@AndrewGarrison put an option to remove the flight data that the screen already shows in the game for which we are going to make aviomes with cabin and only leave the trim and the VTOL
@MobileBuilder21 This doesn't happen just for SP2; it already happens in Simpleplanes. It's a feature I add to many of my planes, including this P-51. I only connect half of the wing with a rotator to the other half, achieving this effect, or losing half of a wing in combat, like in War Thunder
@MAHADI Without load it can reach more than 580 km/h at sea level and at 8000 meters it reaches its top speed, which would be about 705 km/h more or less. I haven't flown this one in a long time
@miloeid14 reach 700 km/h at sea level and 900 km/h at high altitude, you have to gain energy first and then start the climb, first generation jets had high top speed but slow acceleration
make an extra map that is downloadable and that is very large with several airports since in the game we mostly see water
+16update simpleplans and add maps for mobile mobile devices, it's boring to see only sea, my cell phone is powerful and can support them.
+11When will simpleplans be updated and when will they add more maps for mobile devices? it's boring to see only sea
+9We need maps on Android, it's boring to walk in the sea and all your maps were fine for me
+9@AndrewGarrison put an option to remove the flight data that the screen already shows in the game for which we are going to make aviomes with cabin and only leave the trim and the VTOL
+9Update simpleplanes
Update simpleplanes
Update simpleplanes
Update simpleplanes
+7leave it for android too, my cell phone can handle it
+7Very good, Could you make a version that starts the engine automatically? I want to use as AI
+6When simpleplanes update?
+4Whe simpleplanes2 trailer 2?
+3Make a map with a large terrain and plains. I am bored of seeing so much water
+3add two types of pilots, one from WW2 and one from jets
+3@MobileBuilder21 This doesn't happen just for SP2; it already happens in Simpleplanes. It's a feature I add to many of my planes, including this P-51. I only connect half of the wing with a rotator to the other half, achieving this effect, or losing half of a wing in combat, like in War Thunder
+2When another trailer of Simpleplanes 2?
+2@Trainzo @WinsWings @Christiant2 thanks bros
+2@F8boa @WinsWings thanks brothers
+2When New update in simpleplanes?
+2@Cristoferlelex thanks brotherz I am making a Harrier FRS 1, only the cabin is missing
+2When update in simpleplanes?
+2make more models, I need this. ww2, cold war and modern war
+2@DameTheMobileFriendly @indonesia87 @Freerider2142 thanks bros
+2@KUBI yes
+2@AdmiralWheatman F-4 Phantom and Mig 21
+2@KerlonceauxIndustries @MiiWini @PapaKernels thanks bros
+2@Sovietstrike333 @FinnAurora @Hira629 thanks mens
+2@Blue0Bull @Guiso thanks brothers
+2Boeing 727 and 787 parts😂
+2@edensk muchas gracias amigo
+2@Tang0five hehe, thanks
+2@belugasub hehe thank you. I wanted it to look like this
+2@Galland yeah, i make other version more powerful
+2@Mustang51 yeah brother!
+2@QuantumSpecter @Mustang51 thanks brothers!
+2@Mustang51 @Bife @emanuelga gracias amigos
+2Hey man, contact me, I have a teamwork proposal for you.
+1Is so beautiful
+1When Simpleplanes2?
+1@MAHADI thaaaaaaaaaanks
+1Thank you very much brother, I will always participate in your challenges
+1@MAHADI Without load it can reach more than 580 km/h at sea level and at 8000 meters it reaches its top speed, which would be about 705 km/h more or less. I haven't flown this one in a long time
+1@Fancygun mmmm i try
+1T, All
+1@ccc12345 @MobileBuilder21 @Walvis thanks brothers
+1@Ku Yes do it. I want to see that
+1@ItsYosannCOMBATworks02@WinsWings @MobileBuilder21 @XxRxX @L0RR3B0RR3 thanks brothers
+1@miloeid14 reach 700 km/h at sea level and 900 km/h at high altitude, you have to gain energy first and then start the climb, first generation jets had high top speed but slow acceleration
+1Bro, this is next level