124 NaCl10 Comments

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 6.3 years ago

    @Wahoo12 give me a day or so... I have an idea for how I could show you

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 5.0 years ago

    @starxiao It can be run on Mac with the Mono project
    Install Mono (there should be instructions on the site), download SPserver.exe (yes, the exe file, you'll see in a minute), save/move it to somewhere more permanent (maybe /Users/[your username]/simpleplanes-server/SPserver.exe ?) open a terminal, cd to the dir where you saved the exe (google "mac terminal basics" and read as much as you need to to understand what I'm talking about) and run "mono SPserver.exe" in the terminal.
    You may want to make a startup script (google "bash scripting") that cds to the correct folder and then starts it, since if you're not in the correct folder, it will create new admins, bans, world, etc. Also, this way, you can set it to run on startup as well.

  • Update 1.9 - High Caliber 5.0 years ago

    Here, I'll post an actually grateful comment.
    Thank you so much for adding the designer suite mod into the game. I somehow wasn't aware that it existed before this update, but as someone who has used 3D suites like Blender in the past (I'm not going to pretend I'm any good at Blender or anything lol) I really appreciate the additions like orthographic view, side views, reference images, and x-ray mode. Thanks guys!

  • My evil plans 5.7 years ago

    I agree with belugasub. Your evil plans sure seem to be taking a while @Subbaluga

  • I changed my icon! 5.8 years ago

    @PlanesofJundroo @USSR @jamesPLANESii thanks for upvoting!

  • I changed my icon! 5.8 years ago

    @PlanesofJundroo Yeah. I have a kinda-sorta-mostly Minecraft YouTube channel.

  • Simpleplanes Random Moments #1 5.9 years ago

    Awesome. Just awsome.

  • Another question about the forums (sorry!) 6.1 years ago

    Thanks @randomusername @Avro683Lancaster

  • SimplePlanes MP mod server help? 6.1 years ago

    Thanks @randomusername

  • Spitfire 6.5 years ago

    @Kerbango I have uploaded the video explaining why my username is NaCl10

  • Spitfire 6.6 years ago

    @Kerbango It's a really long story...

    My YouTube channel is NaCl10, I will probably make a video soon explaining my username.

  • Spitfire 6.7 years ago

    Thanks @Kerbango !

  • Royal Belvidia tug conversion 6.7 years ago

    Pretty cool.... Although it would be cool if you would make a unmodded version. I am on PC now, but I used to be on iOS and I would have downloaded this then, but I couldn't for obvious reasons. @kerbango

  • Spitfire 6.8 years ago

    Thanks @InternationalAircraftCompany

  • P-51 Mustang w/ Weapons 6.8 years ago

    Thanks @MalksMan

  • Decided! 6.8 years ago

    Thanks @Mostly

  • Decided! 6.8 years ago

    @Mostly sorry, but I can’t really do animatronics because the’re WAAAAAAAY beyond my skill level.

  • G&K Thunder–class submarine SS–13 6.9 years ago

    Best. Sub. Ever.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 5.0 years ago

    You're welcome HellFireKoder

  • What's with the duck icons? 5.0 years ago

    Hey, ChiyomiAnzai (who deleted her account on this site), of all people, raided the server beluga posted earlier and deleted all the invites. Here's a new invite.

  • What's with the duck icons? 5.0 years ago

    Thanks @SovietBun !

  • SimplePlanes MP mod server help? 5.2 years ago

    Holy cow I was dumb 11 months ago. If only I had just googled some stuff. Sorry to bother everyone.
    I guess I can answer my own questions.
    Yes, of course it can. You just use mono, like HellFireKoder said. It's literally mono spserver.exe and that's it. It works just like WINE, but simpler.
    2. Can you run multiple instances of the server on one server machine?
    Of course you can. Just start them all as different processes and tell them to use different ports. Same as any other server software.
    3. What ports does the server executable open up?
    This one is a little different, as this is something that might be worth knowing before you start up the server. Just my dumb opinion, but on the mod's page it should probably say what ports the server opens up and that if it can't open the ports, instead of just going to something like Tunngle (use that as a last resort), try manually opening the ports in the router. (usually or

  • I work on my highly detailed CV-22b osprey 5.6 years ago

    @BricePianist Thanks!!!

