456 RCS10 Comments

  • F-14 Tomcat (Realistic Performance) 11 months ago

    I'm wayyyy late but... as per the title, I am commenting on the realism. Flight characteristics are overall better than a lot of SP builds however, realistically the wing sweep was automatic. This can be achieved by using funky trees. Pitch authority is excellent and seemingly realistic at higher speeds but too diminished at low speeds, which can also be improved with funky trees. Lastly is acceleration, which is a common problem native to SP but once again can be made much more realistic with the use of funky trees and multiple engines. Having said that, overall very cool build.

  • Hawk 1.4 years ago

    @LunarEclipseSP Yes! like the wasp and the helleska

  • SimplePlanes 2 — What do YOU want to see? one month ago

    Realistically I'd be happy with better features for painting. Like custom textures, text (improved from the "cockpit advanced" subset) and the ability to have multiple custom coats (camo for example) would be great! A few more advanced stock parts for each subset, maybe ad some first person effects as a camera option (GLOC=True) or some kind of shaking/inertial effect for example. Nothing too crazy.

    If the developers weren't limited by the constraints of reality...

    This being the first step in a fully integrated real world physics simulation including all types of vehicles, structures, earthworks etc. I think it would be cool to build my own roads or map, trains, cars, boats, airplanes, LTA aircraft, spacecraft (new origins style of course) etc. and then have the option to build my own infrastructure along with it. As someone else had said, more customizable weapons would be nice too.

  • Slow acceleration with high top speed??? 11 months ago

    Idk how to "lock" a top speed but more realistic acceleration isn't too hard as long as it's a jet. You'll want to xml mod the engine(s). go to the drop down and select engine. In the left column add "throttleResponse" and in the right column you can input a number to affect the spool time of that engine. for example a "throttleResponse" of 1 will be almost instantaneous while a smaller (further right of the decimal) will slow spool time. 0.04 is used on the Wasp. lower decimals will be slower yet. Now the trick to this is to stack multiple engines with different properties to get the exact performance you're looking for. I use one (or two or more symmetrically on multi-engine builds) for a certain throttle spectrum, then another with a faster throttleResponse for afterburning, for example. What isn't great is that the engines spool down as slow or fast as they spool up. To counter this, I use xml modded airbrakes for more realistic deceleration. For example, in the input for the airbrake I'll use Throttle<x and also stack multiple airbrakes for realistic deceleration. Hope this helps.

  • North American T-6 Texan 50k 1.3 years ago

    great build!

  • SimplePlanes 2 FAQ one month ago

    More features in the "paint" subset would be top tier. It's own text option, custom shapes or stencil effects, multiple texture options etc. Maybe a few more advanced stock parts, like a basic fighter HUD or similar features. I'm excited!

  • X-05 FlyByWire (updated) 11 months ago

    Hey, this build is the coolest thing I've ever seen. This is also the first build I've seen make so much use of the variable setter feature. Could you possibly give me a lead on how to start using this feature in depth? I thought I understood it but upon seeing your work, I realize I have a very limited understanding. I've never seen bodyLift employed for example. This seems way beyond the funky trees guide etc. Thanks in advance!

  • G Limiter 11 months ago

    I just made a post about this, but try adding this to the fcs you're using for pitch.


    x=max airspeed you want 1/10th deflection (hence 0.1)

    y= min airspeed you want full deflection (1)

    This won't cause any weird oscillations like some other G limiting strings can.

  • Grumman F-14B "Tomcat" USAF ADCOM Interceptor 11 months ago

    @TheAviator77 Thanks! here it is.


  • Grumman F-14B "Tomcat" USAF ADCOM Interceptor 11 months ago

    @TheAviator77 I figured it all out. Also re-liveried it. Would you mind if I post it with credit to you?

  • Grumman F-14B "Tomcat" USAF ADCOM Interceptor one year ago

    This is the best looking F-14 that I can actually download and I love it! I couldn't help but fix the slats (or stabs? idk). The left side was connected to the airbrake, probably from mirroring as you had mentioned. The big problem I'm having seems to be asymmetric lift. I've checked all the hidden wings (slats, mid aircraft, stabilators and nose) and all seem to be symmetric. Any Ideas? Besides that, 10/10.

  • Hawk 1.4 years ago

    @32 Thanks!

  • VTOL Engine question 1.4 years ago

    @TheFlightGuySP that's what I was afraid of. Thanks for the info!

  • Light sport Gyro 3.7 years ago

    Thank you! @DavidFlint513cf

  • Ryan FR Fireball 4.3 years ago

    @PercisionVehicleReplicas I guess I don’t know what you mean by literally copied Dark Skies? It’s just a mini-doc series about airplanes? Sorry I’m confused

  • Ryan FR Fireball 4.4 years ago

    @PercisionVehicleReplicas I love Dark Skies/ Dark Docs! I got the idea for the skin from google, leaving out the squadron markings. Also my name is Ryan so naturally I’ve always payed some attention to Ryan Aircraft lol

  • XML Questions (iOS) 4.4 years ago

    @XP This is excellent! Thank you!!

  • XB-40 5.1 years ago

    Thanks, I think 😃 @AwesomeAir

  • Fairchild C-82 Packet long range best 5.9 years ago

    It’s looking good dude!

  • Copycat 5.9 years ago

    @LightMindedJedi That will be awesome!! I believe you’d also be the first to do so if I’m not mistaken. I’ll be excited to fly it. Good luck with your build!!

  • Copycat 5.9 years ago

    @LightMindedJedi yeah dude been flying it for a week, it works fine 🤙