50.5k PlaneFlightX Comments

  • Informative Post. 2.8 years ago


  • Oh great, would you look at that, another build project 2.8 years ago

    Put BeastHunter on the tag list, I just add him for every time I make a teaser.

  • SimplePlanes VR would be EPIC 2.8 years ago

    Wait a minute, WAIT A MINUTE.

    Then again the SPVR today only has flying, no buildng. But still, you predicted this 2 and a half years earlier.

  • How 2 get updoots (a guide from a noob) 2.8 years ago

    @KDnotSpy Good words. That mostly describes me now.

  • How 2 get updoots (a guide from a noob) 2.8 years ago

    @Bo1233 but yes

  • Demonic lemon cake 2.8 years ago

    hmmm a stupid 14 part cake crashed my god nasa PC.

  • FINALLY i bought simpleplanes in PC 2.8 years ago

    After using both, I can confirm a PC is better than a mobile device.

  • misclick leads to misfortune 2.8 years ago

    @RailfanEthan You probably should upload that biplane, to give the community something from you.

  • How do I even do formation shots 2.8 years ago

    Possibly multiplayer? That does have the problem of lag, trolls, and the nametag.
    Another option is to make two copies of the plane, as one file. Maybe have one plane with no drag, mass, or power, attached to the main plane.

  • Su-33 ILS test Yeager 01R 2.8 years ago

    Very nice! I've been looking at several, and I will look into using this for my SWL-120. I have a question though, what is the angle for the glideslope, and how many degrees do the indicators support outside of the glideslope?

  • Blueprints 2.8 years ago

    I got ray tracing. I can take pictures. Just send me the plane/tag me on it.

  • some normal plane 2.8 years ago

    This is way better than my first build! (Not my first uploaded build, the first build I ever made in SP).

  • I need Grandmother's "Map" map 2.8 years ago

    Here's the mod, JamesPlanes got it.

  • Map 2.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Yes it does! Thanks, Mekomara will also see this eventually.

  • Map 2.8 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii That's great! The link doesn't work, it says I need access. Try setting it to "anyone with the link".

  • SimplePlanes as a Flight Sim 2.8 years ago

    @DeveloperKorzalerke Also congrats on gold

  • WHY JUNDROO 2.8 years ago

    So users don't spam posts. It can be quite annoying.

  • Engine Startup 2.8 years ago

    @MrAdhmGamer Sound is using a mod. I did make a tutorial for the engine itself though, which is here.

  • I need suggestions 2.8 years ago

    @Mekomara Good luck!

    If you get stuck, just make the physical parts, send it to me, and I'll do the coding part.

  • I need suggestions 2.8 years ago

    Waypoint system. A working one. Use this guide. The empty panel on the left can be for the display and the one on the right can be the numpad.

  • Basic Wing With Flaps 2.8 years ago

    @CaptFoxworth19 After going through the process of learning how to make something like this, I have come to the conclusion this is a difficult thing to learn how to do. I'm still going to make a tutorial, however it will take quite a while to come out.

  • Basic Wing With Flaps 2.8 years ago

    @CaptFoxworth19 Remember that picture I sent? Here's that picture now.

  • A reminder on how loud this thing actually is 2.8 years ago

    @DeveloperKorzalerke hmmmm

  • When pc broke but you still gonna keep on that ft grind 2.8 years ago

    @Hazerz I'm not "helping" so much, I'm revising the text for improvements in writing.

  • [Not a Teaser] Screenshots data warning 2.8 years ago

    Looks amazing. Take your time with the cockpits, I personally spend months on mine (saying that, I have built a single plane from the update, with another in development).

    Also T.

  • Honda Driver Be Like 2.8 years ago

    hmmm muffler

  • Boeing B-17-G Flying Fortress Aluminum Overcast 2.8 years ago

    @LEDOverCharge My PC specs are these. I'm the one who tested it and flew it, at a measly 30 FPS.

  • Basic Wing With Flaps 2.8 years ago

    @CaptFoxworth19 I half made one a while ago and scrapped it due to inexperience. After I'm done the SWL-120 wing remake, I'll make a tutorial about the whole process. I personally am still learning; this is a basic rectangular wing I made as part of my "lessons" from a friend.

  • Funky Trees! 2.8 years ago

    Random thing, but the link to the PID controller information isn't defined. It just links back here, like the url wasn't pasted in.

  • Just Like A Flight Simulator - SWL-120 Progress Update 2 2.9 years ago

    @Hazerz I know that link, I was talking about the user who asked in the beginning.

  • Basic Wing With Flaps 2.9 years ago


  • moyai 2.9 years ago


  • building habits idk 2.9 years ago

    I use the right side. After I do the initial mirror, I add details from random sides.

  • Useless Box 2.9 years ago

    @Hazerz That's fine, I do realize all the earlier vids were actually part SWL-120 progress updates, and part variables tutorial video. I need to create a more refined tutorial.

    Actually, here's something even better (you'll have to wait a while, I'm not sure when it will be out): Snowflake0s is updating the FT guide to be completely different. I helped refine it, and I can say with confidence it will help you and users like you understand the variables system, as well as all of funky trees.

  • Basic Wing With Flaps 2.9 years ago

    @CaptFoxworth19 Of course it is. In fact I'm building that right now. Here's a picture.

  • Just Like A Flight Simulator - SWL-120 Progress Update 2 2.9 years ago

    @ILoveAirplanes Again, I need to write a paragraph about this in the next big forum update. The plan is for this plane to technically be VR compatible, even if the performance cost is too much. I will also post several different versions, including a flying cockpit. So yes, it will be VR compatible, even if it has too much of a performance impact. So the answer to your question is no, however you can download another version of it to get the cockpit experience.

  • Basic Wing With Flaps 2.9 years ago

    @KDnotSpy I guess it is...

  • Scout Weka but it's only chassis XDDDDD 2.9 years ago

    I get 60 fps all max settings with the original.

  • How to Use the Variables System in SimplePlanes - Part 1 2.9 years ago

    @Hazerz That's not mine, it's one I was adding a startup sequence to for someone.

  • Wing flex problems 2.9 years ago

    How to make wings rigid:
    Step 1: Make the wing which works, with control surfaces and stuff (a default wing)
    Step 2: Open Overload (the plane icon with 2 arrows) and locate the text which says "Wing-(some number)". Change that to Wing-2. You will need to reconnect the wing afterwards.
    Step 3: Rigid wing.

  • List of Planes 2.9 years ago

    @Hazerz mmm... maybe. A lot of them are still new enough where I think they're okay.

  • Mother of God… 2.9 years ago

    But what's the problem?

  • List of Planes 2.9 years ago

    @Hazerz As I was told, put the link to the image (blablabla.png) in the code for a text link, for example: [![](Imagelink)](desired link).

  • Any way to have more than 8 buttons? 2.9 years ago

    Mate, the variables system allows you to make a flight simulator. For example. Upcoming.

  • Graphing Device 2.9 years ago

    @MeuseFlugzeugbau Glad you figured it out. The equation(s) go(es) in the variable setters, in one of the three values.

  • SimplePlanes VR Planned Updates 2.9 years ago

    @CarrotDynamics There is no rule saying that.

  • Boeing-777 200LR 2.9 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming Yes it is...

  • Custom Variable Input 2.9 years ago

    Oh I see.... What is the purpose of the variable setter?
