seen! Super stable easy to take off AND land. To top it all off it looks freaking AWESOME! Thank you for creating this amazing vehicle for us! You have just filled up my free time this week. Amazing job!

  • Mobile Beta v1.4 8.9 years ago

    Oh! The ship that used to be called USS Jundroo? Ok i have not flown that way yet. @AndrewGarrison

  • Mobile Beta v1.4 8.9 years ago

    I cannot seem to find the ships. I want to try to blow them up. I someone could just give me a heading and start location that would be much appreciated

  • Remembering SimpleWheels (Last Year's April Fools Joke) 9.0 years ago

    Am i the only one who thought simple wheels was a real thing when it came out?

  • Bomber project WIP 9.1 years ago

    OK idea. you should make a kv-5 tank. ive been working on one but i cant seem to get it right. i would love to see what you could do. seeing as the bomber here looks AWESOME i figure you would get it perfect.

  • landkruzer P1000 ratte (official)!!!! 9.1 years ago

    I really like how it looks even though i cant mess around with it. (Lack of mod support. Darn IOS.)

  • Sukhoi PAK FA T-50 by SR 9.7 years ago

    Shape is great but i cant fly it on my ipad. It just keeps exploding! But no matter, it looks wonderful and i do wish i could do some of the things you can do with wings and nosecones.

  • Tiger II (porsche) 9.8 years ago

    This is an entirely hypothetical idea i did NOT mean to say this was what porsche would have done, it is what I thought would look cool had he done so would have done. And yes i do realize ther was a design for the vk 45.02 a,b but as far as i am aware no prototypes were produced. And in the future do be more considerate the reviews you type. I was in fact offended by your comment of learn more about german ww2 prototype ampnd wonder weapons, i feel this could have been put in a more polite way.@PlanesOfOld