@F16xl So now the game can use mods?, I just go around the map using auto pilot because I don't know how to fly it, maybe that was two or three years ago.
@PhantomBoltSP the meaning is the same as Indonesian, maybe because we are neighbors. we also experienced something like that with Malaysia and the Netherlands
@Pnut maybe yes, it's called Mini Militia Classic: DA2 MMC, not sure because there is a game similar to that game, the developer also said he was inspired
@Nerfaddict I'm confused about which one to share, because there are 3 simple plane groups, namely SimplePlanes, Simpleplanes Builders Group and SimplePlanes Indonesia
The government is a reflection of its people. That's right.
quantity and efficiency
can find out who follows us, such as seeing the people we follow
+1Namanya ngingetin grup wa yang gw join dulu (pada suka kirim stiker jomok jir)
@LunarEclipseSP it seemed like he was just joking
I love blocks
+1@LunarEclipseSP it was accidentally deleted
@SuperSuperTheSylph @IFVuser Me, too
+1@OverlordPrime what
@IMCI kupikir dewaruci yang putih putih ternyata bukan
+1@IFVuser I mean straight
difficult to turn
+1@F16xl So now the game can use mods?, I just go around the map using auto pilot because I don't know how to fly it, maybe that was two or three years ago.
@GhostMach I think you just have to find out on a YouTube search or this site like I did before.
+1@PhantomBoltSP the meaning is the same as Indonesian, maybe because we are neighbors. we also experienced something like that with Malaysia and the Netherlands
What is so funny
Dirasa rasa judul dan deskripsinya tidak sejalan
Hopefully there's an ejection seat there
+1that's so cool 😎
+1@YarisSedan it's like assertiveness
ant eater
His comments didn't mean much to me
@YarisSedan relax, relax, I'm late for it
@Rjenteissussy lol
+1life playing PB
@IMCI boleh banget
that's the reason why I really want to get silver
12 people followed
I felt myself depressed but I didn't commit suicide because it would just be a hassle plus I still wanted to play this game.
@Aziz670 Friends, we can't get too political here
@Pnut https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://translate.google.com/translate%3Fu%3Dhttps://mini-militia-classic.fandom.com/wiki/Appsomniacs_Company%26hl%3Did%26sl%3Den%26tl%3Did%26client%3Dsrp%26prev%3Dsearch&ved=2ahUKEwj5roz-o6WLAxWtTWwGHelMCSgQFnoECD8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0V5gH-zdQ5ghOlT9QOPbyg
+1@Pnut maybe yes, it's called Mini Militia Classic: DA2 MMC, not sure because there is a game similar to that game, the developer also said he was inspired
+1@Monarchii In the Indonesian group there are Reynaldo and Mas Agus
@LunarEclipseSP I don't know what that means, if he meant bullet speed I would just press the blue button
+2sorry I forgot you, maybe because I watch too much anime
@LunarEclipseSP yes, quite lonh
+1@Nerfaddict https://facebook.com/groups/478205355692056/
Sorry, I was wrong, it turns out there are 4 groups
@Nerfaddict I don't understand what it means
@Nerfaddict I'm confused about which one to share, because there are 3 simple plane groups, namely SimplePlanes, Simpleplanes Builders Group and SimplePlanes Indonesia
+1@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 I think the possibility is big
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 So you could say those who gave upvotes were my followers? 😱
This is like a ship in Battle of Warships, I forgot the name
creating an account is not difficult but also not easy. This community makes me more careful when typing
+2@OverlordPrime yes you're right