41.5k MrVaultech Comments

  • BV 124 Polymorphic fighter 5.4 5.3 years ago

    Landing gears look like they skipped leg day, but aside from that, its very neat-looking plane with a neato camo.

  • P.020b-128m "Žaneta" 5.3 years ago

    Thanks! Well, there's always someone better than everyone around here, even me. Usually just takes time and practice to get better.

  • Would it be a good idea to reverse the comment sequence on this site? 5.5 years ago

    I wanna say that's how SP worked way back a few years ago, but devs decided to change it to how it is now.
    Really, I've not got a preference, but being able to see the oldest comment first made it easier to catch up to newer comments.

  • P.01a(CM)-50m Light Tank Destroyer 5.6 years ago

    Many appreciative words to be said back to your compliments, and do hope you enjoy messing about with this little series of little tanks!

  • P.01a(CM)-50m Light Tank Destroyer 5.6 years ago

    Ah, glad you enjoy it's petite nature!
    Quite reminiscent of the Luchs

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    You really took in everything I told you about my and allies navies; we don't have carriers, and likely wouldn't for a while. Wanna know why? I've only been doing this for 3 months, while most everyone else had been as well or shorter. You don't expect people to start crapping out super carriers just barely 3 months into something like this.
    And hey, lemme tell ya how things went with my peacekeeping fleet!
    He literally fired 240 missiles at them before they could retaliate. 80% of my patrol boats and light cruisers gone just from the first strike, even accounting for their defensive measures and aircraft.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    Has he ever shown any proof of him having any semblance of realism in the server? No, quite the opposite. I've heard from my allies that during the main battle in the north that he was basically teleporting aircraft to the frontline from way further than possible, and basically teleporting ships to try and intercept any naval landings.
    He wasn't going to run any chances of losing this, you can't deny that.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    This "git gud" behavior you're showing instead of actually trying to debate any of the points being told really shows what IDA is like.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    (Part 2 because I forgot of the character limit...)
    Add onto him being a very blatantly first world country in RP, with access to super carrier fleets and knock-off M1 Abrams, him devloving from proven and effective actual battle tactics to those user by under equipped and outgunned guerrilla tactics to defeat countries if he ever were to be outgunned or overwhelmed.
    Suprisingly enough, Guerrilla tactics have thoroughly been proven to be basically to be inpossible to defeat, with him bragging numerous times about him "defeating 7 nations at once with a pickup and guerilla tactics" (need to find the screenshot of him bragging this) just shows that he's more keen in stroking his ego than actually showing off any actual tactical prowess.
    Overall, I find hik to be a scummy person, scummy tactician, and an egomaniac.

    The fact that you guys defend him to near brainwashed levels disturbs me, considering nearly the entire remaining server was against IDA right before the war ended.

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    I've likely stated this before in the server, if not, then I'm stating it now;
    Everything IDA was doing as a whole was toxic. 80%-90% of the wars declared and warred was made by IDA members in the 3 months I've been in SLRP.
    Not to mention that in that time, I was loterally the only reliable moderator dealing with all the crap in a server of ~50 users. When a majority of the issues caused in the server can be rooted to literally a single faction that's existed for I presume years, I had little tolerance to begin with.

    Now, that whole Iowa and Florida stuff? The war that caused this literally shouldn't of happened. Pilot literally went and declared on KDS and Warbrine because of a research drone flying somewhat near his territory.

    And hey, you want to bring up the reason Pilotmario was permabanned? He threatened KDS with doxxing, something highly illegal and something I definitely won't stand in my server.
    Now, I have heard that he "allured" to doxxing to KDS, since he states that Pilot in the VC was "talking all creepy" and "knew where he lived now".
    Now, let me tell you something; before that whole war that ended up with Pilot losing a chunk of Flordia, there was a war that directly lead into this where Pilot literally fired over 240 missiles from a carrier fleet at my tiny fleet of peacekeeping patrol boats near Greenland.
    An hour before it even started, pilot made big mention of him exchanging the humanitarian aid ships I had already asked him not to send with a super carrier fleet. You know what I thought it was? A threat of war. You know what he did an hour later, of which I had to literally stay up all night just to deal with? A war.
    Not to mention a bunch of other things that we already treaded at the time in the Discord server, Pilot knew what he was doing and saying, and Warbrine telling me that he backpedaled hard after yelling at him about it, I highly believe I am justified in the permaban.

