@DatTrainGuy19 our roads are wider too so like I really don’t see an issue with pickups, again as long as they are being used as they were made for not somebody driving it in NYC just cause he wants to with no real reason of having a lifted F450
@DatTrainGuy19 yes, also side not in addition to that why did you start up the drama in the comments originally? You know every time you guys bring it up it continues the drama right? you know the same drama that you guys complain about?
@DatTrainGuy19 alternatively you could mind your own business and not start arguments in the comments after I all ready talked to every party involved and leave the moderation to us
@DatTrainGuy19 yeah man this really isn’t that worst joke he coulda made, and certainly not one worth making into a huge deal over, tho personally I wouldn’t have made a joke on it but that’s just me
@Pan while I understand the frustration please, I’ve told you several times now, use the report function, block him and move on, arguing with him isn’t gonna get anywhere but drama in the comments
@73 @Korzalerke2147483647 the rules do say to keep it clean so if y’all please would not swear literally after I just told somebody els not to, that would be great
@MrCOPTY please if you have issues just report the comment and move on please don’t start arguing with users about their comments, just makes a bigger mess
@Pan @DatMaluchGuy19 @MrCOPTY idk what happened here looks like there was more to this im not seeing, either way, if I said it once I’ve said it a million times… report it… and… you guessed it, move on, please don’t try to argue or make it right by yelling at the person breaking the rules, it just makes a bigger mess than if it was left alone after reporting it, idk how many times I’ve said this now but it’s getting very very irritating
@MrCOPTY logging is actually good for the environment, as it’s taking down dead trees from beetle kill or ones that are in the process of dying from beetle kill, it also removes a lot of the dead undergrowth which together combines to reduce wildfires which are a great deal more worse for the environment than if the dead trees and undergrowth were not removed
(I used to work in the lumber industry for a little)
@GrandPrix idk what you are asking the guy to stop here but if you think hes breaking rules please report it and move on, dont stir up drama in the comments
@Superliner350 I believe you are reading into this way further than intended bud, if you do truly believe this is actually the case tho rather than shouting it from the roof tops in the comments please just report the comments and move on without starting drama in the comments
@HuskyDynamics01 btw I removed your comments off of this just so it doesn’t bring up further issues, you haven’t done anything wrong here just wanted to let you know I took those comments down before you see “removed” on a few comments and are like wtf happened here lol
Hey just fyi the comment that your reported for spam, that’s actually a comment for a era gone by, a time long ago (when the game first started) where airplanes had a 5 star rating system then was changed to the upvote, that account was created to tell people their builds were getting an update into the new update/rating system, just some fun fact I thought I’d share since I saw that report, you haven’t done anything wrong just me wanting to share what that comment was
This would be fine if people wouldn’t bring politics into the game, but unfortunately this is how the peoples of the internet are and why we can’t have nice things, if we remove one side we have to remove the other, it upsets me too, but unfortunately those few people who can’t read rules or decide to go against them have to ruin the fun for everyone els :(
@AverageFedExMD11 @DatRoadTrainGuy19
Enough, just leave the dude alone I’m close to handing out strikes if this doesn’t stop, idk how many times I have said this now, I’ve lost count… seriously you guys if you don’t like the posts, you don’t have to click on them, literally just scroll past and ignore them, it’s not that hard, stop creating drama in the comments every time the poor dude posts something, he isn’t breaking rules
@DatRoadTrainGuy19 just use the report function my dude, I’m gonna be pretty busy the next month or so and will be dialing back on the site so I’ll be missing a majority of the tags, also means other mods can see it and deal with it, possibly faster than I can get around to it
@ColonelCanada then why did you click on this to then comment that? Please in the future just ignore these kind of post if you truly don’t care, rather than starting drama in the comments
@CooperFilms001 hey man sorry to see ya head off, hopefully things improve, and they will, we’ll be waiting for ya to return when you decide to come back!
@DatTrainGuy19 our roads are wider too so like I really don’t see an issue with pickups, again as long as they are being used as they were made for not somebody driving it in NYC just cause he wants to with no real reason of having a lifted F450
+2@DatTrainGuy19 yes, also side not in addition to that why did you start up the drama in the comments originally? You know every time you guys bring it up it continues the drama right? you know the same drama that you guys complain about?
+2@DatTrainGuy19 alternatively you could mind your own business and not start arguments in the comments after I all ready talked to every party involved and leave the moderation to us
+2@HanakoSan please read my comment below
+2@DatTrainGuy19 yeah man this really isn’t that worst joke he coulda made, and certainly not one worth making into a huge deal over, tho personally I wouldn’t have made a joke on it but that’s just me
+2@CoMmEnTaToR if you are continuously going to try and provoke arguments and drama I’m going to keep removing those comments
+2@HanakoSan while I do appreciate that you want to help out, jumping into the issue doesn’t actually help
+2@ACEOFFICERS nothing you should be concerned with, sorry
+2@Pan while I understand the frustration please, I’ve told you several times now, use the report function, block him and move on, arguing with him isn’t gonna get anywhere but drama in the comments
+2@73 @Korzalerke2147483647 the rules do say to keep it clean so if y’all please would not swear literally after I just told somebody els not to, that would be great
+2@DatMaluchGuy19 please use the report function rather than tagging just one moderator, thanks!
