I personally hate the Mig-21 (not saying people cant build just because of me lol), but dang this thing smexy. Very nice performance like all of your builds.
Its simple-ish maths if we use the new accounts that are made each day, if we assume they made it when they bought the game we could work out how many people joined that day. Although its very un-reliable.
It weighs 45,000lbs and the plane had a very dangerous reputation so I don’t think it would be a good idea to test it Landing very hard. (Might do it for other planes though (depending on reputation.)). @TeaKippy
Its not a Teaser.@AsteroidAsteroidTheBook
How dare you make a good looking plane >:(
(Joke, me no bully)
Gun is better, speed go nyoom. @KnightOfRen
Thanks. @DieDieTheLoaf
I personally hate the Mig-21 (not saying people cant build just because of me lol), but dang this thing smexy. Very nice performance like all of your builds.
My bean.
Android wont be able to run any mod similar to this. @nomalnormaltheman
S h e e p.
There we’re actually some german p-47s.
Because they can.
Yes. @UltraLight
Good. @Grandma
Some of this information (all) could be inaccurate. @Grandma
Sheep if they could stand, are taller than humans. @Grandma
Multiplying alien creature. @KennnethLite
Yes accurate.
Ze baby tank
“Although its very un-reliable.” @Numbers
Its simple-ish maths if we use the new accounts that are made each day, if we assume they made it when they bought the game we could work out how many people joined that day. Although its very un-reliable.
Probably 5-8 maybe
Yes I agree cheezits are delicious.
Lol ok. @SavageMan
I can give you the F104 cockpit now (I made one for my F104 but the actual F104 sucks lol).
Lol I like complex interiors. Ill do them mainly because why not (no reward).
Just you.
SP is going slower than a snail
if pitching up becomes awkward remove the big dial in the center
I know. @SavageMan
And your going to get a strike for a false report. :) @KenworthK100TriAxle
Don’t worry the cockpit will make up for the lost parts lol.@russianspy
No I removed most of the engine as no one was going to see the rest. @russianspy
It weighs 45,000lbs and the plane had a very dangerous reputation so I don’t think it would be a good idea to test it Landing very hard. (Might do it for other planes though (depending on reputation.)). @TeaKippy
I don’t understand why I would need to drop it from a height? @TeaKippy
Because rose gold is an easy colour on the eyes. @PapaKernels
Sorry however I do not do tags. @Hellosss38
Do you mean a radial engine?
Shush i know the nose gear kills itself
More details!!
(if possible)
Thank you lol. @MintLynx
Not the actual maus tank @Danidude88
PC mouse @Danidude88
link to kenneths SP2 video
I am the SP2