Dev NathanMikeska Comments

  • Mikeska Airport 1.5 years ago

    I know that guy!

  • GAMF-02A Camille 7.1 years ago

    Wow... pretty amazing work. Well done!

  • [USERVOICE] SimplePlanes Updated to Unity 2017 7.1 years ago

    I like the thought of upgrading SP to the latest Unity, but it would be unfortunate to break many and/or all mods...

    What specifically are you expecting as far as performance and easier to work with? Was there some specific feature you were hoping we (or a modder) implement that is only available in a later version? What have you seen as far as increasing performance that you think SP will be able to take advantage of?

    I actually started on this for the 1.8 update a while back (when 2017.1 was new) but shelved it due to an audio bug in Unity that has yet to be fixed. I didn't test too much because of that showstopper, so there could have been other issues yet to be discovered. And we are fighting all new bugs with 2017.3 after upgrading the SR2 project to it.

    If you want to help us make a Unity upgrade to SP (and help us get SR2 out the door), I'd suggest going to the Unity issue tracker and voting on a couple issues that are really causing us trouble.

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    Hey everyone, I just pushed out the v1.8.0.2 build to Steam and Google Play a few minutes ago.
    * The non-"en-US" culture issue should actually be fixed now. This bug manifested in various ways such as the main menu not loading, launch locations completely messed up, planes falling out of the sky, etc. Let me know if you still have issues with these things.
    * Craft collision explosions should now be working again
    * Fallback shader support for some mods has been fixed. Many mods will still be broken, but you may see less 'pink textures' in some mods now.
    * Water launch locations should be fixed.
    * Fixed a font rendering issue with bold fonts in the main menu
    * Fixed the scrollbar position on the mods page
    * Fixed part nudging before the transform panel is opened.
    * Mods will be auto-disabled on first run of the new update

  • I hate to admit it, I hate to accept it... But I'm at the brink of ending it all and I have no one to turn to.. 5.1 years ago

    Please talk to someone. There are people out there that can help. A friend of mine once said something that helps him is to continually remind himself that things will get better. It may not feel like it at the time. It may be feel impossible, but things will get better. Remind yourself. Promise yourself. Try to believe it. Things will get better.

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    Thank you to everyone that has been helping us test. I'm sorry I'm not replying to everyone individually. Its a lot to keep up with just responding to the people with issues. Everyoneone's feedback and help is much appreciated though, so thank you all!

  • Joystick Set Up 8.8 years ago

    I've got the same joystick and it has worked fine for me. Did you go to the controls dialog and set up control mappings for it?

  • More Mods Updated 6.0 years ago

    Thanks for updating your mods! If there is any assistance I can provide related to camera changes, let me know.

  • Combat Challenges 6.0 years ago

    This mod should now be updated to support the 1.8 release.

  • Smoke Trails 6.0 years ago

    This mod should now be updated to support the 1.8 release.

  • Nothing to see here... 6.1 years ago

    Does this just happen for a single frame or does the problem last for a while? Is it only happening when you load in to the flight scene?

  • IT IS MY BIRTHDAY :) 7.1 years ago

    Happy Birthday!

  • 1.8 Beta now available 6.0 years ago

    @Spitfirelad05 Auto-Detect would probably be best.

  • mod fails to export from unity 7.0 years ago

    First of all, make sure you are running the correct version of Unity. SimplePlanes mods require Unity 5.3.6f1. If that is the version you are running, could you post the errors that you are seeing (the first few errors that occur)?

  • SimplePlanes VR is launching in 2 days. Join us this Friday, Dec 17th to welcome it, along with the next update (v1.12) for SimplePlanes 3.3 years ago

    @Gestour I was not aware of that. Definitely sounds like a huge pain. I'll try and look into it, but it won't make it in for the launch on Friday. Thanks for letting me know.

