15.0k Rodrigo110 Comments

  • People Of Simpleplanes What is your opinion on coffee? 3.4 years ago

    You can't generalise like that - good quality coffee is actually very, very healthy for you in moderation. @Mostly

  • What is your favorite build on this site? 3.4 years ago

    Lmao everyone just thinks their own is the best

  • Am I the only one who wished they grew up in the 50’s? 3.5 years ago

    @F104Deathtrap No more rough than it is now considering almost half the worlds population is below the poverty line

  • It's possible to make an aeroPLANE out of just 3 parts! No Gyro! No bugs! 3.5 years ago

    Yeah I know - it was just a joke. But technically if you take what he's saying at face value he's going to 'male' a plane, not make a plane male. @HappyFeetWhyshouldi

  • It's possible to make an aeroPLANE out of just 3 parts! No Gyro! No bugs! 3.5 years ago

    @Kennneth I imagine the shipping costs must be pretty high for that

  • Am I the only one who wished they grew up in the 50’s? 3.5 years ago

    It's been like that for all of human history and in all likelihood it always will be @spefyjerbf

  • About criticism. 3.6 years ago

    Finally someone with sense. People always seem to take comfortable lies over uncomfortable truths - something that’s incredibly damaging and will always end up worse in the long run.

  • Should I change my name to this? 3.6 years ago

    Yes you can ask for advice - and the questions tab is for people to ask questions. But that doesn't mean that asking the community whether you should do something as irrelevant or mundane as change your name is just such a weird thing to do. Can you not make small scale decisions by yourself? @KnightOfRen

  • Should I change my name to this? 3.6 years ago

    I think... you need to learn to make basic decisions by yourself

  • Ok boomer [teaser] 3.6 years ago

    Don't bring something up if you don't have the facilities to talk about it. Anyway, it's irrelevant if the post gets deleted now - everyone who was going to see it has now seen it... @AsteroidAsteroidTheBook

  • What is your IRL nickname and why 3.6 years ago

    Explosive in more ways than one? ;)

  • Ok boomer [teaser] 3.6 years ago

    The sites rules are an absolute joke as well - "if you talk about religion or politics then there is a good chance that your post will be removed. Especially if we feel that it is likely to stir up debate." Debating ideas and ideologies is literally how societies move forward and how people can discuss and talk about interesting topics. Why on earth would you EVER want to stop that from happening? If an idea is sound then it can stand up to scrutiny, and if it is not sound then it will fall apart under scrutiny - so it will do it's absolute best to stifle any probing questions.

  • Ok boomer [teaser] 3.6 years ago

    True objectivity is a philosophical matter, and the discussion of how religions are incompatible with western society has become politicised but in essence is not political at all. @AsteroidAsteroidTheBook

  • Ok boomer [teaser] 3.6 years ago

    Political correctness has no pros, and I know that sounds like a perspective that is overly simplistic and lacks nuance but hear me out. How can you possibly saying that objectively hate is wrong? I hate terrorists and therefore will say it if anyone asks - is that wrong? In the Quran there are many verses alluding to killing those who are not Muslim. Is it therefore wrong of me to say I hate the religion of Islam? The religion that murders homosexuals, claims that a woman is worth half of a man and justifies the murder of those who do not submit to Allah. Christianity isn't exempt either - it too supports the murder of homosexuals and the eternal burning in hell of those who don't believe in God... it's not as bad as Islam but it's still incompatible with Western Values. You have a right to say what you feel, nobody should have right to not be offended - political correctness is a plague on free speech and reasonable debate. @AsteroidAsteroidTheBook

  • Ocean Mod updated. 3.6 years ago

    So it's just too much work then @Gestour

  • Ocean Mod updated. 3.6 years ago

    Oh so the sliders save but the buttons don't? Any plans to add that in later or is just too much work? @Gestour

  • Ocean Mod updated. 3.6 years ago

    Also, unrelated but a mod which enhances bullets might be a cool idea (make the physical bullet look like it's bright, add small, quickly diffusing trails of smoke following the bullet, make the bullet impact look more significant than a small cloud of dust... etc).

  • Ocean Mod updated. 3.6 years ago

    I've discovered a small issue. When I set the ocean to foam at the shore and not come inland and save that - when I next come back into the sandbox that particular setting isn't saved, although the rest of them are.

  • SP's Community Review (October 2020) 3.7 years ago

    I agree - and it's nice to see you again :)

  • Steam Tank 4.0 years ago

    Absolutely amazing job on the angled decals!

