4,841 NovaTopaz Comments

  • P-80 shooting star 3.4 years ago

    Figured I'd say hi. With the new update... Might start looking into building aircraft again, so probably going to make an update to the aircraft soon, and with weapons this time. (And shelving the CFA-44 for good, that's killed the last few times I've tried to get back into the game at this point, not dealing with its headache right now. Might post the incomplete model or something if I ever feel up to it, but eh...)

  • P-80/F-80 Shooting Star 5.5 years ago

    @Florida0man Sure. I have no problems with that as long as I get credit for it. Sorry for the late reply, I don't check here often...

  • ... Wow, I’m terrible, lol. 6.4 years ago

    @Spitfirelad05 Cool

  • I have something to say. 6.6 years ago

    NP. Glad to give some. I’ve put up with it myself on a couple occasions and saw the outlash from many more that I never witnessed.

  • ... Wow, I’m terrible, lol. 6.6 years ago

    Hmm? Don’t understand what you mean. That has several interpretations, some of which I don’t have an answer to, lol @TheDerpingMemes

  • I have something to say. 6.6 years ago

    I was here when a lot of those things were going on(maybe, probably, something. IDK, lol.). Oh well, it’s in the past now. Good message regardless, though how much it’ll effect the community is anyone’s guess.

  • Hello 7.5 years ago

    Doing well, all things considered. Also, hi @BaconEggs .

  • Hyper Bugger Final 8.3 years ago


  • WHO IS CCOOPER??? 8.3 years ago

    I don't even know what's happened to him, I personally don't keep up with SP news and what are happening to users, but CCooper is a user who built works of art in the early stages of the game(and later bits), at a time when building stuff like that was next to impossible and very hard to do when possible. Even if the thing he built didn't actually do what it looks like it should be able to do(either due to SP not having any physics for it then or because of technical issues), it would still easily get 50-60 upvotes. He's a very good builder, IMAO.(Or could be remembering someone else, either way...)

  • X-Ray 8.4 years ago

    this mod actually looks useful... Now it will be easier to design internal hanger bays(I think. You probably can't click through blocks still, but meh, if you could, that'd be nice.)

  • Messerschmitt Bf. 109 8.4 years ago

    @Tribaldragon1 Yay! It's been a while since we've really talked.

  • Messerschmitt Bf. 109 8.4 years ago


    Ok, I'm not going to wait


  • Messerschmitt Bf. 109 8.4 years ago

    Come to BSCN chat! I has something for you.

  • Messerschmitt Bf. 109 8.4 years ago

    Hi, Tribal!

  • Airstrip Drag 8.4 years ago

    @ViperGB @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation That's the AI programming for you. The ones not plugged to the race challenges(or just challenges in general) or convoys are pretty dumb. They follow from point A to B without regard for terrain or the limits of the craft, or physics, and tend to correct and over correct constantly when they shouldn't even need to be touching the controls. Probably the only time the AI would behave is to have an aircraft with point turning, and even then the AI might screw up. The AI just does not consider the aircraft/car or terrain at all when the aircraft is racing, or even other aircraft in the race. It's very dumb, but it does make for entertaining crashes sometimes, but most of the time they are really frustrating.

  • Times have changed 8.4 years ago

    I remember when there was no points system, even before there was comments on creations! When reddit was the forum for basically everything this game had, updates, spoilers and insights to updates, and every topic under the rainbow, really. Many good friends gone, but many new friends made. A long time has passed... And the community grew in that time. I remember when there was no VTOL engines in this game. Times where there was a detacher glitch(still kinda exists, but not the way it used to) that allowed VTOL engines to power a craft attached to the cockpit skyward at basically whatever speed you could, just adding more VTOL engines.

    ... Times have definitely changed.

  • Airstrip Drag 8.4 years ago

    ... Hmm....

    Looks like the stragedy here is going to be putting as many wheels and engines on the vehicle as you can...?

