The reason why people say “ take apart other people's builds to see how they did it”
Is mainly because it’s the easiest way to explain it, the second easiest way is just building for ages and finding what works and doesn’t work.
I don’t see how it could be interesting seeing as you have pointed out that it is pointless and we do already have the abilities to make ships, however I do think it’d be nice if the game had some more stuff that could aid ship builders in, building ships lol
You forgot to add a waffle maker
Only makes waffles
+1Sr-71, XB-70, XF-11, F-117, B-36
Cool submarine with a bouncy castle
+4Lmao I highly doubt sp will die when ksp2 is released
+5Oh awesome @RAF1
+1Can they have V tails?
Or is literally you must have low wings
+1Nah it’s a submarine with a bouncy castle @X99STRIKER
+2Mods were removed from android 2 years ago lol @Bummer
Google said nah to mods @Bummer
+1Tonk go bonk
+2You make a custom one and use FT for the delay of the parachute
+1Lol very fun
When you roll right
The left slat activates
When you roll left
The right slat activates
Toaster thingies
+1What the person below me said
No spaces

That’s a pretty neat looking stone
+1My bad 1.7 years with no aircraft
The reason why people say “ take apart other people's builds to see how they did it”
+2Is mainly because it’s the easiest way to explain it, the second easiest way is just building for ages and finding what works and doesn’t work.
Oh dang @Viper_Z3R0
Mobile sp has been really weird lately lol
+1What the person below me said
I agree with most of that apart from the turrets because you can build naval turrets lol @DaylightsSimpleVehicles
-I didn’t realise until now that i had spelt apart as apparat so that was smart of me lol
I don’t see how it could be interesting seeing as you have pointed out that it is pointless and we do already have the abilities to make ships, however I do think it’d be nice if the game had some more stuff that could aid ship builders in, building ships lol
Yes but no
Chunky rocket box
One problem being time zones lol
+9Water tortoise
+2According to the 2013 song “What does the fox say” a fox either says one of 2 things
+7"Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow” or "Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow”
Yeah that’s it, Hennessy lol @Zeronite
I think it’s more based on how many discord servers you put the builds link in, anyways my last plane I uploaded was at 11am UK I think
I just split the wing into segments and use detachers lol works well enough for me
It’s cursed and somehow not, I need it
Spinny spins
Build a cargo plane idk
+1Nudge the rotor and wing into the plane then
+4(May need to set wing to have no collisions) @Korzalerke
There’s different ways but ye @Korzalerke
+2That’s variable geometry wings and it’s done using rotors @Korzalerke
“I'm restricting to platinum users right now so that it can be tested”
+1-from the forum
+6Very cool