  • Dear devs... 3.3 years ago

    It should run in borderless window by default. If you want exclusive fullscreen, just launch the game with the following launch parameter:
    -window-mode exclusive

  • NEED HELP!!! "error building player because scripts had compiler errors" 5.9 years ago

    You get 4 empty error messages with zero information about them?

  • Nathan mikeska your smoke mod is broken 6.1 years ago

    I am aware. I don't plan on fixing it until the 1.8 update is officially out.

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    @WNP78 The beta is currently using .net 4.x

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    @MisterT Sorry for the loss.... If you are interested, try running the beta again. After it fails, could you provide us a copy of your log file, posted on or dropbox or something?

    The game log file should be located here:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SimplePlanes\SimplePlanesData\outputlog.txt

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    @DuckMint Old mod tools are most likely broke (haven't actually tested yet). I'll be working on updating them sometime in the next few days. Don't bother testing them right now.

  • RIP SimplePlanes: SR2 has jet engines now. 6.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii @Chancey21

    Regarding the scaling of wings....

    Could either one or both of you submit a SR2 bug report about this with a craft that exhibits the issue? I am not aware of any differences in the way SR2 handles scaled wings vs. SP. SR2 does have more advanced drag physics though... If the wings are fully occluded, we do disabled wing physics (they might be inside fairings or something). For the case of occluded wings, we could potentially add property to wings to never disable physics so occluded wings still function.

  • RIP SimplePlanes: SR2 has jet engines now. 6.2 years ago


    Thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it.

    2) We need to allow zooming while dragging a part. I wasn't aware that was not possible until now. Thanks for the feedback, hopefully we can something about that soon.

    One thing we have that hopefully helps when digging for a part buried in your craft is the part list. You can search for parts (even give them custom names). Using the part list you can hide parts (show them as very transparent an non-interactable), allowing you to easily interact with deeply buried parts.

    We also have the shift key, that when held down, prevents moving/cloning parts, so you can move the camera without risk. Control-right-click now clones connected parts as opposed to just the selected part without the control key. Control-left-click will now allow you to detach a single part from a set of attached parts, event if the whole set is detached from the craft. Hopefully these things help a bit in that regard.

    3) Really small wings in SP don't have lift physics either... not sure anything changed here... Also, we know landing gear is really lacking at the moment. We are currently in the middle of adding some nice customizable landing gear to the game, hopefully in the very near future.

    Glide-y camera) This is a common complaint and we need to do something about it.

    Camera views) Also on our list of things to do. Definitely a step back from SP at the moment in this regard, but we will do something about it in the future.

    Anyway, thanks again for the detailed feedback. I've brought it up to the team. Hopefully we can address some of these issues and improve things. Thanks for helping us!

  • Mod PSA for everyone here 8.9 years ago

    Thanks for the quick action though, mods. Could have been far worse without the quick ban and cleanup. You guys are awesome!

  • Dear devs... 3.3 years ago

    @Walvis The game is not supposed to be FPS capped on desktop with VSync off. I just tested it however and I am seeing it capped, which was not always the case. I've logged the issue and we will look into it. Thanks for brining it to our attention.

  • Dear devs... 3.3 years ago

    @Walvis If you are playing on Steam:

  • Unity ver. of SP ? 5.0 years ago

    Sorry about that... I've updated the Unity version on the reddit wiki, and uploaded the latest mod tools.

  • I can't play Simpleplanes because of the Huge Lag on the Launch 5.5 years ago

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble. After the issue occurs again, can you provide us with your game's log file and a DirectX diagnostic file (via or dropbox or something similar)?

    The game log file should be located here:

  • Confused about old parts.. 5.7 years ago

    Never heard of them

  • ram usage on sp 5.7 years ago

    We do not currently have a 64-bit version on Windows, sorry..

  • supported mod visibilty 5.8 years ago

    This appears to be a bug. We will look into it.

  • Problems with In-Game Inputs on My Android Phone 5.9 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick @DPSAircraftManufacturer We just published an update that should hopefully resolve this issue. It make take a few hours before the update becomes available. The version number should be 1.8.308.