  • P-80 Shooting Star 8.4 years ago

    @Roboplays75 It's already uploaded...

    What do you think the link on top is for?

  • P-80/F-80 Shooting Star 8.4 years ago

    @SHCow Thanks! This took quite a few hours... well, like 4 or 5. More than usual, I think, for myself, but it's been a while.

  • Jundroo is going to be at PixelPop Festival in St. Louis, Missouri next weekend. Come see us! 8.4 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation ?

    That's the Jundroo Discord link I put in...

    So I have no idea what you are talking about.

  • Jundroo is going to be at PixelPop Festival in St. Louis, Missouri next weekend. Come see us! 8.5 years ago

    @BaconEggs Won't be able to make it. Sorry if the putting the link on the bottom confused you. It's late here. Probably going to go to bed soon.

  • Jundroo is going to be at PixelPop Festival in St. Louis, Missouri next weekend. Come see us! 8.5 years ago

    @BaconEggs Yes, there is this thing called discord.

    Just noticed, though...

    ... Umm... Where's the discord link... I know there was one somewhere(permanent one, I mean), but no clue where it is...

    @AndrewGarrison @PhilipTarpley @joeysellers @NathanMikeska

    Forget about the discord channel a bit?

    Well, your also forgetting about reddit, but that's a different matter.

    Anyway, not likely to come, I'm in wisconsin, and it'll be my dad's weekend next week, so... not many options there.

    I'll put a new one here in the mean time


  • Important Announcment everybody who sees this better read this 8.5 years ago

    I try, but I don't always have the time...

  • The thing that's WRONG with the game physics. 8.5 years ago

    Also consider that in a movie, for moments like that, they tend to like to slow down the entire scene. Just look at the Fast & Furious movies, where the quarter mile drag strips last like 30-40 seconds when it should only last 10 at most, and is drag out to a full 2 minutes for the first one, practically. Don't take movie time at face value.

    If anything, what you had is a lot more realistic for an aircraft of the same type, most likely. extraordinary cases happen, but for the most part, incidents like stalling and losing the engines will make the plane fall in a matter of seconds, even in WWII, which naturally have more glider like wings, compared to jets. Sure, they can do it much longer than a jet plane, but it's not going to glide for 2 and a half minutes on end at an altitude of 2,800ft, and even the best ones in this game, like the stock P-51, can only manage like a minute and a half? At most?

  • [MOBILE FRIENDLY] Battle Raft Mini 8.5 years ago

    @FlipposMC I actually originally designed that bomb in like 1.3 when the fuselage block became a thing. Mostly did it cause lol cruise missile. Basically the entire reasoning for it's existance, but it does it's job well. First time it was on an artillery thing but then put it on the P-51 because it was easy to fly into the base and get into it.

    Don't really care, TBH. It's a quick and easy design that could easily be made on accident if someone was trying something similar, so it doesn't really matter...

  • iOS can technically support mods. 8.5 years ago

    iOS can't put in the files to the actual game, directly. Apple's policy pretty much decides what can and can't be done with apps, and modding, which would be put under 'hacking', is one of those things that Apple doesn't want people doing. At all.

    ... And I hate Apple for it.

  • M1A2 Abrams Tank 8.5 years ago

    @IronOverlord This looks like a Stingray light tank, but not quite... Mostly due to the slim turret

  • Why isn't there local multiplayer in simpleplanes? 8.6 years ago

    Well, they tried to make a multiplayer, but they ended up just scrapping it to work on making other things for the game. That was over a year ago. Unstable and HellFireKoder are making a mod, though, so yeah.

