Still no update. This is just unfair for the kindle fire community. I believe that , since there is nothing to stop the update, except the shut down. Personally I won't handle it if the update happens like 2 years from now. Does any one that plays the kindle version agree that the update should happen sooner than later?
@TheRealAlbinoMosasaurus the people who already have the game shouldn't need to pay for it once it switch to the app store.Also are you waiting for the kindle fire update too?
I seen in other games that if you use jets, or in so VTOL nozzles the traction would be much greater.
+1How do u get the fine tuner from this new update up? I only known thus update today.
Ok have any tips to make this better or tips about the fine tuner and the overload mod. I'm kinda new with these mods
@Kazin here is the ME 262.
Btw how do u do links.
So cool. You inspired me to get the overload and the fine tune mod.
Is the fine tuner mod trustable I think it is due to four devs have if
And I was able to get fine tuner but I'm still learning the mod
@helilover03 lol when will urs be done
Well I have Amazon kindle fire idk mods r compatible with of.
Heres the link to the p-38. Its a wip
Idk how to link sites
Very agile.
It would be better if I had a mod
Sorry I though I had the p-38 but its the Lockheed p-38 lighting
P-38 lighting
@F104Deathtrap ye i do relized that r all of the planes i said where single engine.
@F104Deathtrap actually i played this for a few months no but i recently bought the full version. Also i was planning to build all thats listed.
Yay and I got the full game today!
@AndrewGarrison I see that the update happen but I don't have it BC it says I have to pay for it again.
I just realised that I have to buy the of game now. Even though I have it in the first place.
I I have been talking to a developer and the update won't be implemented into the KF edition. This truely sucks.
Man I guess the kindle fire edition won't get the update.
@CoBros2 If u have the AU version then you won't be able to download it BC the game is switching to the regular Fire kindle app store.
@CoBros2 right now I don't see simple planes on the Amazon underground so I guess.
@AndrewGarrison you know when the Kindle fire edition will update. A lot of KF users r upset right now.
@FennVectorCWA And I really, really want the 1.6 update for kindle but I have to wait for it like the corps.
Can't use the new features. Not updated😧.
Still no update. This is just unfair for the kindle fire community. I believe that , since there is nothing to stop the update, except the shut down. Personally I won't handle it if the update happens like 2 years from now. Does any one that plays the kindle version agree that the update should happen sooner than later?
I forgot to say that, hopes to the kindle fire community including me to have the 1.6 update soon.
@MaximusTheMinimus When did it shut down. I didn't hear any new of it shutting down! So the kindle edition of SP should update?
@GamingBreeze Probably waiting till the SP gets off from Amazon underground.
@CoBros2 I'm not sure when the update will happen but I hope it would update soon.
@helilover03 I know the underground is closing.
I have read that the Amazon underground is going to be shut down in 2019.
@TheRealAlbinoMosasaurus Hopefully soon.
@Taviatormaster Are you google or kindle?
When will the update come to kindle?
@AirPlaneBrosTM ye you are right.
Man most of the creations I can't do right now. Due to now having the amazon update!
@CoBros2 not yet hopefully tomorrow but idk.
Many kindle fire folks are gona get mad if this update didn't come.
@serpant same here I hope it tomorrow. I heard that the underground will be shut off by tomorrow.
What happens if the fire users already had the game downloaded? Should you have to buy it again?
@TheLatentImage You know when the kindle fire edition of SP will update? Will it be after the underground is down?
@IDontMakePlanes IKR!
@Awsomur I know that.
@AirPlaneBrosTM yea, but I can't imagin that all the builds from other platforms won't be usable to us kindle fire players 😢
@TheRealAlbinoMosasaurus the people who already have the game shouldn't need to pay for it once it switch to the app store.Also are you waiting for the kindle fire update too?
When will the kindle fire simple planes will update I still don't have the update.
@Blue0Bull do you have the kindle amazon or no?
Wait, if the person already has the game on the amazon underground will the app be free for u if u downloaded the game?