508 PvtJok3r Comments

  • RSF spider 2.0 years ago

    This thing is awesome. Downloaded it on my iPhone and it ran like a dream, drove it in the dark and noticed the engine bay with parts lit up red which looks cool as f**k! There’s a crazy amount of detail in this car considering it’s only 900 parts, well done sir…

  • MengLong[Test] 2.4 years ago

    Love it. Only downside I see is that it’s soooooooooo nose heavy!

  • The bomb bay doors are fixed, again! 3.4 years ago

    @STDeath it’s cool, you just need to check the connections on the parts. The rotator should be connected to one piece of fuselage and one wing ( because you’ve used wings for the doors) and the door should only be attached to a hinge rotator.

  • Bush Plane 3.4 years ago

    Thanks Beasthunter. Glad you liked it.

  • Bomb bay doors fixed 3.5 years ago

    No problem.

  • Bomb bay doors fixed 3.5 years ago

    @STDeath XML editor. I set the Activation group to “none” the xml edited the input to “Activate1”.

  • Experimental VTOL Test 3.5 years ago

    @Chillybaconface no problem.

  • Experimental VTOL Test 3.5 years ago

    I like it.
    1st, the two rear wings need changing to stop the rear wobbling. Highlight one and open xml editor, change the “wing type” to 2 instead of 3 then you have to reconnect the wings to the plane.

    2nd, the rotators on the wings... change the rotation from 90 to 85 and bump the rotating speed up to 30, this’ll help with the transition a lot.

    3rd (this will help transmission from vtol to flight), highlight the gyro and open the xml editor, open the drop box and choose gyro. Change the stability to 3.5 and the speed to 5. I’d also put the gyro on AG2.

  • FT-75 Azor 3.6 years ago

    I upvoted because it looks cool af!

  • U.S Fighter pack 3.6 years ago

    These “good for A.I” are better to fly than anything I’ve uploaded lol!

  • Aerial Cruiser 2.0 II '200 3.7 years ago

    @Nerfaddict it did not lol. It did however make for great cinematic viewing of me nose diving into the water and sinking the entire ww2 fleet which was probably some 10-15 km away from the cockpit!!!

  • Aerial Cruiser 2.0 II '200 3.7 years ago

    @Nerfaddict granted but I wanted to have a good luck at it and when it was full size I just couldn’t zoom out. I’ll perhaps go make a spawn far enough away and try again.

  • Aerial Cruiser 2.0 II '200 3.7 years ago

    My potato iPhone 6 loaded it, the thing is so gigantic though I couldn’t even see if it was flying, stuck on a mountain or whatever so, I scaled the whole thing down to 0.1, then I scaled it down to 0.1 again and then it fit on my screen lol....

  • Mini custom cockpit 3.8 years ago

    @Ninja15 ok, start with a glass block and attach a single block to the end of it. You’ll need that block to find the glass because you’re about to become a wizard lol. Hi light the glass and open the xml editor. Open the drop down box and select “transparency”, now the next bit I can’t remember all the names so I’ll just list the value to enter in order...
    Then press ok(tick)
    You’re glass block should be invisible, if not open xml again and change the transparency back to 3.4 as is sometimes resets itself back to 1. When you’ve done that open paint and change to “custom” colours. Paint it any colour then scroll down, you should find 2 more slide bars, metallic and smoothness. Play with those until you find something you like

  • Mini custom cockpit 3.8 years ago

    @Ninja15 you can get some mental colours, just open paint menu and hi light a section of glass, then just play with the sliders.@Ninja15

  • AH-56 CHEYENNE 3.8 years ago

    This is cool!

  • AF-12 'Frelon' Fighter 3.8 years ago

    Try these for the landing gear.
    floor(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear),0.75)). It might have just been my phone running it at 1 frame per day but the delay between the doors opening and the gear lowering seemed quite long. This is a massive part count for my phone and I had to reload it twice just to load the runway so someone else might tell you different.

  • Funky Trees! 3.8 years ago

    @L0RR3B0RR3 thought you might but if someone else stumbles upon this thread looking for the same answer at least it’s there lol.

  • Funky Trees! 3.8 years ago

    @L0RR3B0RR3 on the rotator for the wheel type - ceil(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear),0.75))
    On the rotator for the door type - floor(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear),0.75))

  • Air MAMOTH Project Testing 3.9 years ago

    @Harisss no problem.

  • Air MAMOTH Project 6 Plss FIX this Wing :( 3.9 years ago

    @Harisss don’t know if you’ve seen it yet but it actually flies pretty well for it’s size.

  • Air MAMOTH Project 6 Plss FIX this Wing :( 3.9 years ago

    @Harisss I’ll do it now and re upload it.

  • Air MAMOTH Project 6 Plss FIX this Wing :( 3.9 years ago

    Highlight each wing and open xml editor and where it says “wing type-3” change the 3 to a 2. You’ll have to reconnect the wings afterwards though.

