4,841 NovaTopaz Comments

  • Robbed of SP 8.7 years ago

    @LuKorp ... I noticed. But it's near the end of the school year, so it no longer matters...

  • Does Anyone Want Screenshots of AI Plane "Enemy"? 8.7 years ago

    @Djbanana Yeah, same, but I have to go to school soon, so I can't transfer the .XML text into the actual planes folder(by that, I mean accessable via the airplanes tab in-game) so it can be uploaded.

  • Got hacked 8.7 years ago

    @WNP78 I highly doubt it. And the last comment on it was Seven WHOLE Months ago. If there were any aircraft, they'd still be there if the take-over was recent. But it couldn't be. Either this guy is lieing or it's not Richard word for word down to the capitalization. Only 2 conclusions I can get from this.

    Edit: Or the mods already got him, but for some reason I doubt it, because if that were the case, they could just give him his account back after due processing via email.

  • Got hacked 8.7 years ago

    Umm... Which account? I did a search, and this is the only "Richard" I could find at all in search

    Richard Account

  • GOG.com 8.7 years ago

    Nice! Now there is a stand-alone for the new versions of SP at last!(for Windows and OS X)

  • What do you guys like more? 8.7 years ago

    Both :P . You had them as check boxes!

  • Eve 8.7 years ago


  • WALL•E 8.7 years ago

    ... What? Looks amazing...

  • 10 things that I would like to see added into the game 8.8 years ago

    1. They actually tried to do so over a year ago, but it was scrapped momentarily afterwards. The devs aren't likely to try and push for multiplayer compatibility anytime soon, though mods might come out in the near future, but they(and by they I mean it, as the only one I know of from recent or even distant memory as being worked on is HellFireKoder's and UnstableOrbit's mod they worked on that's still in alpha) are all TBA on the date.

    2. Honestly, guided bombs are already possible, but not practical. Tank guns... Given the current implementation of guns in general, probably not going to happen in the near future either, but a distinct possibility if they do get the guns changed up, physics wise. Seriously, tank guns would be a whole different ball park from simple machine guns and autocannons. They have more than just lead as their composition for most of them. They often have explosives and a fuze as well, and the game would need some pretty significant changes if they want to do it accurately.

    3. They fixed it about 2 weeks ago?

    4. Not going to really comment on that.

    5. You can already do that, but you need an external input source to use it, such as a Bluetooth keyboard, which from what I remember most people don't have. Some headphones could work in certain circumstances if you bind those buttons to the respective nudging you want to do. Unconventional, but it works from what I've heard.

    6. ... Probably going to wait for the simple warships mod, lol. But that's just my opinion. Your entitled to your own. That and I have a PC, so yeah.

    And on that point... Technically, the USS Beast is a super carrier, either that or something like one of the earlier US carriers(Enterprise class(unlikely), Forrestal class(which is still a super carrier, according to wikipedia!), Kitty Hawk class).

    1. Agreed, but we have to make due

    2. IDK

    3. Haven't been on much, so I don't know on that.

    4. Trust me, that's been a problem since forever, but that's a text display issue, not an actual code issue. It's still going by .25 in the code, but it has to round it off to .2 due to the display the number is in. It's still doing it, just a display issue. It becomes very apparent with negative numbers. But in all reality, the increments need to be brought down so the increments decrease for length and width and height don't make it not align with other blocks when they are going by .25 increments(but really, then you will 'chasing the sun' so to speak, as if you decreas

  • To all master ranked players 8.8 years ago

    @TemDesBur I still have Battleship craft. It's pretty much fully functional still(minus GC, but that's due to lack of people more than anything... plus people getting mods). I have it modded with 2 mods(pretty much the only major mods ever done for BSC)

  • Website Updates 8.8 years ago

    .2. THANK YOU. That should help with website stuff. Will lead to a lot of broken stuff in comments, but that's the price people pay for spamming memes.