  • I work on my highly detailed CV-22b osprey 5.6 years ago

    Could you please tag me when it is done? Thank you!

  • What’s your favorite YouTuber 5.6 years ago

    If I had to pick just one, it would have to be Linus Tech Tips

  • Is it time for me to EVOLVE?!!??!? 5.7 years ago


  • Introducing my self 5.7 years ago

    @SodiumChloride Are you asking if I’m a fake salt?

  • What's with the duck icons? 5.7 years ago

    @ChiyomiAnzai Okay

  • What's with the duck icons? 5.7 years ago

    @ChiyomiAnzai Oh okay. Can I ask why it was banned?

  • Game Crash HELP NEEDED 5.7 years ago

    Did you try reinstalling SimplePlanes, restarting Steam, restarting your whole computer, restarting everything, etc.?
    Also, what laptop do you have & what operating system is it running (Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, MacOS, etc.)?
    This site is a good place to put the crash log. And yes, it would probably help.

  • Connecting SPEKTRUM DX6 to Mac !HELP! 5.7 years ago

    Have you tried different USB ports/tested the USB port you’re using? Cause it could be a dead USB port. Another way you could test this is seeing if it’s showing up anywhere else in macOS.
    Also, it’s generally a good idea to specify as much information as possible (macOS version, SP version, Mac model, etc.)

  • Original SimplePlanes memes 5.7 years ago


  • I changed my icon! 5.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Uhh... thanks? I based it off of my Minecraft skin from my Bedrock Edition videos. That skin is actually a parrot, but I guess I did a bad job of making that obvious.

  • Best Keylogger for iPhone 5.8 years ago

    The "Screen Time" feature in iOS 12 lets you see what apps he's using, what webpages he's visiting, etc., and you can set limits on specific apps and websites. It's pretty powerful and you can link it to your iCloud account so you can see what he's doing from your phone (assuming you have an iPhone). If you want more control, however, that can get more complicated. You can try Googling "iPhone mobile device management", but I think only corporations can get access to that. There's also the option of jailbreaking and using something like Cydia to get a keylogger or something like that from outside the App Store, but I don't know anything about that, so you'd need to ask someone else.

  • Mclaren Senna [TEASER] 5.8 years ago

    @MalksMan Check this out

  • What’s you favourite game? (Other than SimplePlanes) 5.9 years ago

    No Man’s Sky

  • i always get logged out! 5.9 years ago

    @enzoBoeing757 Well... my other theory was that some websites remember your login for a day or two if you don’t check “remember me” and then remember your login for something like two weeks if you do check the box. I’m pretty sure this site is that way because I’m not the most frequent user of this site, and even if I check the box, if I come back after a week or two, I’m logged out again. I just kinda deal with it because I have a password manager, but I can see how getting logged out every time you close your browser window could be EXTREMELY frustrating.

  • This is how you are supposed to make links and pictures 5.9 years ago

    @Zoomzoom999 K thanks

  • This is how you are supposed to make links and pictures 5.9 years ago

    If I were hosting my own site, could I use an image URL from my site? Or does it have to be from a proper service?

  • i always get logged out! 5.9 years ago

    @enzoBoeing757 I assume you’re checking the “remember me” box every time you log in?

  • Mclaren Senna 5.9 years ago

    Blue and orange

  • Company Discord! 5.9 years ago

    Here’s a clickable link

  • P-51 Mustang w/ Weapons 6.1 years ago

    @Kerbango thanks!

  • Another question about the forums (sorry!) 6.1 years ago

    @Awsomur thanks!