8 Oxcart Comments

  • Changing damage and impact force from gun 4.4 years ago

    @rexrexThezion I didn't know it did that. Thanks for the tip!

  • Changing damage and impact force from gun 4.4 years ago

    @rexrexThezion Thanks for doing this research! So you just fired a bunch of modded guns along with the default gun and saw which modded gun did the same amount of damage to a target?

  • Changing damage and impact force from gun 4.4 years ago

    @rexrexThezion Thanks! Just curious, where did you get these numbers from? Are all the default values published somewhere?

  • Changing damage and impact force from gun 4.4 years ago

    Thanks to everyone for the info!

  • Bugs with guns and exhaust? 5.2 years ago

    @CruzerBlade nope, the gun is attached to a solid fuselage part. I've tried both cone and cylinder parts, and the gun still wobbles

  • New Team Member 7.8 years ago

    @HellFireKoder Congrats! Good luck, and hope you enjoy your summer there!

    Since everyone's making suggestions, here's mine: fix the drag bug (sometimes a part on one side of a plane will have more drag than the mirrored part on the opposite side, causing the plane to roll and/or yaw) and let users edit the drag of individual parts via xml (right now, drag edits are overridden by the game)

  • Fine Tuner 7.8 years ago

    @HellFireKoder That would be great! I'm a perfectionist and like my planes to be symmetrical and everything to line up exactly. Looking forward to the next update!

  • Fine Tuner 7.8 years ago

    @HellFireKoder Thanks for the great mod! But it has one weakness: it doesn't show the full xyz coordinates. It only shows the first 5 digits following the decimal point for positive values and only the first 4 digits for negative values. If I use the mod to temporarily move parts out of the way, when I attempt to move the part back to its original position using the mod, the part will be a little bit off since the trailing digits got dropped (confirmed by checking the xml file). Is there a way to have the mod show all the digits?

  • Plane keeps blowing up 8.1 years ago

    Thanks for the advice! I hadn't thought of using the nudge tool to move a door out of the way temporarily.

    Regarding the gun issue, I've used the overload mod to look at the gun and all surrounding parts. "Disable collisions" was always set to false, so there's something else that's allowing the bullets to pass through the nose without damaging it

    I've also looked through the XML code for the gun, nose, and surrounding parts, but I can't find any setting that would allow bullets to pass through

  • How to build complicated planes 8.2 years ago

    Thanks for all the replies so far! I've downloaded the fine tuner mod and figured out how to nudge things into position. I have some more advanced questions.

    1) If I attempt to nudge a gun into the nose, the nose blows up when the gun fires. I've found many planes where the guns are placed close to the nose (or even inside), and the nose doesn't blow up. Here's an example of a plane where the gun fires through the nose (https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/8M7X99/BAe-McDonnell-Douglas-JAST). I've gone through the XML files and tried taking the planes apart but can't figure out what they're doing. How do you have a gun fire through parts but not damage them?

    2) Sometimes I place a part next to another part, and it gets stuck to it. For example, in the above plane, the gun is stuck inside the 2nd nose section. Is there a way to separate parts that are stuck?

    3) Does the editor have features like "duplicate part" (besides the mirror option) and cut/copy/paste? Is there a way to copy parts from one plane into another?

    4) What are sub-assemblies and when would someone want to use them?

    5) Is the only way to modify the thrust of an engine to edit the powerMultiplier setting in the XML file? If I want to create planes that are historically accurate, what's the best way to figure out what powerMultiplier setting to use?

    6) Is there a way to clear all paint colors on all parts? Does "material" in the XML file mean the same thing as color?

    7) Making a copy of the XML file is enough to backup a plane, right? What's the difference between a splane file and a XML file?

    8) Is there a way to rename planes other than using the editor to save as a new plane and delete the old plane? Is there a way to delete multiple planes at once? (If I use the operating system to delete multiple XML files, Steam regenerates the deleted files the next time I access the game.)