    .1. ... Honestly controversial for me. I agree that it's necessary, but I know some people like to post quality builds in batches rather than one at a time or one build at a time sent out(I do it quite a bit due to updates on aircraft from one version of SP to the next.).

  • What I hate most about my country 8.8 years ago

    What people forget...

    Flags do not mean anything racist. They are Battle Flags! It's what a country uses to put their stake in the ground after a battle and say "This is ours!". The Confederate flag is just that... A battle flag. So is the United States flag. And the German flag. Every flag used by a nation as their national flag is a battle flag, just like any other. It doesn't matter if they showed racism as in the case of the Nazi flag. They are still battle flags. And the confederate flag has no such markings.

    Deal with it, internet, and the population of the US!

  • This used to be a nice game 8.8 years ago

    @Destroyerz117 Chill. Am I getting mad about it? No. Also, I was not being rude simply to be rude, if you want to interpret it as such. I'm just informing you of some of those things.

    And as for being part of the problem... It's the reason I usually stay out of that stuff. It's the very reason that I usually don't get involved. But saying that it is a problem is flat out wrong. What do you think constructive criticism is? It's criticism that is to help build up and help solve something, not to harm someone or something(not taking this from google, FYI, this is just my personal definition). What you are doing right now in that comment is destructive criticism. Also, I will admit that I criticize. But I've dealt and done that all my life(a short 16 years). I've done it for 2 years and counting in a text based roleplay. I've done it for a while on this site. It's something every human being has to admit to, because that is how we tell someone something is wrong with certain things(constructive criticism on an aircraft, for example.). The fact that you have over used caps either means you have over-exaggerated my actual response, or you don't know how to use Bold or Italics or Both in markdown language.
    * for italics
    * for bold
    * for both bold and italics
    That?^ Constructive criticism. Not all of them are bad.

  • This used to be a nice game 8.8 years ago

    ... U serious? That is the least of your problems. Criticize? Any forum which has any level of subjectivity is going to have criticism. Deal with it. And it's because of some of the new players that it could happen in the first place(I don't participate in it, fortunately). Ever think of that?

    Also, learn proper punctuation and grammar and spelling! I mean, if you aren't going to use text talk, at the very least you should have better spelling and punctuation!

    But seriously, out of all things, your complaining about this? I've seen worse... Much, much worse.

  • How well do you fly planes in your honest opinion? 8.8 years ago

    a 9 in general, regardless of aircraft type(some can be an issue at times, but those are the exception rather than the rule.)

  • To all master ranked players 8.8 years ago

    ... Trust me, I know how you feel. I've played old games, and at some point, even the most enjoyable can be extremely boring(EG Battleship Craft, which I still have, despite it being removed ages ago from the app store). But that's because in those games, the limit and creativity was hard-lined ages ago(it's been almost 2 years in that regard), at least when it came to building in BSC. Others were flat out boring after a few times playing them. This has yet to reach it's full potential. Sure, planes have been generalized and boring, but that's because of the limited variety of aircraft people like to make and fly. Replica's come to mind(F-22's, F-35's, P-51's, etc). But you don't have to follow that. This is a building game. You can pretty much make whatever you want in terms of aircraft, or even cars and boats. The sky is the limit. It's the reason that I've stuck around as long as I have(which is a pretty long time...). That and Simple Warships, but that's another thing entirely.

  • Who's your? 8.8 years ago

    All, quite frankly.

  • M.P.A.V 'Suleimani' 8.8 years ago

    What the... Lol.

  • A Reminder to the Community 8.8 years ago

    @junebug123 It's part of COPPA, for many reasons that should be obvious for you. Of course, that age limit doesn't apply if you do it with adult supervision when you create the account and also when you are logged in, but you are still subject to that rule, even so, especially if you blurt out your age in public. Trust me, COPPA can't be enforced on mere suspicion. You would have had to say your age somewhere where the devs/mods could find it before they could even charge you of being underage and enacting the rules of COPPA.