  • Instead of titling your posts "XML MOD REQUEST!!!!!", please describe what you need in the title. 8.6 years ago

    @SPCWorkshops That's a different thing. XML 'modding' is actually editing the aircraft files, but at the time that it first became a term, actual modding was not a thing, and it's stuck with the community since. XML is the file type Simple Planes uses to save aircraft. And yes, iOS and Android can access those files, but with iOS, it REQUIRES you to jailbreak your device since Apple patched file editors on computers being able to mess around with the file system directly. Or at least it requires it if your going to use it only for simple planes, because every time you do a edit in the file, the aircraft has to be reloaded, and it's already a massive hassle to have to use backups. Android is a bit simpler on that end, as root access is fairly easy to get compared to an iOS JB for the newer versions of iOS.

  • Distinguishing Between Vanilla and Modded Creations 8.7 years ago

    the XML tag has already served that purpose for as long as modded designs have been around, and actual legitimate mods are displayed on the aircraft page under the aircraft specs. I don't think anything else is necessary for distinguishing designs as modded vs unmodded.

  • What happened to Squa and MedicorePlains? 8.7 years ago

    MediocrePlanes was on the Discord server recenter than that, but IDK, I almost don't keep track of this community because of how much other stuff I'm doing(Endless Sky, WoWS, other games).

    But honestly, would you give them a break? There is this thing called real life people have to contend with, not just the mods.

  • Favorite Tank 8.7 years ago

    @Bostin20 Played it, didn't like it, really...

  • Shark Tooth 8.8 years ago

    @iiRazor high, probably.

  • HOW DO YOU XML MOD? 8.8 years ago

    @Destroyerz117 You search through your computer's file system in that order. It is literally the folder location of the plane files, and searching through the file system through the points in order from first to last will take you there.

  • My birthday is today... 8.8 years ago

    wondered if someone was going to notice, XD.

  • guys watch out hacker alert 8.8 years ago

    ... Sounds like a bit of something I heard of. Never ever ever post a reply back to suspicious messages. OK, I was stupid enough to do something like that, but it was a bank account thing(which, while I have one, I have no control over it, so it wouldn't have worked anyway.). Basically one of those "I am a princess and own a large fortune but I lost it and need you to transfer it" kind of scam email. I basically said "Is this real...". It was around a year ago and was going around on the Tanktastic forum. It should tell you that you should never bother with scam mail or suspicious messages.

  • A Message To The Community, No, The World 8.8 years ago

    I think you mean this game in general. And, to be fair, most of their apps haven't really hit much of anywhere. Simple Rockets and this are both educational, but only Simple Rockets is really being used so far on a national basis(They are based in the US), to my knowledge. So in common knowledge, SP has a fairly small number of people who know of it's existence, most of which either actually play the game or have seen it on Steam.

  • To all the copy nazis 8.8 years ago

    @RedstoneAeroAviation "identical but not the same"

    ... You do realize identical means "the same", right? You butchered that from lack of understanding of those definition...

  • A BIG issue with this website and a suggestion to fix it... 8.8 years ago

    @jpower Forum posts were never restricted in number, IIRC... Unless I missed something, it's still very large

  • A BIG issue with this website and a suggestion to fix it... 8.8 years ago

    ... I'm going to be honest, the only problem this would be a thing for is people who won't even bother to explore the website. Anyone else who has half a brain will either use the hottest section or newest section, or even the highest rated section(which is almost no different than the front page, other than it doesn't show featured aircraft at the top, and covers two extra days(Home page only covers 5 days, highest rated for the week covers 7).). Also, I usually run my account on the website 24/7, so I almost never check the front page.

    And on the point of forum posts... Meh. I honestly don't see it as a problem, but I also don't think it's ideal. The problem is people can spam forum posts for an ∞ ammount in a single day... As fast as they can click and type, basically.

  • Suggestion : Aircraft Scaler 8.8 years ago

    @CaliphIndustries If you mean this for all versions, then meh. If you mean specifically PC and OSX, and even android... Just get the fine tuner mod!

  • Website Suggestion : Goodness/Recklessness Meter? 8.8 years ago

    ... Really? Based on points? .... No. Given people like me passively observe most of the time when we don't have the time to build, that would have a heavy penalty... And I'm pretty sure you wouldn't 'technically' be on vacation, especially if you are commenting. Just don't think it would really work for everyone, and overly incentivizes putting out builds and getting people to upvote them...

