@Pnut maybe yes, it's called Mini Militia Classic: DA2 MMC, not sure because there is a game similar to that game, the developer also said he was inspired
@Nerfaddict I'm confused about which one to share, because there are 3 simple plane groups, namely SimplePlanes, Simpleplanes Builders Group and SimplePlanes Indonesia
The government is a reflection of its people. That's right.
+8in the sky there is the sun, on earth there are envious people
+3@LunarEclipseSP yes
+3That's Indonesia, bro, the Monaco flag is short or square, not rectangular if I'm not mistaken
+3@CL125 @BYardley It's hard to explain, basically it's a mental problem
+3@LunarEclipseSP I don't know what that means, if he meant bullet speed I would just press the blue button
+2creating an account is not difficult but also not easy. This community makes me more careful when typing
+2Gege rayhan mamamu pasti bangga!
+2@UseGooglePlay that sounds cool
+2Are you autistic too?
+2@Majakalona but this is not about supertux
+2@BYardley but my internet is not too bad, I access this site quite quickly, not much different from yesterday
+2that should be enough...
+2@L1nus How to make it stand? I've turned off the landing gear, the thing turns into a robot, but it won't stand up.
+2Can you provide the account link, I've looked for it but can't find it
+24000!. what I got
+2Is there a picture in the description?, I don't see anything
+2that's hard lol
+2@Majakalona he can already put up thumbnails or something, I guess he's not new.
+2@LunarEclipseSP Ohh, I thought it was a bug because it's rare. Thanks
+2@Majakalona Doesn't seem like a big deal
+2Ini agak bahaya sih
+2@BYardley I still follow myself because my followers are small :)
+2@Justanormalindonesianguy2 asli
+2can find out who follows us, such as seeing the people we follow
+1Namanya ngingetin grup wa yang gw join dulu (pada suka kirim stiker jomok jir)
+1I love blocks
+1@SuperSuperTheSylph @IFVuser Me, too
+1@IMCI kupikir dewaruci yang putih putih ternyata bukan
+1@GhostMach I think you just have to find out on a YouTube search or this site like I did before.
+1Hopefully there's an ejection seat there
+1that's so cool 😎
+1@Rjenteissussy lol
+1@IMCI boleh banget
+1@Pnut https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://translate.google.com/translate%3Fu%3Dhttps://mini-militia-classic.fandom.com/wiki/Appsomniacs_Company%26hl%3Did%26sl%3Den%26tl%3Did%26client%3Dsrp%26prev%3Dsearch&ved=2ahUKEwj5roz-o6WLAxWtTWwGHelMCSgQFnoECD8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0V5gH-zdQ5ghOlT9QOPbyg
+1@Pnut maybe yes, it's called Mini Militia Classic: DA2 MMC, not sure because there is a game similar to that game, the developer also said he was inspired
+1@Monarchii In the Indonesian group there are Reynaldo and Mas Agus
+1@LunarEclipseSP yes, quite lonh
+1@Nerfaddict I'm confused about which one to share, because there are 3 simple plane groups, namely SimplePlanes, Simpleplanes Builders Group and SimplePlanes Indonesia
+1@Monarchii agree
+1I just remembered Agus!
+1I hope Türkiye will not make a big deal out of this
+1please don't think there, browsing data adds mb
+1@Graingy you are right I use it. Learning a language is quite difficult, especially because of this disease..
+1Bangga banget, Let's go platinum!
+1Pameran senjata
+1@DogThatMakesPlanes You can't stop following him, because the unfollow button is deleted there along with the account.