  • Giorgini F1-2020GP-A (Mobius Motorsport) 4.0 years ago

    Really cool looking, nice job @Mage2IsTriggered

  • MMC “Juggler” 4.0 years ago

    I'm really sorry, I had lots of problems with autocorrecting when I was writing down the names to be tagged. :( @DClass

  • Dassault Mirage F1 4.0 years ago

    Oh of course, there was lots of drama and stuff but I just mean the positive side of it. @DarthAbhinav

  • Submarine Challenge Winners and Entries. 4.0 years ago

    Well I understand but I created my most recent creation on an extremely slow early 2009 iMac and that has 955 parts. @typeZERO

  • Submarine Challenge Winners and Entries. 4.0 years ago

    They aren't exclusive to each other - something ideally can be both aesthetically pleasing and functional. I'm not saying your design isn't aesthetically pleasing because I think its pretty nice looking, its just that 2nd place edges it out for me in that department. @typeZERO

  • Submarine Challenge Winners and Entries. 4.0 years ago

    Well yeah but what's the point in anything if it's not pretty? ;D @typeZERO

  • Warhammer Fantasy: steam tank {teaser #2} 4.0 years ago

    T, it looks amazing!

  • passaro branco 4.0 years ago

    Ótimo! Vou gostar quando se trata! @Braddock

  • passaro branco 4.0 years ago

    Hey this is really cool! I really want to spotlight it but I can't as I've done too many today. I'll come back tomorrow and spotlight it.

  • very cool 4.0 years ago

    Jelly hasn't made a SP video in about 4 years right? @6michelcools

  • MMC “Juggler” 4.0 years ago

    Yeah they definitely are! @theeunknown

  • The Edge of SP 4.0 years ago

    Damn that description was so beautiful...

  • MMC “Juggler” 4.0 years ago

    Yeah my early 2009 iMac was literally running at about 1 frame every 2 seconds when I cranked the graphics to get the screenshot so I wasn't able to get one as good as I wanted. My new iMac is coming in about a month though so my next project should be better than ever before! @theeunknown

  • Dassault Mirage F1 4.0 years ago

    Oh I remember back in the day everyone went crazy about the Crusader. There were people trying to make planes to defeat it and stuff like that... good times.

  • It's Here! The F-101A Voodoo 4.0 years ago

    A phenomenal job on this one! Well done!

  • heres a little gift for you guys 4.0 years ago

    You know that you can change your gravatar to any image you want right?

  • Some photos I took 4.0 years ago

    Haha yeah fair enough. I reckon the best way to learn about a hobby is to watch youtube videos about it... you slowly learn all about lenses, apertures, brands... ect. You eventually learn all the technicalities and 'lingo' of the hobby. Just sort of get into the photography community as a whole. @Jerba

  • Anyone want me to take photos of their/a craft? 4.0 years ago

    Yeah, this guys screenshots are great!

  • My very very very very First Plane! 4.0 years ago

    On the bright side the only possible direction from this is up

  • Terrifying Moments As PooLiner Engine Fails: Flight 20 4.0 years ago

    Interesting that a flight from Bandit to Yeager takes over 5 hours despite the fact they are on the same island, extremely close to each other.

  • Some photos I took 4.0 years ago

    Well done! These look great! Clearly got a good eye for photography.

  • RJ-DeHavilland Werewolf (Mahadi 2nd entry) 4.0 years ago

    Great job on the sleek slopes without making the part count too high!

  • Submarine Challenge Winners and Entries. 4.0 years ago

    I have to say to me the sub in 2nd position looks significantly better than the one in 1st.

  • Mitsubishi G6M2 "Tracy" with 800kg torpedo 4.0 years ago

    Is this the second time you've uploaded this?

  • Mod suggestions. 4.0 years ago

    I’d love a mod which just improves the games graphics. Makes the terrain look less blurry and weird, some nice reflections in the sea, make the explosions look a bit more natural... etc

  • Detailed Truck + Full Interior! (Final Teaser!) Coming Tomorrow 4.0 years ago

    Well this truck is definitely fictional but I could have subconsciously drawn inspiration from somewhere. @NightmareCorporation

  • Detailed Truck + Full Interior! (Final Teaser!) Coming Tomorrow 4.0 years ago

    They are part of a mod, so only available on PC or Mac.@HitBigSam23

  • [TEASER] New F1 Car coming out tommorow! 4.0 years ago

    Nice work man! Tag me

  • Coming soon. 4.0 years ago

    Online more often?... it doesn't seem like it :( @Johnnyboy9