  • iOS Needs XML Modding 8.8 years ago

    @kikasshes Trust me, I've been through all the loops and hoops when it comes to apple. At one point, I didn't really care about apple's development until I switched to 8.3... And then found out I couldn't edit any apps. This was a massive problem because of the 2 Mod BSC I use(BSC isn't available on the appstore anymore and to my knowledge never was available for android or any other platform). I was stuck with a version of BSC where I couldn't build the ships required to compete in an RP, and only until the very end of one of my navies dieing did I finally get a JB running and switch it out to the proper SQLite. 8.3 was the last straw on that. So for as long as I have BSC(which will be a while), I'm not updating my iPad's iOS until they come up with a JB for a newer version. It's still on version 8.3 to this day(in hindsight, probably should have updated to 8.4(JB I got worked for both 8.3 and 8.4) while I had the chance, but meh)

    @xplane10 To be fair, I only found out about iExplorer until after I got the JB, but I also had limited computer access at the time as well(I got the JB on a laptop that can barely run a web browser, let alone install a JB to a iPad, and it couldn't even open something like iFunbox, so I doubt it would be any better behaved with iExplorer), so JB was pretty much my only sustainable option, even if I knew iExplorer existed.

  • iOS Needs XML Modding 8.8 years ago

    @kikasshes As of iOS 8.3. If you have a version before that, computer based file explorers which use direct access to the files work just fine. It's only as of iOS 8.3 that it was disabled completely and Jailbreak is the only method that gives direct, easy access to the file system as of 8.3+

  • iOS Needs XML Modding 8.8 years ago

    @xplane10 I don't like the ones that have to deal with back-ups. In general, they are time consuming and a pain to use compared to ones which try to get direct access. And doing the backup method with something like SP simply isn't worth it. I mean, with the one I use(modded BSC with 2 mods in, one active at a time), it would be viable, but still more time then I'd like to spend trying to switch out the SQLite's, which is pretty much all you would do unless you want to go Uber advanced. With SP, it's a trial and error process, and you'd have to repeat that quite a bit more than once. You may even have to do up to 100 to get what you want. In the end, it's more hassle for me than to just get a JB and get iFile and be able to switch them out at my leisure, and at any time I feel like it. And also have the freedom to edit just about anything and everything I want. XML files included.

  • iOS Needs XML Modding 8.8 years ago

    @xplane10 Also works with iExplorer. I just find those kinds of editors to be annoying, though...

  • iOS Needs XML Modding 8.8 years ago

    @Ahtzee That still breaks apple's policy. Any type of file editing is prohibited. That INCLUDES stuff hidden in the game. It would simply be better to have it as a option, and again, most of the ones added into XML would defeat the purpose of the game

  • iOS Needs XML Modding 8.8 years ago

    @MoxIsLost Read the fine print. They aren't talking about Android. It's iOS(AKA Apple)

    NVM, but that doesn't actually access app data. If it did, Apple would have removed it, IMMEDIATELY.

  • iOS Needs XML Modding 8.8 years ago

    @jsaret Nope, even THAT breaks Apple's policy, sadly. Modding or editing the files of the game in any form, even if the game lets you, is not allowed by Apple's policy. And they made getting to the files impossible without JB since 8.3, so you can't do it with something like iFile or iFunbox either. It's why I have had my iPad Mini 1st gen running jailbroken once one came out for 8.3.

    @AnarchistAerospaceIndustries Reason? From what I remember, it was because of hackers ruining games and such. In my opinion, it hurts them more than helps them, but that's just my opinion, which is biased, but aren't we all?

    @Ahtzee File editing in-game? No. Adding it to the interface? Possible, but it would crowd the part customization, as well as multiple options being OP and defeating the purpose of the game(EG weight modifier, power multiplier for engines, etc)