sure why not i also find it ironic we are talking about war things and Im listening to sabaton which is a Swedish heavy metal band that all their songs are about war rn @ChiyomiAnzai
considering the bfr is to be able to lift over 100 tons and each rod is 10 tons I wouldn't consider it too unreasonable and the falcon heavy can carry over 60 tons so rockets that can carry it into Leo exist @DeidaraEnterprises
would an orbital bombardment system be out of the ranges of realism as given the materials it would be posible with modern heavy lift rockets @DeidaraEnterprises
they Are it was a friend who introduced me to them @SuperSix
and I just got the joke in your comment about bombing me @ChiyomiAnzai
I like the look of Antarctica but its too barren and cold @ChiyomiAnzai
"8,156 ChiyomiAnzai Reply
We are bombing Thanos union
Our goal:
Wipe half the population
(Non canon)" I believe it says non canon not canon @SuperSix
1 in leo@DeidaraEnterprises
no its a fictional place Antarctica looks like a duck @ChiyomiAnzai
read my update to it lol@ChiyomiAnzai
+1sure why not i also find it ironic we are talking about war things and Im listening to sabaton which is a Swedish heavy metal band that all their songs are about war rn @ChiyomiAnzai
that is a blank map of it not snow @NirvashTec
and does BS mean bulls**t on this post sry for all the pings @DeidaraEnterprises
the diagram shows rocket lifting capabilities cool diagram on this ksp forum @DeidaraEnterprises
I also did that as a way to save the world if needed but I have never used it @ChiyomiAnzai
+1and in theory the f9 could carry one of the tungsten rods
my bad its 5 not 6 I can give you a page with a comparison of rockets at their capabilities @ChiyomiAnzai
I have built an orbital bombardment station and the bfr will be able to carry multiple rods up and the falcon heavy can carry 6 @ChiyomiAnzai
if I already have done that can I have it @DeidaraEnterprises
and I use a reasonable amount of orbital bombardment as rockets that could resuply the rods exist irl (non-canon as you didn't ) @ChiyomiAnzai
+1I know and im pointing it out for you @ChiyomiAnzai
were not wrre @ChiyomiAnzai
the map won't show
my trick is to counter it while I still can steer with the wheel @ThePilotDude
add a jet hidden into the fusalage that provides to power and set it it an ag @DeezDucks
considering the bfr is to be able to lift over 100 tons and each rod is 10 tons I wouldn't consider it too unreasonable and the falcon heavy can carry over 60 tons so rockets that can carry it into Leo exist @DeidaraEnterprises
does it have wep @DeezDucks
XP-51, a, b or c model?
is it an x-15 you are working on @IStoleYourMeme
is it a conventional bomb @0n33
welcome to the silver club
f-22 as it was able to defeat 5 f-15 which by the way have never been shot down in combat without being located
could I be a mod thanos union tries to remain as neutral as possible and will attack almost anyone @Strikefighter04
would an orbital bombardment system be out of the ranges of realism as given the materials it would be posible with modern heavy lift rockets @DeidaraEnterprises
my rp country uses thanosian dollars @MrVaultech
ones with lots of swearing @BACconcordepilot
the random b-17 in the background of the 2nd picture
nice @SnoWFLakE0s
Np @SnoWFLakE0s @SnoWFLakE0s sorey for the souble tag jm too lazy to remove ot
+1remove the s from https if you use Imgure
@belugasub ok ill remove it
can I have a jet engine to simulate wep @belugasub
one that is set up so you can spawn it in and it will be ready to be shot at @SpiritusRaptor
beginners journey link is in my bio
I had 1k be for they spam up voted @enzoBoeing757
could we get one thwt is already deployed so I can test one of my planes @SpiritusRaptor
@exosuit i was able to get on this morning link
@BlackhattAircraft my English teacher had a sign that said "i am the grammar snob that your parents warned about"
@DeidaraEnterprises I probably wont be able to get to it until this weekend
@AerialFighterSnakes np controls are on the original
too not to @BlackhattAircraft
it was on a discord SP rp @DeidaraEnterprises
from what @exosuit