  • H-2 3.9 years ago

    It looks cool, flies kinda strange though and I not sure why the gyros are connected to rotators.

  • GR-AC 01 Block II 3.9 years ago

    Yessir you can have my vote without me even taking it out for a spin yet.

  • Funky tree help 3.9 years ago

    @Ruvien0Republic0Officer that worked fine, just had to add a - before the clamp for the opposite side so they spun the same way when activated. Thank you 🙏

  • F-7H2 3.9 years ago

    For the front landing gear try this input...
    On the gear piston type; ceil(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear),0.75))
    On the gear door piston type ; floor(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear),0.75))
    Your current setting seems to leave a long pause between gear up and door closing. Other than that and the fact that my POS phone runs it laggy as f* I really like the plane!

  • GR-HV 02 Visl 3.9 years ago

    Awesome as per usual and only 83 parts to boot so even my potato can run it without a hitch.

  • Orange Patriot mtb frame 4.0 years ago

    Thanks Ergithemobilef

  • Orange Patriot mtb frame 4.0 years ago

    Well thank you Hg1yt.

  • what can i do to improve this 4.0 years ago

    Use this frame

  • Help, why isn't this four link working?? 4.0 years ago

    Go through every rotator and make sure the “input” is “disabled”

  • CycloMidge Cyclocopter 4.0 years ago

    Pilot pal is fun but for me the best bit of this build is such a ridiculous detail that most people will probably overlook it... yes the moving pedals and joystick are awesome, as too is the work you put into those crazy blades but the best bit by far is...... the black tie holding the exhaust pipe to the boom(?) support.

  • J.13 Bluebird 4.0 years ago

    20th upvote. Don’t know why I felt the need to point that out, makes me sound 8 rather than 38. Any way, nice plane dude.

  • Engine Types: Part 3 (Types of Jet Engine) 4.1 years ago

    It’s literally just turned 1:30 in the AM (UK time) as I started writing this, I’ve made it to level 3 in the jet engine saga and I gotta say that for an uneducated spud like me, I’ve learned some sh*t tonight! I am a bit gutted that Thrust Vectoring will have to wait until tomorrow but ya know, sleep... Thank you Squirrel for managing to do what 11 years worth of teachers couldn’t all that time ago, you’ve made education bearable, just..

  • NorthAmerikan_P-51C-10 4.1 years ago

    I saw a model someone had made in a Facebook group which was literally this, a plane with the wings removed and a huge v8 in the rear section. It looked the muts nuts so I recreated it...

  • Funky Trees Lab 4.1 years ago

    @SnoWFLakEs oh yeah, the big blue writing lol...

  • Why don’t people test their creations before posting them 4.1 years ago

    I’ve downloaded a few planes that were visually stunning but flew worse than Noah’s ark with da vinci’s first flying machine design tacked on (possible build there for someone)!!! My personal pet hate are the ones that roll excessively....

  • Funky Trees Lab 4.1 years ago

    I can’t decide if that was a “man crush” rant or proof that “interwebbing when you drunk” is a bad bad idea. Anyway, is there a link to this discord because even though my coding experience amounts to 1 big fat 0 and the best funk of tree I can produce is for gear and door timing, I do like funky trees and would be interested in trying to get my somewhat broken brain around something a bit more complex than “floor(smooth(clamp01(LandingGear),0.25))”.

  • NorthAmerikan_P-51C-10 4.1 years ago

    Thanks sarnnox

  • CH-47YSJ1 4.1 years ago

    Apart from the 4 massive jet engines lol@CaptainRex123

  • NorthAmerikan_P-51C-10 4.1 years ago

    Don’t be afraid to leave a comment or an upvote...!

  • Stealthcat-F190-MD5 4.1 years ago

    Cool plane although that camera on the winch is irritating lol.

  • Help me with my Thrust Vectoring 4.1 years ago

    Set the motion range to 30 and the speed to 50%. Fine tune it from there

  • Condor Aviation Kite FGR.3 4.1 years ago

    I generally stay away from planes with this many parts because of my potato phone but thought I’d give this a go, wow! My crappy iPhone 6 ran this smooth as butter and it’s awesome. Well done sir, take my vote, it’s well deserved.

  • Danidude88 4.1 years ago

    No prop-lemo....🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Pls help 4.1 years ago

    I’ve done it and reposted it with your username as the title.

  • NE-50 4.2 years ago

    You got the upvote but next time maybe a warning about the cockpit getting fired off into the distance would be nice lol.

  • How to Reverse this Funky Trees Input 4.2 years ago

    I know this is an old post but try these...
    I forget which goes on which but it’s what I’ve used in the past and it works perfectly.

  • Bomber/interceptor 4.2 years ago

    @titchbickler123 yeah I noticed, those jet engines are heavy as fck, get rid of some and that 65,000 kg behemoth will be a feather in comparison lol