  • Announcing the New Moderators 8.8 years ago

    @Squirrel @Cedy117 @Seeras Congrats! You 3 would likely make better candidates than me anyway... I really only made an application because I can.

  • Has anyone noticed how players have their own "specialties?" What is yours? 8.8 years ago

    Specialty? Honestly, I have none. I can and will build pretty much anything and everything under the sun with relatively equal adeptness. I'm more restricted by the game itself and my limited hardware, rather than my own abilities. I have been a long time builder of aircraft in this community for as long as I've been here(longer than most users here ever saw), and have gradually gained and honed my skills, to the point where I've pretty much reached the limit in terms of general abilities, though I am still learning, as we all do. And before this game, I played BSC... My first ever building game, and a game I have kept with me for the past several years, and so I have lots of experience playing these kinds of games.

  • Are you serious SP?!! 8.8 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr I'm assuming your going to wait for your internet to get better before you download the public version? Having the beta on when updating usually screws over getting the actual update(at least from what I've seen myself during 1.2), as it says you already have it when you actually don't. Just an FYI.

  • Are you serious SP?!! 8.8 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr ... You seriously live out in the middle of nowhere? Haven't tried out the update on my iPad Mini 1st gen, but then again, I rarely play SP on it these days :/ . I usually stick to my(pretty bad) laptop PC for my building.

  • Now Accepting Mod Applications 8.8 years ago

    @RocketLL Yep. I don't really expect to be picked, given there is others willing to take that role, but if I do... I will try my best.

  • Now Accepting Mod Applications 8.8 years ago

    @KingDeadshot Yeah, better luck next year.

  • Now Accepting Mod Applications 8.8 years ago

    Awesome! I'll definitely join! I'll make sure to point out when I won't be available.

  • A Reminder to the Community 8.8 years ago

    @PhilipTarpley Figured as much. I know about COPPA's general details due to using Wikia for the BSCN RP wiki. I've seen a few run in's with people who were under 13. One was a pretty good member of it that was under 13(said in chat), but he wasn't banned from our wiki because he was mature, certainly above his age, and was an active participant(he's no longer one, but was at the time he was under 13) for a while. Wikia staff got his account banned, though. I was surprised it actually happened, as, if you simply read his posts and his comments in the chat, you'd never really know he was under 13 unless he told you flat out he was that age. It was only a few months before he'd turn 13 as well. This was about a year ago(he made a new account a few hours/a day later? don't remember those details, but he didn't get banned again after that) . Several people got that pass, but the admins on the wiki usually will enforce it, especially if said person say their age and they happen to have very bad and/or rude behavior during their time on the wiki. Otherwise, if they behave themselves, that part of the COPPA is usually not enforced by them, on that wiki, anyway. But it really depends on the administration's rules on how to govern it. Individual wiki's are independent of Wikia's staff, so they can get away with deviating from the rules set down by Wikia if the staff don't actively enforce it. But again, it's different from here. And I understand why you do that. It's usually not good to let people get away with it, as it sets a bad example for you, as it contradicts your terms of service if you did that. Wikia is much different, as you only make that obligation to Wikia itself, not to the wiki's you join unless they also enforce it, which is why the case I said could happen in the first place.

  • A Reminder to the Community 8.8 years ago

    @HackingAnonymous Sadly, no. At least according to COPPA, which specifically states you need to be 13 or older to be on a site which has that as part of it's terms of service, which this one does, IIRC. Though, if he/she acts maturely, they can usually get away with being younger than 13, especially if they keep their age a secret to most people. Doesn't help you said his age, though... Not that I really care. If they are a few months off 13 though, they might get a pass. It's up to the devs/mods to decide.

  • What is the BEST time to upload? 8.8 years ago

    It's very subjective... But usually after school in the US(1:30PM CST to 5:30PM CST, and often into later in the night, like 7-9PM CST(my time zone, FYI). It really depends on the day and time in the school year.)