    And now lets discuss the tactics Pilotmario uses to defeat his enemies;
    From what I've figured, through how he talks, and what others have said, he behaves in a beyond scummy manner.
    He figures out what timezones people are in to attack them when they're asleep to cripple them [(I can attest, since he literally declared war on me at 2:58pm

  • [SLRP] Discord Server Deleted 5.6 years ago

    So, yeah. Server was deleted.
    I had banned all IDAFOR members, well, the most vocal ones who were causing a majority of the issues in the server.
    Afterwards, I wasn't going to be server owner or have any position of power. I removed every role from myself, then passed ownership to KDS.
    Well, he was much in the same boat as me and just as done having to deal with IDAFOR members and passed it off to Warbrine. Warbrine, who was just as done dealing with IDAFOR members, as well as the one dealing with all the hateful and very profane messages about me and him, just deleted the server.
    I definitely shouldn't of passed off owndership of the server, but I wasn't going to spend any more time in there dealing with IDAFOR members and their allies.
    Lastly, I'd just suggest moving SLRP back to the SP site. It's the last thing I'm going to do as SLRP Moderator, because I'm done with all of SLRP solely because of IDAFOR members.

  • The SPW, with Awsomur [42] 5.7 years ago

    Yet again, most things get rated highly with your news when there was a rating system, no offense.

  • SLRP: D-Day 2.0 5.8 years ago

    You must realize at least 4 SLRP world powers have joined the conflict against you, right?

  • SLRP: Halcyon has fallen 5.8 years ago

    While I do not have authority to tell you what to do, I have the ability as an RP moderator to tell you to cut it out with all this nonsense.

  • [SLRP] Central Federation Patrols Attacked! 5.8 years ago

    Um, Halcyon only exists in the Pacific, theres literally over a dozen other countries.

  • Can anyone tell me about rolplaying 5.8 years ago

    For the most part, you'd need to create a country, set borders, and finish with settling a capital.
    Typucally basing your country off a real one makes all the above mentioned significantly easier, but anyone is welcome to make whatever country they want wherever.
    After that's set, you'll have to decide in a reasonable population, then a respectable amount of soldiers for that population. Typically 5-10% of the total population being soldiers is a good peacetime anount, with a max being somewhere around 20%.
    And with all that set, and figuring out your government type, you're free to announce your country in the SP site, come join the SLRP server if you'd want (or whatever RP there is here, SLRP is just the biggest), and begin designing vehicles and equipment with your unique country branding.


    This just comes off as such a paper thin reason for war...
    I mean, I don't recall Switzerland going to war with Italy or France for access to the ocean.

  • What things like SLRP can do for the community. 5.8 years ago

    But hey, I'd definently like to see you make some modern equivalent to the T-35.
    If ya make it, be sure to tag me in it.

  • [SLRP] Readables and Stuff 5.9 years ago

    Aye aye @DeidaraEnterprises, @Nerfenthusiast, I've gotta rebuke that and say orbital and space weapons are a big no.
    Not only is it significantly unfair for a majority of nations considering some are barely into 4th gen fighters, but it would also contribute to the creations of weapons to counter such space weapons, thus contributing to Kessler Syndrome.
    Last thing we want is someone screwing up all of humanity's progress cause of a petty Proxy war.

  • Any WarThunder tips?? 5.9 years ago

    Ehhh, British tanks get pretty absurd later on, considering they get stabilized guns roughly the same time German players get the Tiger 1

  • Any WarThunder tips?? 6.2 years ago

    I'd say start with Americans. They have some moderately powerful weapons to start with, as well as excellent CAS later on in the ranks.

  • Hey look! That guy uploaded a teaser for a maritime bomber! 6.4 years ago

    Eh, I'm tryin my best with what I have, but thanks nonetheless

  • AT-7A1 2.3 years ago

    Just from glancing over the images and the MBT in the designer, the first critique I can make is that the hull dimensions seem to be on the larger size for the size of the turret. Either the hull would have to be trimmed down or the turret widened to look more "proportional" to each other.
    The turret shape looks pretty solid, the pop-up missile launcher and dual gun setup is a pretty neat idea, though if you wanted to go more realistic then it would be good to scrap the missile launcher all together and change to a single gun to make space for crew and main gun ammo.
    Lastly, I'd think this MBT and any future ones you make could really do with hatches and optics. They tend to be kinda small details in the grand scheme but they greatly improve the looks of the tank and that "realism" everyone strives for in the MBT-building sphere.

    Aside from these little nitpicks, I personally think the overall design is pretty solid, plus I really appreciate you placing some basic interior details like the engine and fuel tanks, it just needs detail work to make it pop and get some attention.

