Mod MrSilverWolf Comments

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    the addition of a horn that maybe can have a few set presets for different kinds ie air horn like on trucks or more of a warning horn kind of thing, if that’s possible, which would be sweet to add to ground vehicles or can be set to a airspeed or something and used as a stall warning, could be very cool.

  • it's been 3 years since the incident 2.1 years ago

    Underaged kid on SP?! Ban hammer time!

  • How to earn free upvotes 2.3 years ago

    4. Get removed for spam/begging for upvotes

  • Why Do All mods Say "Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here"? 10 months ago

    Your post has been removed because it appears to have broken the website rules. You can read them here

  • GoodBye Simpleplanes!! 1.5 years ago

    Sorry to see you go but why was I tagged? I literally just made a post on not tagging people who didn’t request being tagged 😭

  • BogdanX ? 4.0 years ago


  • Map editor leaked 1.9 years ago

    I demand how or ban

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    I think more airports would also be pretty nice, kinda sad that we have the like 5 airports only

  • Question: is it okay to simulate or create stories about FICTIONAL aircraft that crashed resulting in mass casualties one month ago

    After a recent accident involving a mid air I feel this is in poor taste

  • What annoys you the most about the SP website? 5.1 years ago

    The occasional drama over silly nonsense, other than that not much, if the topic was on SP discords, that would be a different story
    (SP discords suck, avoid them)

  • Mitsubishi A6M2b Model 21 (ammo) 6 months ago

    Your post has been removed because it has a misleading thumbnail- wait that’s actually the build thats lit, great job! Awesome work my guy!

  • guysed wtf wtf 2 months ago

    Mate imma have to ask you to take this post down to prevent drama, mind your own business

  • I Am 6 Years Old 2.7 years ago

    Banned for being under age, due to laws we can’t have anyone under the age of 13 on the site, I have again, banned you until you are 13 years of age. Sorry
    (Congrats btw)

  • STOP. 1.1 years ago

    Friendly reminder that anything you upload to the site is free game for anyone to take and modify to their desire and that is ok unless it legitimately is breaking rules then please do report it rather than complaining about it in the comments or the forums, secondly please do refrain from tagging people who do not wish to be tagged

  • Cardboard Tornado 2.2 years ago

    Vary coool pectures, this leekeded SP 2?!??

  • No frickin way (another plane crashed) 2 months ago

    Don’t be quick to blame Boeing, they probably had nothing to do with this particular case, it literally just happened
    (Actually most of what the media has pinned on Boeing were not Boeing issues, the only direct Boeing issue was the door plug)

  • April Fools' Challenge [CANCELLED] one year ago

    Didn’t I speak to you earlier about not calling lower rank users noobs and dis-including them in challenges like not a month ago?

  • I am 8 years old. 7 months ago

    Welp time to ban yet another underage kid, hate to see such a high ranking user make this mistake by sharing their age

  • Bullfrog Rally Truck one year ago

    He did it, he actually did it, he broke platinum player rules by uploading a project, this is not allowed, you are no longer worthy of platinum rank

  • Leotard 4.3 years ago

    -10/10 gun doesn’t go behind the tank when you shoot

  • Fun activity to do 2 months ago

    Stalk much? 🤨
    (I actually am not banning these guys, contrary to popular belief I do not actually like banning people, If things can be resolved without banning I’d prefer that)

  • I'm leaving. 2.1 years ago

    Noooo how will I live without a Walvis post for more than 10 min?!?!!

  • I have lost my interest in SP 7 months ago

    What drama? I haven’t seen too much of it going on lately, unless something happened in the last few days I haven’t seen yet, additionally, I firmly believe the way to play SP isn’t for the upvotes, it is made for how you want to play the game, build and fly stuff that you enjoy, don’t build for others, some of my favorite builds are not even uploaded to the site, the site is just to give others a chance to enjoy what you like, if not, doesn’t matter as long as you enjoyed your build, upvotes are silly internet points, thats my take on it anyhow

  • When a malfunction trim makes the pilot decided to go for a wrong turn - The story of DJAirlines flight 24. one year ago