  • I have a problem since the last update on Google play 6.0 years ago

    What is the version number of the game in the 'About' page?
    Does your phone have an SD card?
    If so, was SimplePlanes installed to the SD card?
    Were the mods installed to the SD card or internal storage?
    Do you have a the following file: Android/data/com.jundroo.SimplePlanes/files/ModLoadLog.txt
    If so, can you send it to us?

  • New patch notes, v1.8.305 6.0 years ago

    @Winstonlharambe yep

  • 1.8 Beta now available 6.1 years ago

    @Chancey21 Can you link us a craft that exhibits the problem?

  • Devs, please fix the ServiceProvider.Fuel. 6.1 years ago

    So setting ServiceProvider.Instance.PlayerAircraft.Fuel affects AI spawned aircraft? If that is the case, I'm not sure how it is possible... If you have a mod project you could send me that makes it easy to reproduce, that may be helpful (you can tag me on an unlisted plane with a download link).

  • RIP my game 6.1 years ago

    Try the release i just pushed out. I'm hoping your issues should be resolved. Sorry for the trouble. Thanks for helping me track that down!

  • RIP my game 6.1 years ago

    @diegoavion84 Perfect, thank you! The log file helped me identify and reproduce the issue. I'll look in to trying to fix it right away. Thanks for your help!

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    @RussianAS @MisterT
    Sorry, I gave you the wrong location of the log file. It has changed in the new version of Unity. The log file can be found here:

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii This beta is only to test the Unity upgrade. New features are currently in work.

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    @RussianAS You'll need to find and delete those settings files and run in to verify if it is fixed or not. If its not fixed, I'll need a copy of the log file to help determine exactly what the problem is. The log file should be here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SimplePlanes\SimplePlanesData\outputlog.txt"

  • The Lamest Beta Ever 6.1 years ago

    @Gestour I actually did the builds with 2018.3.2, but I'm sure that will be changing before final release. If we do go ahead with 2018.3, then when the update is ready, we will probably run a beta with the latest patched version of 2018.3 and move forward with it. My guess is it will probably be 2018.3.8 or so.

  • RIP SimplePlanes: SR2 has jet engines now. 6.2 years ago

    Mod support for SR2 is currently in work, btw. Hopefully be out in the not to distant future.

  • RIP SimplePlanes: SR2 has jet engines now. 6.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii @DerekSP @RailfanEthan
    If you don't mind sharing, any feedback on struggles and frustrations with the building mechanics of SR2 could be incredibly helpful. We basically started with what we had in SP and tried to improve as much as we could. To us, building in SR2 feels like a huge improvement, but we've been up to our eyeballs in SR2 for a couple years now, so our view can sometimes be a bit one-sided. It would really help to know what exactly are the major deal-breakers and biggest frustrations with SR2 for existing SP fans. Thanks!

  • Map Mod Help ! 6.8 years ago

    Turn off lightmapping in the lighting settings

  • Simpleplanes Background Music? 7.5 years ago

    The artist that made the music is selling the album on bandcamp if you are interested.

  • Where is mods folder to remove a mod? 8.3 years ago

    File paths are located here. If you subscribed to the mod on the Steam workshop, just unsubscribe.

  • So, I bought the PC version of the game... 8.3 years ago

    Ok, I've taken a look at your logs. Here are some things that come to mind.

    • It looks like you are running some mods. First step in troubleshooting is disable all mods and see if you still experience trouble.

    • It looked like at least one of the planes you used was spamming a bunch of errors. This is likely due to using a modded plane or crashing a plane at extreme speeds. This could severely impact performance. Try flying with the stock P-51 and see if performance is still an issue.

    • It sounds like your graphics card is fairly weak. Getting good performance out of it may be difficult. Are other games running ok for you?

    • It sounds like you have tried running on low settings, but have you tried lowering your resolution? From the log file, it looks like you are running 1920x1080. Try dropping the resolution to something much lower and see if that helps performance.