+2@GrandHighCapybara please read my comment below
+2@Graingy hey for the future just report the comment and move on of someone is creating issues, no sense in arguing with them making things worse
+2@CaptHorizon sweet thanks dawg
+2@MrCOPTY please if you have issues just report the comment and move on please don’t start arguing with users about their comments, just makes a bigger mess
+2@CaptHorizon yeah I’d take that part out, much appreciated bro!
+2@Graingy please refrain from using that word on the site in the future thanks
+2@Pan @DatMaluchGuy19 @MrCOPTY idk what happened here looks like there was more to this im not seeing, either way, if I said it once I’ve said it a million times… report it… and… you guessed it, move on, please don’t try to argue or make it right by yelling at the person breaking the rules, it just makes a bigger mess than if it was left alone after reporting it, idk how many times I’ve said this now but it’s getting very very irritating
+2@MrCOPTY logging is actually good for the environment, as it’s taking down dead trees from beetle kill or ones that are in the process of dying from beetle kill, it also removes a lot of the dead undergrowth which together combines to reduce wildfires which are a great deal more worse for the environment than if the dead trees and undergrowth were not removed
+2(I used to work in the lumber industry for a little)
@DatMaluchGuy19 my guy I’ve said this a thousand times now… STOP bringing it up on the comments and forums, report it and move on
+2@WileEWonka last time I’m gonna say this buddy, if you aint got nothing nice to say please keep it off the site
+2@Vincent how many washing machines per burgers times AR-15 squared divided by football fields is that?
+2@GrandPrix idk what you are asking the guy to stop here but if you think hes breaking rules please report it and move on, dont stir up drama in the comments
+2@Graingy while that isn’t very extreme I do have to say probably not best to be calling users cowards on the site like that
+2@ThanhThePilot do not join in on this, please read my comment below
+2@Wibbley there you go my guy, it’s now as a successor to the 96 parts challenge
+2@ToeTips Pa-22 > F-22
+2You can not defeat a Tri Pacer, the Tri Pacer will always remain the superior and ultimate flying machine
@Kangy that’s a bannable offense, for both comments
+2@Graingy all ready dealt with, so that won’t be necessary, appreciate it tho!
+2@HuskyDynamics01 @BMilan thanks guys for not jumping in on that, much appreciated
+2Hey just letting you know that we can’t use Honda in the builds on the site. Unfortunately Honda has requested this
+2Friendly reminder, please do not tag people who did not request to be tagged
+2@Superliner350 I believe you are reading into this way further than intended bud, if you do truly believe this is actually the case tho rather than shouting it from the roof tops in the comments please just report the comments and move on without starting drama in the comments
+2@HuskyDynamics01 btw I removed your comments off of this just so it doesn’t bring up further issues, you haven’t done anything wrong here just wanted to let you know I took those comments down before you see “removed” on a few comments and are like wtf happened here lol
+2Hey just fyi the comment that your reported for spam, that’s actually a comment for a era gone by, a time long ago (when the game first started) where airplanes had a 5 star rating system then was changed to the upvote, that account was created to tell people their builds were getting an update into the new update/rating system, just some fun fact I thought I’d share since I saw that report, you haven’t done anything wrong just me wanting to share what that comment was
+2This would be fine if people wouldn’t bring politics into the game, but unfortunately this is how the peoples of the internet are and why we can’t have nice things, if we remove one side we have to remove the other, it upsets me too, but unfortunately those few people who can’t read rules or decide to go against them have to ruin the fun for everyone els :(
+2Hey man please don’t mass tag people especially when they didn’t ask to be tagged
+2@DatRoadTrainGuy19 don’t join in, and @HuskyDynamics01 don’t incentive them to start it up again
+2@AverageFedExMD11 @DatRoadTrainGuy19
+2Enough, just leave the dude alone I’m close to handing out strikes if this doesn’t stop, idk how many times I have said this now, I’ve lost count… seriously you guys if you don’t like the posts, you don’t have to click on them, literally just scroll past and ignore them, it’s not that hard, stop creating drama in the comments every time the poor dude posts something, he isn’t breaking rules
@AlivePan still arguing, if you weren’t the one that started it, don’t hop in
+2@BashiriShippers leave those opinions off the site
+2@BluestBoi @TheCommentaryGuy read my comment below
+2@Inuyasha8215 @100 @AlivePan don’t start arguments please
+2@DatRoadTrainGuy19 just use the report function my dude, I’m gonna be pretty busy the next month or so and will be dialing back on the site so I’ll be missing a majority of the tags, also means other mods can see it and deal with it, possibly faster than I can get around to it
+2@ColonelCanada then why did you click on this to then comment that? Please in the future just ignore these kind of post if you truly don’t care, rather than starting drama in the comments
+2@TheCommentaryGuy whoa there, that’s a little much, please keep that sort of stuff to yourself not on the site
+2@CooperFilms001 hey man sorry to see ya head off, hopefully things improve, and they will, we’ll be waiting for ya to return when you decide to come back!
+2It is required, and anything that sounds good, not picky
+2@Thequietkid keep those opinions off the site, much appreciated