    Where do I go from here,… theres a lot I want to say, idk really how to put it all in order or in a proper way, so I see like 95% of your posts stir drama up, which half is brought up by other users, however the posts you have been making have been very questionable lately and skirting some fine lines, and I’m almost wanting to give a strike or a temp ban due to these, especially after you keep mentioning that you are stalking people then not stalking people, Im really trying to help ya out with not having to go this route but if this is gonna be a continuous issue, I will have to, if it was like 1 post a month generating issues it wouldn’t be so bad but it’s like every day it’s something

  • Checking through Silverwolf’s Comments is Crazy 1.6 years ago

    Stalking, question mark 🤨

  • I am 7 years old! 1.7 years ago

    Banned for underaged

  • Map update leaked 2.8 years ago

    It’s evolving, just backwards

  • Mrsilverwolf and crazyplaness on YouTube one month ago


  • Can people stop tagging me on builds purely if I upvote a teaser 1.5 years ago

    I shoulda mentioned that in my post, to y’all who insist on tagging loads of people, MAKE SURE the specifically requested to be tagged!
    (Also keep in mind the follow button and jet stream exist for this very reason)

  • !(Junkers Ju-87G-2 Stuka Kanonenvogel 1.6 years ago

    Friendly reminder only tag those who requested tagged, please do not mass people who didn’t want to be tagged

  • Weird Simpleplanes Dreams or nightmare 2.1 years ago

    Your actions are unacceptable and I can’t believe you’ve done this, you have been permanently banned and your posts removed

  • Stepping down 2.1 years ago

    not our (data expunged) [REDACTED]! Noooo!!!!!

  • Yes, I touched the Pitot tube on the only intact YF-12 in existence. 4.0 years ago

    I’m thinking you weren’t supposed to do that, museums typically go REEEEEEEE when you do such

  • Rubbish 4.6 years ago

    What a garbage build how does this have 15 upvotes let alone one?! God this community is so utterly trash!
    Learn how to build planes that aren’t so useless and trash!

  • Funniest/Stupidest thing you or someone has done on SP? 5.5 years ago

    In MP, you can see some interesting things...
    Blimp battles with 5 blimps that are thousand feet plus in length shooting at each other with bomb cannons, a giant dinosaur on wheels running over everyone and flying fish with guns to name a few

  • what the hell is happening with Boeing now? one year ago

    I commute on Boeing twice a week, Ive flown on Boeing a ton as a kid, never once questioned them, and I’ll still happily hop on a Boeing plane without second thoughts

  • I'm unbanned, is anyone there? Is anyone here? 1.2 years ago

    @Majakalona if you lost a family member in one of the most gruesome violent ways possible, and someone was making jokes about it, wouldn’t you get pissed too? Id be furious, no matter how long ago it was it’s very disrespectful to those affected by this event and is not acceptable to joke about it, and will continue to be unacceptable forever, do you understand?

  • My First Plane 1.4 years ago

    @windshifter1 remember there is no proper way to play SP, it’s all based on the individual, you can’t put a skill limit on people to build what you want them too, you don’t get to dictate how others build in the same way I’m not gonna tell you how to build, there’s a saying I like for this, live and let live, meaning if they aren’t hurting you or anyone els, just leave it be, not a battle worth picking

  • A Note of Thanks 1.5 years ago


  • Gold celebration special 1.9 years ago

    Hey in the future, don’t tag that many people unless they request being tagged

  • Things I'd like in sp 4.0 years ago

    More airports would also be really really really nice too

  • Weaponized Seal 4.2 years ago

    Missed opportunity to call it a “Navy Seal team”

  • The Germans really did capture a corsair 4.6 years ago

    still not as odd as the license made J3 Cub in Denmark that was captured by the Germans, then captured by the US and kept in the UK

  • Hs-129B-3 100 Part VR 8 months ago

    @rexzion mod harassment, how could you do this 😭

  • Hs-129B-3 100 Part VR 8 months ago


  • PAPI Lights 11 months ago

    Red over red, must be dead

  • My 4-year old cousins plane 1.5 years ago

    @TheOneAndOnlyToad bro I would probably have to say maybe best keep those sorta comments off the site

  • Simpleplanes irl!!11!1!1!1 1.8 years ago

    F.Y.I your engines are not getting enough air, maybe try adding more inlets

  • Balsa Flight Simulator: A Simpleplanes Killer? 3.6 years ago

    @BaconEggs yeah, I can’t think of any other game where I can chase airplanes with a flying log stacker