  • Happy Anniversary to me! 8.8 years ago

    It's been at least... a year and a half for me...

  • McDonald Douglas 8.8 years ago

    LOL. Nice joke there.

  • small jet fighter 8.8 years ago

    @OldColonel ... Just... No. Seriously, commenting on something older than your account is doesn't mean anything. Seriously. This really proves to me you don't really care. GG.

    And no, it's not nice. Maybe back in 1.0(were you even here during the beta stages? Highly doubt it), but not now, and certainly not ever again.

  • B1 Centauro 105 8.8 years ago

    @WhiteHawkIndustries Sure.

  • Anime and SimplePlanes 8.8 years ago

    ... No clue. There is way too many to think of, and I barely remember any of them, lol.

  • Look at the new user planes 8.8 years ago

    @T0PD0GDEFENSIVECO Advertising isn't a bad thing, though doing it excessively(especially if you regularly upload) is a bad thing.

  • Mini Trophy Truck/Pickup Truck 8.8 years ago

    Looks good.

  • Where has everyone gone V2 8.8 years ago

    Been here a year and a half, roughly and still going... And still at silver XD . But XML modding is really an old term, before the days of real modding, and editing the XML then was, in a way, modding. It's why that term ever came into being. It really is just XML editing.

    And as for the community vanishing... It's nearly the end of the school year! Of course it will vanish temporarily, as a lot of people will be taking finals and getting HW done(at least in the US, which off the top of my head is where the largest % of the SP community is).

    Me, personally, I don't really have the time to browse through large portions of the newest section, and really only take glimpses at it.

  • SimplePlanes Live Chat 8.8 years ago

    @calvinbain11 ... Both... Elongated for effect... facepalm

  • SimplePlanes Live Chat 8.8 years ago

    Note: There is also a link to it in the "Stuff" Tab drop-down.

  • SimplePlanes Live Chat 8.8 years ago

    @Flightsonic it has Boooooottttthhhhhhh

  • What can one do with the SR-71? 8.8 years ago

    Bottom link broken

  • do you own simpleplanes on steam or here? 8.8 years ago

    Got it on mac for free during the beta days of SP, got it on iOS from a free code they handed out on release of... 1.1 or smtg? And then on steam due to having it on gumroad and also because I participated in the Steam beta(1.3).

  • DRAS-12 WAVEBREAK 8.8 years ago

    Lol, this looks so much like something that would be built in BSC...

  • Suggestions for quick updates 8.8 years ago

    Boom 25 and Boom 50 are technically 250lb and 500lb bombs, respectively

  • Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird 8.8 years ago

    ... AWESOME! The other guy did a great job, though.

    Now that the update is live, though... I really, really need to get to work on the CFA-44. Been stalling it a lot, best I finish it. Orrrrr...... I could start the tutorial series. Wayyyyy too many things on my to-do list, lol.

  • Please add hollow parts - Suggestion 8.8 years ago

    @GrimMantis Actually, that would be very difficult, as inlets as/yet have not been adjustable, and making them a part of the fuselage block would be a bit hard :/

  • Could we add the option to change the imperial system to metric system? 8.8 years ago

    @TheMasterSoldier While most of the world does use the metric system, all naval aircraft and ships still use knots, and even land-based aircraft uses the imperial system for their speed, most of the time. They are the only imperial units that maintained it's presence in aircraft(and ships) since the metric system became globally used. Knots, Nautical miles, and Miles per hour(usually the former 2, though, which, while a Non-SI unit/s, are incorporated into it because of aeronautical and nautical purposes, so... Where are your SI units now, huh? WHERE ARE THEY? jkjkjkjk).

  • The Delphinus Investigation: 8.8 years ago

    ... Honestly... Why?

  • Beta Update - v1.4.0.8 8.8 years ago

    AWESOME! Seriously, devs, you are the best :) . I really don't think there is anything else that could be asked of you for this update, and will certainly keep everyone busy for a while until another update is made.