  • He-119C with TV Guided Missile (Re-Uploaded) 2.4 years ago

    After really looking at this, all I can say is my initial reaction was incredibly rude and definitely an overreaction. What initially weirded me out about your successor build of my Rastus was how it was almost entirely invisible in the hanger and the three-view on the website here. I apparently didnt think to test fly it to see if it was the same there, but in reality it looked perfectly visible.
    Looking at it there, I can see a respectable amount of work went into rebuilding and combining various different users parts into what you uploaded, minus two spots I saw (single bar by the cockpit that belonged to the ladder and an unpainted tail wheel) that felt out of place on it.
    In all, while you may of accidentally managed to bypass the successor system my reaction was definitely uncalled for when yoy made a pretty impressive rebuild of my original work.

    Hopefully this apology makes up for me being incredibly rude to you in your original upload, I'm sorry.


  • P.020d-128m "Žaneta" 2.6 years ago

    Forgot to ping yall when I uploaded, sorry!

  • P.020d-128m "Žaneta" 2.6 years ago

    Forgot to ping yall when I uploaded, sorry!

  • P.032b-128m "Waffle" 4.3 years ago

    A pancale with abs means extra flavor

  • P.032b-128m "Waffle" 4.3 years ago

    and comedy gold

  • P.23a-1e "Rastus" 4.3 years ago

    Personally, despite the floats not coming out how I originally wanted, I'm pretty alright with how they are now. Not the best, but definitely still work.
    And yeah, I predominantly make AFVs over ships and aircraft as of recent, and try to link as many of what I finished onto prior mentioned forum post.
    And hey, if you do upload something eventually, do be sure to mention me so I can get a look at it!

  • P.23a-1e "Rastus" 4.4 years ago

    Thanks! And glad to hear someone actually read this giant descriptions!

  • Are there any roleplays I can take part of? 4.4 years ago

    I run a server that's pretty beginner friendly when compared to most every other server around.
    Should be a link to it somewhere in my bio if you're interested.

  • How a possible updated Rank System could look 4.4 years ago

    Would like to see the old star rating system back, at least then it kinda encouraged making something of quality over just spamming builds out I guess.

  • We need a green color for the default paint scheme 4.4 years ago

    Just make a custom paont scheme at that point

  • A Teaser For Stuff You Seen Already 4.4 years ago

    Will totes remember to do that, and do try! It's not terribly difficult when getting started really.

  • The Lowest Rider [Teaser] 4.4 years ago

    The mad ladd is actually doing it

  • Illegally Obtained Van 4.4 years ago

    Only if it's illegal

  • How can I use activation groups to use pistons and rotators? 4.4 years ago

    Put "activate[1-8]" into the input of the piston and rotators so it'll activate on a AG

  • Smol Bote 4.5 years ago

    Ah, thats pretty cool!

  • Smol Bote 4.5 years ago

    and M.33?

  • To Anyone Wondering 4.5 years ago


  • SP Can Look Nice Sometimes 4.5 years ago

    Maybe when I finish the plane, or after, idk

  • SP Can Look Nice Sometimes 4.5 years ago

    Yeahhh I know the feeling.
    Back when I started, wanna say SP didn't look nowhere near as nice as it does right now on high, though I was mostly playing about medium graphics.
    Eitherway, it's a pretty big difference from about a year ago to say the least.

  • SP Can Look Nice Sometimes 4.5 years ago

    On high graphics it can be stunning, and paired with my crippling addiction to taking screenshots...

  • SP Can Look Nice Sometimes 4.5 years ago

    It's got that nice a e s t h e t i c

  • P.23a-1e "Rastus" 4.5 years ago

    Thank you!

  • Geez I’m Old 4.5 years ago

    Congrats on being old

  • DISCORD SERVER? 4.5 years ago

    There used to be an official SP Discord server I wanna say, but heard it got closed forcibly because people were spamming stuff that broke ToS or something.

  • AIS-03 Dominion 4.5 years ago

    Kinda realized that predicament when building the thing, but kinda couldn't figure anything.
    The transmission was meant to go at the very rear of the vehicle, as it was on my testbed idea, but because of the passenger compartment I wasn't able to.

  • On recent issues 4.5 years ago

    People thinking someone doesn't deserve the points they have is the whole reason Don't tell someone: 'If you upvote my stuff, then I'll upvote your stuff.' is a rule.

  • I'm 5 4.6 years ago

    Welcome to the toddler-boomer club
